Explore your role as a leader and develop your leadership skills
This course takes your personal leadership role as its starting point. We look at both your personal and professional background and qualifications, so you can take a conscious decision about what kind of leader you want to be. This gives you the opportunity to reflect on your role as leader and a platform to discuss your personal strengths and weaknesses with the other participants and your instructor. The course is heavily centered around knowledge sharing and feedback between the participants.
Three days packed with knowledge, experience exchange and training
Through tailored cases and exercises and the newest theories on leadership you will share experiences and train situations and confrontations close to practice. You will get useful insights into your own, your employees and co-workers reaction patterns and learn how to use these insights to further develop to the leader you want to be.
The mind of the leader
Today’s employees are seeking meaning, human relationships, and have a desire to make a positive contribution to the world. Hence as a leader you need to practice human ...%%%
... leadership and develop a people-oriented culture where employees feel motivated and wholeheartedly engaged. During this course you will strengthen your leadership capacity to embrace these new demands. You will learn how using insights about yourselves, your employees, and your organization will enable you to adjust your leadership to the demands to the employees and to what works under given circumstances.
Seek to understand and then lead
In order to lead your employees and stakeholders, you need to understand them, you have to understand what matters to them and what they think and feel. Only then can you guide them towards more meaning, motivation, alignment and desire to contribute.
The last day of the course is dedicated to conflict management. We work with real life cases that highlight the value of preparing well for various difficult dialogues.
These exercises gives you important insights into the psychology of what it takes to engage effectively with different stakeholders across the organization.
Agenda: Day 1 – Lead yourself
General management theory
- Understand the context and learn to master your role as a leader. You learn about leadership and management concepts, different leadership roles and responsibilities, power and influence
- We explore how it is to transition from employee or project manager to people manager and how to avoid the worst pitfalls
- We address what it takes to create psychological safety to succeed with leading changes in your workplace.
Agenda: Day 2 – Lead your employees
Your leadership role
- We work with motivation and job satisfaction, why internal motivation is so important and how different people have different drivers of motivation
- Situational leadership is a concrete leadership tool that is both memorable and easy implementable. You will learn to create targeted team leadership based on the situation
- You will learn to empower others and foster effective teamwork by implementing team development based on Tuckmann’s model, psychological needs and teamdynamics.
Agenda: Day 3 – Lead the organisation
Teams and coworkers
- You will learn how to operate, communicate, and interact in line with the organizational and personal values to create a culture where people are thriving
- You will train difficult conversations and learn to proactively engage in these to promote development and enhance performance
- We will give you the space for reflection where you will obtain feedback on your strengths and create a plan for the leadership style you aspire to.
%%%AROS KURSER – Vejen til endnu mere begynder lige her.
Arbejdslivet er langt. Indimellem kræver det, at man tanker op, fornyer sig og nogle gange skifter
spor. Aros styrker netop din personlige udvikling. Vi minder dig om alt det, du allerede kan – og
giver dig næring til at nå nye mål. Personligt og professionelt. Med det samme og på længere sigt.
Kom, vær med og flyt dig. Vejen til endnu mere begynder lige her.
Det meningsfulde arbejdsliv
Aros handler om dig og det meningsfulde arbejdsliv. Vi gør op med samlebåndsuddannelser og tager
udgangspunkt i dine behov, forudsætninger og forventninger. Vores håndplukkede undervisere
har alle bevist deres værd – som fagpersoner og formidlere. Med fokus på praksis er de garantien
for håndgribelig viden, der virker ude i virkeligheden.
97,9 procent af kursisterne oplever, at undervisningen bliver målrettet netop deres behov. Derfor
er vi ret sikre på din tilfredshed og værdien på dit CV. Det er værktøjer til hverdagen og vitaminer
til dit arbejdsliv. Til alt det, du vil – fra nu af.
Læring i optimale omgivelser
Rammerne betyder nu engang noget for læringen, og vi gør os umage for at sikre optimale omgivelser.
I Aarhus afholder vi åbne kurser og uddannelsesforløb på det femstjernede Radisson Blu
Scandinavia Hotel – og i København i vores egne undervisningslokaler nær Amalienborg samt på det femstjernede hotel Marriott på Kalvebod Brygge.
Er I flere medarbejdere fra samme virksomhed, der trænger til ny inspiration og et kompetenceløft,
flytter vi gerne undervisningen ud til jer. Kontakt os på tlf. 70 278 279 for yderligere information
eller et konkret tilbud.