Teknologisk Institut

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Finance and Operations Apps (ERP) [MB-920T00]
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Finance and Operations Apps (ERP) [MB-920T00]

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Finance and Operations Apps (ERP) [MB-920T00]


Få en bred introduktion til finansierings- og driftsfunktioner i Dynamics 365. Du bliver fortrolig med konceptet enterprise resource management (ERP) samt økonomi- og driftsapps, herunder Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, Dynamics 365 Finance, Dynamics 365 Commerce , Dynamics 365 Human Resources og ERP-funktionerne i Dynamics 365 Project Operations.

Dette kursus er for alle som gerne vil have en grundlæggende introduktion til Finance and Operations Apps muligheder i Dynamics 365.

Beskrivelse af funktionerne i Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Beskrivelse af funktionerne i Dynamics 365 Finance
Beskrivelse af funktionerne i Dynamics 365 Commerce
Beskrivelse af funktionerne i Dynamics 365 Human Resources
Beskrivelse af funktionerne i Dynamics 365 Project Operations (ERP)


Module 1: Learn the Fundamentals of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

This module covers the basic concepts of enterprise resource management and what the finance and operations apps have in common before diving into Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. We begin with the standard marketing business processes and how Marketing addresses those. Then we examine the product capabilities. Finally, we cover additional marketing apps such as LinkedIn Campaign ...%%%

... Manager, Dynamics 365 Customer Voice and Dynamics 365 Customer Insights.- Get introduced to the finance and operations apps

- Identify general capabilities of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
- Explore warehouse and inventory capabilities in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
- Explore manufacturing strategies in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
- Explore asset management capabilities in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

Module 2: Learn the Fundamentals of Dynamics 365 Finance

In this module we take a look at Dynamics 365 Finance. We will cover core capabilities of the product before focusing on general ledger, accounts payable and accounts receivable. Next, we explore expense management and budgeting in Dynamics 365 Finance.

- Explore Dynamics 365 Finance core capabilities
- Explore general ledger
- Explore accounts payable and accounts receivable
- Explore expense management, fixed asset management, and budgeting

Module 3: Learn the Fundamentals of Dynamics 365 Commerce

In this module we take a look at Dynamics 365 Commerce. We will cover core capabilities of the product before turning our attention to Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection and its capabilities.

- Explore Dynamics 365 Commerce capabilities
- Explore Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection

Module 4: Learn the Fundamentals of Dynamics 365 Human Resources

In this module we take a look at Dynamics 365 Human Resources. We will cover core capabilities of the product before turning our attention to the personnel management capabilities of the product.

- Explore Dynamics 365 Human Resources core capabilities
- Explore the personnel management capabilities

Module 5: Learn the Fundamentals of Dynamics 365 Project Operations (ERP)

In this module we take a look at the enterprise resource capabilities of Dynamics 365 Project Operations. We will cover the project lifecycle as well as the project planning and execution apabilities of the product.

- Identify project lifecycle management capabilities in Dynamics 365 Project Operations
- Explore the project planning and execution capabilities of Dynamics 365 Project Operations

Dette kursus er rettet mod eksamen MB-920 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Finance and Operations Apps. Eksamen bestilles og betales særskilt. Ved beståelse opnås certificeringen Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Finance and Operations Apps.

Microsoft skriver om denne eksamen:

This exam covers the features and capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics 365 finance and operations apps.
Candidates for this exam should have general knowledge of or relevant working experience in an Information Technology (IT) environment. They should also have a fundamental understanding of financial principles and business operations.

Læs mere om IT-certificering

Microsoft Software Assurance Vouchere
Kurset kan betales med 2 SA-vouchere. De skal dog være reserveret senest den 30. juni 2021.

Undervisningen varetages af en erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere

Dette kursus er for alle som gerne vil have en grundlæggende introduktion til Finance and Operations Apps og muligheder i Dynamics 365.

