Lær hvordan du planlægger, udruller, konfigurerer og administrerer et Office 365 miljø og tilhørende services. Kurset fokuserer på, at du får de nødvendige færdigheder til opsætte og administere en Office 365 tenant, herunder sammenlægning af eksisterende brugere og identiteter og vedligeholdelse.
Du forventes at have praktisk erfaring med administration af Windows Server 2012/2016, Active Directory Domain Server (AD DS), Domain Name System (DNS), PKI, PowerShell og det vil herudover være en fordel men ikke et krav, hvis du også har kendskab til Exchange Server 2013, Lync Server 2013 eller Skype for Business 2015 og SharePoint 2013 eller senere versioner.
Deltagerprofil Kurset er for IT-proer, som er ansvarlige for planlægning, konfiguration og administration af et Office 365 miljø.
Planlæg en Office 365 udrulning, konfigurer Office 365 tenant og planlæg en pilotinstallation
Administrer Office 365 brugere, grupper og licenser og konfigurer uddelegeret administration
Planlæg og konfigurer klient forbindelser til Office 365
Planlæg og konfigurer directory synkronisering mellem Microsoft Azure AD og on-premises AD DS
Planlæg og implementer Office 365 ProPlus installationen
Planlæg og administrer Microsoft Exchange Online modtagere og tilladelser
Planlæg og konfigurer Exchange ...
... Online services.
Planlæg og konfigurer Microsoft Teams
Planlæg og konfigurer Microsoft SharePoint Online
Planlæg og konfigurer en Office 365 samarbejdsløsning
Planlæg og konfigurer integrationen mellem Office 365 og Microsoft Azure Information Protection
Overvåg og gennemse Office 365 services og fejlsøg Office 365 problemer
Planlæg og implementer identity federation mellem on-premises AD DS og Azure AD
Modul 1: Planning and provisioning Office 365
Overview of Office 365
Provisioning an Office 365 tenant
Planning a pilot deployment
Modul 2: Managing Office 365 users and groups
Managing user accounts and licenses
Managing passwords and authentication
Managing security groups in Office 365
Managing Office 365 users and groups with Windows PowerShell
Configuring administrative access
Modul 3: Configuring client connectivity to Microsoft Office 365
Planning for Office 365 clients
Planning connectivity for Office 365 clients
Configuring connectivity for Office 365 clients
Modul 4: Planning and configuring directory synchronization
Planning and preparing for directory synchronization
Implementing directory synchronization by using Azure AD Connect
Managing Office 365 identities with directory synchronization
Modul 5: Planning and deploying Office 365 ProPlus
Overview of Office 365 ProPlus
Planning and managing user-driven Office 365 ProPlus deployments
Planning and managing centralized deployments of Office 365 ProPlus
Office Telemetry and reporting
Modul 6: Planning and managing Exchange Online recipients and permissions
Overview of Exchange Online
Managing Exchange Online recipients
Planning and configuring Exchange Online permissions
Modul 7: Planning and configuring Exchange Online services
Planning and configuring email flow in Office 365
Planning and configuring email protection in Office 365
Planning and configuring client access policies
Migrating to Exchange Online
Modul 8: Planning and deploying Microsoft Teams
Teams Explained
Deploying Teams
Authentication and Access
Transitioning Skype For Buisness to Microsoft Teams
Management and Reporting
Modul 9: Planning and configuring SharePoint Online
Configuring SharePoint Online services
Planning and configuring SharePoint Online site collections
Planning and configuring external user sharing
Modul 10: Planning and configuring an Office 365 collaboration solution
Planning and managing Yammer Enterprise
Planning and configuring OneDrive for Business
Configuring Office 365 groups
Modul 11: Planning and configuring security and compliance in Office 365
Overview of the compliance features in Office 365
Planning and configuring Azure Information Protection in Office 365
Managing the compliance features in Office 365
Modul 12: Monitoring and troubleshooting Microsoft Office 365
Troubleshooting Office 365
Monitoring Office 365 service health
Modul 13: Planning and configuring identify federation
Understanding identity federation Planning an AD FS deployment
Deploy AD FS for identity federation with Office 365
Planning and implementing hybrid solutions (Optional)
Microsoft Software Assurance Training Voucher Kurset kan betales med 5 SA vouchere.
