Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service giver enhver organisationen mulighed for at opnå succes med kundeservice. På dette kursus får du indsigt i brug af værktøjet herunder automatisering af sagsoprettelser og køadministration, så du kan arbejde effektivt med jeres kunder.
Du forventes at have et grundlæggende kendskab til Windows og Dynamics 365.
Kurset er for dig, som skal anvende Customer Service funktionerne i Dynamics 365. Kurset er endvidere rettet mod rollen som Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate.
Installer og konfigurer Customer Service programmet
Identificer fælles Customer Service scenarier
Fuldfør en salgscase process
Analysere data til kundeservice
Automatisering af sagsstyring
Kendskab til brug af Knowledge Management
Kendskab til brug af rettigheder og SLA aftaler
Module 1: Customer Service Overview
Create case records
Related service apps
Analytics for service
AI for service
Configuring customer service
Module 2: Case Management
Case management overview
Creating case records
Queue management
Case routing
Resolving cases
Module 3: Service Level Agreements and Entitlements
SLA and entitlement overview ...
Create and manage entitlements
Create and manage SLAs
Module 4: Knowledge Management
Knowledge management overview
Authoring and organizing
Use knowledge content
Manage knowledge content
Dette kursus er rettet mod eksamen MB-230 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service som sammen med eksamen PL-200 Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant leder hen mod certificeringen Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate . Eksamen bestilles og betales særskilt.
Microsoft skriver dette om eksamen MB-230:
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: perform configuration; manage cases and the knowledge base; manage queues, entitlements, and SLAs; and configure voice of the customer
Candidates for this exam are Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement functional consultants with customer service expertise. Candidates are responsible for implementing omnichannel solutions that focus upon service, quality, reliability, efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Candidates design and implement service management visualizations and reports provided by and in collaboration with the Solution Architect. Candidates collaborate with the Customer Engagement administrator to implement and upgrade Power platform components, including knowledge base, and Voice of the Customer.
Candidates must have strong applied knowledge meeting user needs through the Dynamics 365 Customer Service, including in-depth understanding of cases, knowledge base, queues, entitlements, Service Level Agreements (SLAs), visualizations, and Unified Service Desk.
Candidates should understand industry terminology, priorities, standards, methodologies, customer service operations, and best practices. Candidates should include a comprehensive understanding of the Customer Service applications role in relationship to the Dynamics 365 suite of applications along with a basic understanding of the solution architecture and quality assurance.
Læs mere om IT-certificering her.
Microsoft Software Assurance Voucher
Kurset kan betales med 1 SA Voucher.
Undervisningen varetages af en erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere.
Kurset er for dig, som gerne vil lære at anvende Customer Service funktionerne i Microsoft Dynamics 365. Kurset er endvidere rettet mod rollen som Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant, hvor du er ansvarlig for at identificere og indhente krav fra forretningen, engagere fageksperter og interessenter, oversætte krav og konfigurere løsninger og applikationer.
Du forventes at have et grundlæggende kendskab til Microsoft Dynamics 365 svarende til kurset Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Customer Engagement Apps [MB-910T00] og et grundlæggende kendskab til arbejdet med customer service.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service giver enhver organisationen mulighed for at opnå succes med kundeservice. På kurset får du indsigt i brug af værktøjer til automatisering af sagsoprettelser og køadministration, så du kan arbejde effektivt med jeres kunder og sagsbehandling.
Få styr på Customer Service applikationen
Identificer fælles Customer Service scenarier
Oprette surveys
Kendskab til brug af Knowledge Management
Kendskab til brug af rettigheder og SLA aftaler
Lær at arbejde med Omnichannel, Connected Customer Service, Customer Service Scheduling, Customer Service Insights m.m
Dette kursus anbefales som forberedelse til eksamen MB-230 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service og ved beståelse opnår du certificeringen Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate . Du skal bestille og betale særskilt for din eksamen.
