VAT training in the Nordics
VAT training in the Nordics

VAT training in the Nordics

Basic training in English for residents and non-residents on VAT in the Nordics. Learn about the VAT rules in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.

PwC Nordics is organizing a basic VAT training course in English for staff of accounting, tax, finance and logistics departments of resident and non-resident companies, whose day-to-day tasks involve the VAT treatment of transactions and who would therefore benefit from an in-depth review of the relevant VAT rules. The Nordics in this context cover Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.

This course will cover the general rules of VAT recovery, including special rules for entertainment and employee benefits in kind. It will also outline foreign VAT refund options and special reporting obligations for purchases from abroad. During the course you will get an overview of the rules for re-invoicing expenses and potential problems with out-of-pocket expenses. Additionally, the course will cover the general rules ...


... for charging or not charging Nordics VAT, including place of supply rules, zero rates, and exemptions. You will also learn how to determine the date when transactions must be reported and special reporting obligations for cross-border chain supplies of goods. The course will provide a complete overview of the variety of issues companies may experience in different purchase and sales scenarios, including with respect to cross-border transactions and place of supply rules.

%%%I PwC arbejder vi som det førende revisions-, rådgivnings- og skattehus i Danmark for at styrke tilliden i samfundet og løse væsentlige problemstillinger.

Sammen med vores kunder finder vi løsninger på de udfordringer, der står øverst på det private erhvervslivs og det offentliges agenda. Vi er 2.500 medarbejdere og partnere, som brænder for at gøre en positiv forskel for kunder og kolleger. Globalt er vi næsten 280.000 PwC'ere, og i Danmark er vi markedsledende. Mød os over hele landet. Vi er der, hvor du er.

Succes skaber vi sammen …

VAT training in the Nordics

109.090,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30