Få en bred introduktion til finansierings- og driftsfunktioner i Dynamics 365. Du bliver fortrolig med konceptet enterprise resource management (ERP) samt økonomi- og driftsapps, herunder Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, Dynamics 365 Finance, Dynamics 365 Commerce , Dynamics 365 Human Resources og ERP-funktionerne i Dynamics 365 Project Operations.

Forstå de grundlæggende muligheder i Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations apps
Beskrivelse af funktionerne i Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Beskrivelse af funktionerne i Dynamics 365 Finance
Beskrivelse af funktionerne i Dynamics 365 Commerce
Beskrivelse af funktionerne i Dynamics 365 Human Resources
Beskrivelse af funktionerne i Dynamics 365 Project Operations (ERP)

Certificering Dette kursus anbefales som forberedelse til certificeringen Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Fundamentals ERP.Du skal bestå eksamen MB-920 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentas ERP for at opnå certificeringen. Du skal bestille og betale din eksamen særskilt.
Microsoft skriver om denne eksamen:

This exam measures your ability to describe the following: Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management; Dynamics 365 Finance; Dynamics 365 Commerce; Dynamics 365 Human Resources; Dynamics 365 Project Operations; and the finance and operations core functionality.
This exam covers the features and capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics 365 finance and operations apps.
Candidates for this exam should have general knowledge of or relevant working experience in an Information Technology (IT) environment. They should also have a fundamental understanding of financial principles and business operations.

Bemærk: at selvom dette kursus er tilpasset til eksamen MB-920, indeholder det muligvis ikke alle de oplysninger, der kræves for at bestå eksamenen. I henhold til Microsofts vejledning anbefales yderligere selvstudium og praktisk erfaring ud over deltagelse i dette kursus.

Læs mere om IT-certificering.

Module 1: Explore the core capabilities of Dynamics 365 finance and operations apps

This module introduces learners to the set of products and core capabilities shared by the finance and operations apps. You also learn about core shared capabilities, including reporting and integration.

- Describe finance and operations apps
- Create reporting and integration in finance and operations apps

Module 2: Learn the fundamentals of Dynamics 365 Finance

This module will introduce learners to the Dynamics 365 Finance application. Learn about the core capabilities, general ledgers, accounts payable and accounts receivable as well as expense management, fixed asset management and budgeting.

- Describe Dynamics 365 Finance core capabilities
- Describe the general ledger in Dynamics 365 Finance
- Describe accounts payable and accounts receivable in dynamics 365
- Explore expense management, fixed asset management, and budgeting

Module 3: Learn the fundamentals of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

This module introduces learners to the Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management applications. Youll learn about the core functionality of the product as well as a discussion of warehouse and inventory capabilities and how it works leveraging different manufacturing strategies.

- Describe the general capabilities of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
- Describe warehouse and inventory capabilities
- Describe manufacturing strategies in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

Module 4: Learn the fundamentals of Dynamics 365 Commerce

This module introduces learners to Dynamics 365 Commerce. You will be introduced to the core capabilities of the application, such as channels and channel management, distributed order management as well as business-to-business (B2B) capabilities.

- Describe Dynamics 365 Commerce capabilities
- Describe Dynamics 365 Commerce Clienteling capabilities and Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection

Module 5: Learn the fundamentals of Dynamics 365 Human Resources

This module introduces learners to the Dynamics 365 Human Resources application. Learn about core human resources capabilities as compensation and benefits, compliance management, performance management and personnel management.

- Describe Dynamics 365 Human Resources core capabilities
- Describe personnel management capabilities in Dynamics 365 Human Resources

Module 6: Learn the fundamentals of Dynamics 365 Project Operations

This module introduces learners to the Dynamics 365 Project Operations application. Learn about the project life cycle management capabilities of the product, as well as project planning and execution capabilities.

- Identify project life cycle management capabilities in Dynamics 365 Project Operations
- Describe the project planning and execution capabilities of 365 Project Operations

Bemærk: Indhold for dette kursus tilpasses løbende af Microsoft for at følge med den løbende teknologiske udvikling, der kan derfor ske ændringer af kursusindhold uden varsel.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Finance and Operations Apps (ERP) [MB-920T00]

5.499,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30
