
International project leadership program.
International project leadership program.

International project leadership program.

About the training

This program teaches you how to be a great project leader no matter the industry. We’ll focus on your personal development and growth. You’ll learn how to better communicate and motivate your colleagues. You’ll also learn how to facilitate meetings to get the best outcome, and you’ll get tools to navigate through conflicts.

Tailored for employees in international businesses, this program aims to address challenges and needs that arise in diverse work environments.

We’ll delve into essential project management principles, covering communication, team motivation, meeting facilitation, and conflict resolution – all crucial elements for success in a project management role.

After completing the course, you’ll have a strong understanding of what it means to be a project manager. You’ll be able to navigate and communicate effectively in a multicultural work environment. Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to network with other international colleagues and exchange experiences and challenges.


Learning method

During the training, we blend theory with practical learning. In addition to traditional teaching, there will be case studies and practical exercises. You’ll ...%%%

... spend a lot of the time being actively involved, so you can train your acquired skills right away. You should be prepared to participate actively and engage in group work. Years of experience tells us, that this provides you with the very best learning experience


Who is the course for?

This program is a personal development course for (a) Nordic project managers working for success on international projects and (b) for expatriate project managers working for success in Nordic countries. . Whether you’re a project manager on one or on several projects, a contract manager, client consultant, architect, engineer, or a specialist with designated project management tasks, this program will boost your internatonal project leadership skills.


Step up your leadership: specialized course for project managers in construction

Are you employed in the construction industry? Then you have a special opportunity to expand your skills with an extra course day focusing on legal agreements in Danish construction. By combining this education with the course the legal agreements in Danish construction for project managers, you get a tailored education that is specifically aimed at your needs and challenges as a project manager in the construction industry.

You will learn about AB 18, ABT 18, and ABR 18. You will be equipped to handle the legal challenges that arise in a construction project as a project manager. The course covers important topics such as contract preparation, risk management, and effective contract administration.

Sign up now and take an important step in your professional development within the construction industry. Seize the chance to become a more skilled and sought-after project manager! Read more and sign up here.

If you are a Danish employee in the construction industry and want to develop your leadership skills, you may instead choose to attend our Danish version of the program, byggeriets projektlederuddannelse (only for people in the construction industry).



The International project leadership program is conducted in English.


Max. 24 participants per session!

We believe that learning is enhanced when there is a proper mix of presentations, trainings, dialogue and closeinteraction between instructors and participants. That’s why we limit each group to a maximum of 24 participants. This ensures instructors have time to provide you with individual attention, and you have more opportunities to ask questions, share experiences, and engage in dialogues. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

%%%Mere end 15 års international erfaring
Nohrcon så dagens lys den 1. februar 2002 i København, da adm. direktør Jesper Nøhr Kjærsig startede firmaet, og det har dermed mere end 15 års erfaring med at udvikle og afholde specialiserede, professionelle arrangementer – primært inden for to segmenter, som dog ofte hænger nært sammen: udbud og byggeri.
Nohrcon har siden konsolideret sig som den førende aktør på markedet for kurser om udbudsret og entrepriseret og konferencer om fremtidens byggeri. Vi har stadig base i København, men afholder også arrangementer i Norge, Sverige, Tyskland og Frankrig – og uddeler bl.a. priserne Årets skolebyggeri, Årets sundhedsbyggeri, Årets kontorbyggeri, og Årets idrætsbyggeri.

International project leadership program.

21.899,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30