Teknologisk Institut

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing [MB-220T00]
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing [MB-220T00]

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing [MB-220T00]


Få den nødvendige viden til at komme godt i gang med marketingsmodulet i Dynamics 365. Du lærer om oprettelse af marketingformularer og-sider, hvordan du kan opdele kundeemner og kontakter via segmentering, oprette e-mail marketing og kundekampagneforløb. Herudover gennemgår vi Events, og hvordan du planlægger og administrerer dette.

Du forventes at have et grundlæggende kendskab til Windows og Dynamics 365 samt kendskab til marketing principper, strategier og processer.

Dette kurser er for IT-professionelle og marketingsfolk, som vil lære om modulet Marketing i Dynamics 365, samt hvordan forretningen kan udnytte programmet bedst muligt. Kurset er rettet mod rollen Microsoft Certified Dynamics 365 Marketing Functional Consultant Associate.

Konfigurere avancerede indstillinger
Administrere marketingindhold, skabeloner og integrationer
Oprette og administrere kundeemner og kundesegmenter
Vurdere salgsparathed gennem pointmodeller for kundeemner
Designe og oprette marketingsformularer og -sider
Designe og oprette e-mails
Opstart af kundekampagner
Håndtering af kundeindsigt
Oprette og administrere events, meddelelser, tilpasning af events og håndtering af registreringer
Designe, konfigurere og distribuere spørgeskemaundersøgelser


Module 1: Marketing Application Configuration

Configure advanced settings
Manage marketing ...%%%

... content and templates
Manage LinkedIn and Power BI integrations

Module 2: Leads

Create and manage leads
Assess Sales Readiness

Module 3: Marketing Forms and Pages

Create marketing forms
Create marketing pages
Manage internet marketing

Module 4: Segments and Lists

Create and manage segments
Create and manage subscription center
Double opt-in

Module 5: Marketing Emails

Create Email Message

Module 6: Customer Journeys

Create a customer journey from a template

Module 7: Insights

Marketing insights
Customer insights
Marketing execution insights
Lead management insights
Internet marketing insights

Module 8: Events

Manage event planning
Manage event execution

Module 9: Surveys

Create surveys

Module 10: Results

Review event and survey results

Dette kursus er rettet mod eksamen MB-220 Microsoft Dynamic 365 Marketing og leder sammen med eksamen MB-200 Power Platform + Microsoft Dynamics 365 Core hen mod certificeringen Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Marketing Functional Consultant Associate . Eksamen bestilles og betales særskilt.

Microsoft skriver dette om eksamen MB-220:

This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: configure marketing applications; manage segments and lists; create and manage marketing forms and pages; manage leads; create and manage marketing emails; manage customer journeys; manage events and webinars; and configure and analyze customer responses.
Candidates for this exam are Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement functional consultants with Marketing expertise. Candidates are responsible for implementing solutions that attract and convert leads, build brand awareness, standardize omnichannel messaging, and deliver marketing insights.
Candidates are responsible for configuring and expanding the core marketing application to include email marketing, setup, interactive customer journeys, leads nurturing with personalized experiences, LinkedIn integration, Events, Voice of the Customer, Landing Pages, segmentation and scoring, and maintaining General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance.
Candidates should have some knowledge of marketing principles and the Marketing applications role in relationship to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 suite of applications, including integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Office 365 applications. Candidates should understand industry terminology, priorities, common initiatives, standards, methodologies, and best practices.

Læs mere om IT-certificering her.

Microsoft Software Assurance Voucher
Kurset kan betales med 4 SA vouchers.

Undervisningen varetages af en erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing [MB-220T00]

17.999,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30
