Basic IFRS e-learning
Basic IFRS e-learning

Basic IFRS e-learning

PwC’s IFRS e-learning course is for you, if you want to gain or refresh your knowledge of international accounting standards in a flexible way. You decide when and where, and you may pause a session when it suits you and continue when you have time again – the system remembers your progress.

Each e-learning module concludes with a test that you must pass to complete the course. When you have passed the course, you will receive a diploma. All modules are in English.


Target group

Our IFRS e-learning course is aimed at chief accountants/CFOs, accounting/finance assistants or controllers and others working with financial reporting under IFRS, who want to keep up to date on new guidelines in this area and are familiar with basic accounting and reporting processes.

%%%I PwC arbejder vi som det førende revisions-, rådgivnings- og skattehus i Danmark for at styrke tilliden i samfundet og løse væsentlige problemstillinger.

Sammen med vores kunder finder vi løsninger på de udfordringer, der står øverst på det private erhvervslivs og det offentliges agenda. Vi er 2.500 medarbejdere og partnere, som brænder for at gøre en positiv forskel for kunder og kolleger. Globalt er vi næsten 280.000 PwC'ere, og i Danmark er vi markedsledende. Mød os over hele landet. Vi er der, hvor du er.

Succes skaber vi sammen …

Basic IFRS e-learning

11.990,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30