Teknologisk Institut

C++ Programming
C++ Programming

C++ Programming


Get started with programming in C++. During this course you will gain knowledge on how to develop C++ programs and implement object-oriented concepts with C++. Participants are expected to have programming experience from another language but not nessacarily OO. This course is taught in English.

>> Available in Danish <<

At least 6 months programming experience
No OO experience is assumed

Participant profile
This course is aimed for students who want to learn programming in C++.

Understanding C++ types, variables, and operators
Using C++ flow-of-control constructs
Writing and calling functions
Using pointers, arrays, and structures
Defining classes and creating objects
Implementing operators and conversions
Using inheritance and polymorphism effectively

Course Content

Introduction to C++

Key features of C++
Defining variables
Formulating expressions and statements
Built-in data types
Console input/output

Operators and Types

Compound Assignment
Increment and decrement operators
Const declarations
Type conversions

Going Further with Data Types

Using the standard vector class
Using the standard string class

Flow of Control

Decision making with if, if-else, and switch
Looping with for loops, while loops, and do-while loops

Defining functions

Declaring, calling and defining functions
Function overloading
Defining default arguments
Pass-by-copy versus pass-by-reference
Defining inline functions
Header files and source files


Overview of pointers
Defining pointers
Dereferencing pointers
Const pointers
Null pointers

Overview of Object Oriented Concepts

Classes and objects
Inheritance and polymorphism

Defining Classes

Syntax of class declarations
Public and private members
Creating objects
Using new and delete
Structures vs. classes

Implementing Class Functionality

Function overloading
Default arguments
Anonymous arguments
Resolving scope conflicts
Using the this pointer

Defining Constructors and Destructors

Overview of an objects lifetime
Defining constructors
Constructor chaining
Defining destructors

Operator Overloading

Overview of operator functions
Defining unary operators
Defining binary operators
Defining the [] operator
Defining input and output operators

Defining Class-Wide Members

Static data members
Static member functions
Nested types
Friend classes

Creating Collections of Objects

The need for collections
Introduction to template classes
Using vector and list
Using iterators
Introduction to template functions
Using the Standard Template Library

Copying and Conversions

The copy assignment operator
Copy constructors
Conversions to a class
Conversions from a class


Recap of inheritance principles
Defining a subclass
Defining protected members
Scoping and initialisation
Multiple inheritance
Abstract base classes


Recap of polymorphism
Defining virtual functions
Virtual destructors
Pure virtual functions and abstract classes

Next course
Please contact us if you are interested in C++ Advanced programming or take a look at Modern C++ Development.

Andy is a freelance instructor and consultant based in the UK, with more than 30 years experience in the industry across a wide range of technologies and platforms. Andy began his professional career in C and migrated through C++, Java, .NET and other languages and toolsets as the years passed by. Andy is currently actively involved in contemporary systems development techniques including microservice architecture, cloud-based systems, and containerization.

Aktuelt online kursus
Online kurset C++ Programming kunne også være interessant for dig.

Dette kursus er for dig som gerne vil lære at programmere i C++.

Det forventes, at du har mindst seks måneders erfaring med programmering. Der forventes ingen erfaring med OO.

Kom hurtigt i gang med programmering i C++. På dette kursus lærer du at udvikle C++ programmer og implementere objektorienterede koncepter i C++. Du forventes at have programmeringserfaring fra et andet sprog, men ikke nødvendigvis erfaring med OO. Undervisningen foregår på engelsk.

Understanding C++ types, variables, and operators
Using C++ flow-of-control constructs
Writing and calling functions
Using pointers, arrays, and structures
Defining classes and creating objects
Implementing operators and conversions
Using inheritance and polymorphism effectively

Næste kursus
C++ Advanced programming eller se også Modern C++ Development.

Aktuelt online kursus Online kurset C++ Programming kunne også være interessant for dig. Indhold
Introduction to C++

Key features of C++
Defining variables
Formulating expressions and statements
Built-in data types
Console input/output

Operators and Types

Compound Assignment
Increment and decrement operators
Const declarations
Type conversions

Going Further with Data Types

Using the standard vector class
Using the standard string class

Flow of Control

Decision making with if, if-else, and switch
Looping with for loops, while loops, and do-while loops

Defining functions

Declaring, calling and defining functions
Function overloading
Defining default arguments
Pass-by-copy versus pass-by-reference
Defining inline functions
Header files and source files


Overview of pointers
Defining pointers
Dereferencing pointers
Const pointers
Null pointers

Overview of Object Oriented Concepts

Classes and objects
Inheritance and polymorphism

Defining Classes

Syntax of class declarations
Public and private members
Creating objects
Using new and delete
Structures vs. classes

Implementing Class Functionality

Function overloading
Default arguments
Anonymous arguments
Resolving scope conflicts
Using the this pointer

Defining Constructors and Destructors

Overview of an objects lifetime
Defining constructors
Constructor chaining
Defining destructors

Operator Overloading

Overview of operator functions
Defining unary operators
Defining binary operators
Defining the [] operator
Defining input and output operators

Defining Class-Wide Members

Static data members
Static member functions
Nested types
Friend classes

Creating Collections of Objects

The need for collections
Introduction to template classes
Using vector and list
Using iterators
Introduction to template functions
Using the Standard Template Library

Copying and Conversions

The copy assignment operator
Copy constructors
Conversions to a class
Conversions from a class


Recap of inheritance principles
Defining a subclass
Defining protected members
Scoping and initialisation
Multiple inheritance
Abstract base classes


Recap of polymorphism
Defining virtual functions
Virtual destructors
Pure virtual functions and abstract classes

C++ Programming

21.499,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30