Microsoft skriver dette om eksamen MB-230:
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: manage cases and the Knowledge Management; manage entitlements, and SLAs; implement scheduling, implement multi-session experiences for Customer Service, manage analytics and insights, implement Microsoft Power Platform, implement Connected Customer Service, and implement routing
Candidates for this exam are functional consultants with customer service expertise. They are responsible for implementing solutions that focus upon Customer service, quality, reliability, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
Candidates design and implement service management processes and automation in collaboration with solution architects and developers. You collaborate with customer engagement administrators to implement and upgrade customer service components including Omnichannel engagement, collaboration, knowledge management, customer feedback, and connected services.
Candidates must have strong applied knowledge of customer service including in-depth understanding of cases, knowledge management, queues, entitlements, resource scheduling, service- level agreements (SLAs), visualizations, connected services, Customer Service Insights, Power Virtual Agents, Customer Service applications, Customer Voice, basic and unified routing and Omnichannel for Customer Service. The functional consultants knowledge should include a comprehensive understanding of the customer service applications role in relationship to the Dynamics 365 suite of apps along with a basic understanding of the solution architecture.
Bemærk: at selvom dette kursus er tilpasset til eksamen MB-230, indeholder det muligvis ikke alle de oplysninger, der kræves for at bestå eksamenen. I henhold til Microsofts vejledning anbefales yderligere selvstudium og praktisk erfaring ud over deltagelse i dette kursus. Læs mere om IT-certificering her.
Indhold Module 1: Work with Cases
Get started with Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Managing cases with Dynamics 365 Customer Service Hub
Manage cases with with Dynamics 365 Customer Service workspace
Use Microsoft Dynamice 365 Customer Service queues to manage case workloads
Agent collaboration in with Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Create or update records automatically in Customer Service Hub
Module 2: Work with entitlements and service level agreements
Work with service-level agreements in Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Create and manage entitlements in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Module 3: Work with knowledge management solutions
Create knowledge management solutions in Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Search and filter knowledge articles by using Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Use knowledge articles to resolve Dynamics 365 Customer Service cases
Module 4: Create surveys with Dynamics 365 Customer Voice
Create a survey project with Dynamics 365 Customer Voice
Create customer surveys with Dynamics 365 Customer Voice
Send Dynamics 365 Customer Voice surveys
Automate Dynamics 365 Customer Voice surveys with Power Automate
Embed surveys in your website with Dynamics 365 Customer Voice
Create customer Power BI reports in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice
Module 5: Get started with Dynamics 365 Service Scheduling
Set up Customer Service Scheduling
Schedule services with Customer Service scheduling
Module 6: Help agents be more productive in Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Create custom experiences for agents with agent experience profiles in Customer Service
Enhance agent productivity with Customer Service workspace
Manage cases with Dynamics 365 Customer Service workspace
Enhance agent productivity and personalization in Omnichannel for Customer Service
Enhance agent productivity and personalization in Customer Service Hub
Get started with Dynamics 365 Productivity Tools
Create smart assist solutions in Omnichannel for Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Module 7: Connect and engage with customers with Omnichannel for Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Getting started with Omnichannel for Customer Service
Deploy chat widgets with Omnichannel for Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Deploy a Voice channel in Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Deploy an SMS channel in Omnichannel for Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Deploy social messaging channels in Omnichannel for Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Set up Apple Message for Business and Google Business Messages as channels in Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Integrate a Power Virtual Agents bot with Omnichannel for Customer Service
Module 8: Work with Customer Service Insights
Get started with Customer Service Insights
Create visualizations for Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Module 9: Use connected Customer Service with Dynamics 365
Get started with Connected Customer Service for Dynamics 365 and Azure IoT
Register and manage devices with Connected Customer Service for Dynamics 365 and Azure IoT
Module 10: Extend Dynamics 365 Customer Service Platform
Create custom apps for Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Integrate a Power Virtual Agents bot with Omnichannel for Customer Service
Bemærk: Indhold for dette kursus tilpasses løbende af Microsoft for at følge med den løbende teknologiske udvikling, der kan derfor ske ændringer af kursusindhold uden varsel.