Underviser Undervisningen varetages af en erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere.
Deltagerprofil Kurset er for IT-proer, som er ansvarlige for planlægning, konfiguration og administration af et Office 365 miljø.
Forudsætninger Du forventes at have praktisk erfaring med administration af Windows Server 2012/2016, Active Directory Domain Server (AD DS), Domain Name System (DNS), PKI, PowerShell og det vil herudover være en fordel men ikke et krav, hvis du også har kendskab til Exchange Server 2013, Lync Server 2013 eller Skype for Business 2015 og SharePoint 2013 eller senere versioner.
Lær hvordan du planlægger, udruller, konfigurerer og administrerer et Office 365 miljø og tilhørende services. Kurset fokuserer på, at du får de nødvendige færdigheder til opsætte og administere en Office 365 tenant, herunder sammenlægning af eksisterende brugere og identiteter og vedligeholdelse.
Lær, hvordan du planlægger, udruller, konfigurerer og administrerer et Office 365 miljø, herunder brugere, grupper og licenser
Planlæg og konfigurer directory synkronisering mellem Microsoft Azure AD og on-premises AD DS
Planlæg og administrer Microsoft Exchange Online modtagere og tilladelser
Planlæg og konfigurer Exchange Online services, Microsoft Teams og SharePoint Online
Planlæg og konfigurer integrationen mellem Office 365 og Microsoft Azure Information Protection
Overvåg og gennemse Office 365-services, og fejlsøg Office 365-problemer
Planlæg og implementer identity federation mellem on-premises AD DS og Azure AD
Indhold Modul 1: Planning and provisioning Office 365
Overview of Office 365
Provisioning an Office 365 tenant
Planning a pilot deployment
Modul 2: Managing Office 365 users and groups
Managing user accounts and licenses
Managing passwords and authentication
Managing security groups in Office 365
Managing Office 365 users and groups with Windows PowerShell
Configuring administrative access
Modul 3: Configuring client connectivity to Microsoft Office 365
Planning for Office 365 clients
Planning connectivity for Office 365 clients
Configuring connectivity for Office 365 clients
Modul 4: Planning and configuring directory synchronization
Planning and preparing for directory synchronization
Implementing directory synchronization by using Azure AD Connect
Managing Office 365 identities with directory synchronization
Modul 5: Planning and deploying Office 365 ProPlus
Overview of Office 365 ProPlus
Planning and managing user-driven Office 365 ProPlus deployments
Planning and managing centralized deployments of Office 365 ProPlus
Office Telemetry and reporting
Modul 6: Planning and managing Exchange Online recipients and permissions
Overview of Exchange Online
Managing Exchange Online recipients
Planning and configuring Exchange Online permissions
Modul 7: Planning and configuring Exchange Online services
Planning and configuring email flow in Office 365
Planning and configuring email protection in Office 365
Planning and configuring client access policies
Migrating to Exchange Online
Modul 8: Planning and deploying Microsoft Teams
Teams Explained
Deploying Teams
Authentication and Access
Transitioning Skype For Buisness to Microsoft Teams
Management and Reporting
Modul 9: Planning and configuring SharePoint Online
Configuring SharePoint Online services
Planning and configuring SharePoint Online site collections
Planning and configuring external user sharing
Modul 10: Planning and configuring an Office 365 collaboration solution
Planning and managing Yammer Enterprise
Planning and configuring OneDrive for Business
Configuring Office 365 groups
Modul 11: Planning and configuring security and compliance in Office 365
Overview of the compliance features in Office 365
Planning and configuring Azure Information Protection in Office 365
Managing the compliance features in Office 365
Modul 12: Monitoring and troubleshooting Microsoft Office 365
Troubleshooting Office 365
Monitoring Office 365 service health
Modul 13: Planning and configuring identify federation
Understanding identity federation Planning an AD FS deployment
Deploy AD FS for identity federation with Office 365
Planning and implementing hybrid solutions (Optional)