Teknologisk Institut

Microsoft Power Platform + Dynamics 365 Core [MB-200T00]
Microsoft Power Platform + Dynamics 365 Core [MB-200T00]

Microsoft Power Platform + Dynamics 365 Core [MB-200T00]


Bliv klædt på til at håndtere administrationen af jeres Power Platform i Dynamics 365. Du lærer om funktionerne i programmet, automatisering, administration, konfiguration, tilpasninger, brugerrettigheder, integration og meget andet så du kan arbejde effektivt med jeres kundedata.

Power Platform
Microsofts Power platform hjælper organisationer med at optimere deres handlinger ved at automatisere rutineopgaver og standardisere best practice. Du får et overblik over funktionerne i Microsoft Dynamics 365 og Power-platformen, som udgør et fundament for andre Microsoft Dynamics 365 og Power Platform kurser.

Du forventes at have et grundlæggende kendskab til Dynamics 365 og dets funktionaliteter samt kendskab til forretningssystemer.

Dette kursus er for dig, som vil lære om administration af Microsoft Power Platform, herunder konfiguration og tilpasning af programmet.
Kurset er rettet mod rollen som Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Functional Consultant.

Gennemgang af Power Platformen
Bliv klædt på til at håndtere administration på Power Platformen, herunder automatisering, administration af brugeres rettigheder, arbejde med workflows, Microsoft Flows og Busniess Flows,
Modellering af data.
Opbygning af canvas og modeldrevne applikationer på Power Platformen, og om forskellene imellem dem
Integration og konfiguration ...


... af Outlook og andre Office enheder
Import og eksport af data
Aktivér og opdater first-party applikationer
Installering af third-party applikationer
Konfiguration af administrerede og ikke-administrerede løsninger
Oprette og benytte testplaner og performance værktøjer


Module 1 Power Platform overview

Configure Power Platform environments
Creating applications
Discovery and planning

Module 2 Data Modeling

Data model fundamentals
Other entity options
Other field options

Module 3 Model Driven Apps

Configure model-driven apps
Configure model-driven forms
Configure views
Configure model-driven charts
Configure model-driven dashboards
Configure reports

Modul 4 Canvas Apps

Application fundamentals
Working with data and services
Customizing the user experience
Integration with model-driven apps

Modul 5 Security

Security overview
Business units
Manage security roles
Manage teams
Configure hierarchy security

Module 6 Power Platform automation

Platform automation overview

Module 7 Business Rules

Introduction to business rules
Additional business rule details

Modul 8 Workflows

Introduction to workflows
Building workflows
Advanced workflow

Module 9 Microsoft Flows

Introduction to Microsoft Flow
Other flow concepts
Working with CDS
Building approval flows
Starting from apps
Flow deployment considerations

Modul 10 Business Process Flows

Introduction to business process flows
Configure business process flows
Additional business process flows details

Module 12 Integration with Office

Microsoft Teams
Additional Integrations

Module 13 Managing Data

Managing data overview
Duplicate detection
Importing data
Exporting data
Bulk delete

Module 14 Manage Instances and Applications

Manage applications

Module 15 Manage Solutions

Solution concepts
Planning and creating solutions
Working with solution components
Distributing solutions
Working with managed solutions

Module 16 Additional Deployment Considerations

Configure settings
Mobile configuration settings
Mobile configuration

Dette kursus er rettet mod eksamen MB-200 Microsoft Power Platform + Dynamics 365 Core og leder sammen med eksamen:

MB-210 hen mod certificeringen Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Sales Functional Consultant Associate
MB-220 hen mod certificeringen Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Marketing Functional Consultant Associate
MB-230 hen mod certificeringen Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate
MB-240 hen mod certificeringen Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Field Service Functional Consultant Associate

Eksamen bestilles og betales særskilt.

Om eksamen MB-200 skriver Microsoft:

Candidates for this exam are functional consultants who have access to the features and functionality of the enterprise licensed product. As a functional consultant, the candidate is aware of bundled versions of features but does not primarily work with these bundled products.
Candidates are primarily responsible for configuring the system to meet client needs, performing design tasks related to implementing new features and functionality, and implementing and testing system changes.
Candidates plan the functional design for solutions, implement an application lifecycle management (ALM) process, migrate data and objects from legacy and external systems, integrate Power Platform with other systems, and manage the Power Platform environment.

Læs mere om IT-certificering her.

Microsoft Software Assurance Vocuhere
Dette kursus kan betales med 5 SA vouchers.

Undervisningen varetages af en erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere.

Microsoft Power Platform + Dynamics 365 Core [MB-200T00]

21.999,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30
