Lær de nødvendige funktionaliteter og kom godt i gang med salgsmodulet i Microsoft Dynamics 365, så du kan arbejde effektivt med hele salgsprocessen fra start til slut. Du får indsigt i, hvordan du benytter værktøjerne bedst muligt til analysering kundedata, automatisering af rutiner og støtte i salgsarbejdet.
Du forventes at have et grundlæggende kendskab til Windows og Dynamics 365.
Kurset er for dig, som skal anvende Sales funktionerne i Dynamics 365. Kurset er endvidere rettet mod rollen Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Sales Functional Consultant Associate.
Installer og konfigurer programmet
Identificer fælles salgsscenarier
Fuldføre en salgsproces
Konfigurer produktkatalog
Administrere kundeposter
Udnyt analyseværktøjer med kundedata
Module 1: Sales Overview
Sales overview
Configuring Sales
Module 2: Working with Opportunities
Manage customers
Working with opportunities
Embedded intelligence
Integrated sales tools
Module 3: Quotes to Orders
Order processing overview
Manage product catalog
Create and manage quotes
Create and manage orders and invoices
Module 4: Sales Analytics and Insights
Power BI ...
AI for Sales
Dette kursus er rettet mod eksamen MB-210 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales og leder sammen med eksamen PL-200 Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant hen mod certificeringen Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Sales Functional Consultant Associate . Eksamen bestilles og betales særskilt.
Microsoft skriver dette om eksamen MB-210:
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: perform configuration, manage core sales entities, and manage sales entities.
Candidates for this exam are Dynamics 365 functional consultants with sales expertise. Candidates are responsible for implementing solutions that support a sales life cycle to run efficiently and effectively to meet revenue targets, business strategies, and company objectives.
Candidates are responsible for configuring and expanding the core functionality of Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities and supporting entities to map to the sales processes in place at the company. They identify opportunities to use PowerApps for mobile applications, Microsoft Flow for application integration, business process flows, and other automation tools to construct an application that supports and accelerates the lead to cash journey.
Candidates must have strong business knowledge and preferably first-person experience in the sales world in one or more sales roles.
Læs mere om IT-certificering her.
Microsoft Software Assurance Voucher
Kurset kan betales med 1 SA Voucher.
Undervisningen varetages af en erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere.
Kurset er for dig, som skal lære at anvende salgsfunktionerne i Dynamics 365 Sales.
Du forventes at have et grundlæggende kendskab til Dynamics 365 model-driven applikationer og Power Platformen. Herudover skal du have kendskab til salgsprocesser i en salgsorganisation.
Lær de nødvendige funktionaliteter og kom godt i gang med salgsmodulet i Microsoft Dynamics 365, så du kan arbejde effektivt med hele salgsprocessen fra start til slut. Du får indsigt i, hvordan du benytter værktøjerne bedst muligt til analysering kundedata, automatisering af rutiner og støtte i salgsarbejdet.
Lær, hvordan du installere og konfigurere Dynamics 365 Sales
Få styr på leads
Fuldfør en salgsproces
Lær at implementere salgsmål
Lær at analysere kundedata
Forbedre dit salg ved hjælp af tools og apps
Dette kursus er rettet mod eksamen MB-210 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales og ved beståelse opnår du certificeringen Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Sales Functional Consultant Associate . Du skal bestille og betale din eksamen særskilt.
Microsoft skriver dette om eksamen MB-210:
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: configure Dynamics 365 Sales; manage core sales tables; and configure additional tools and services.
If youre a functional consultant, a professional working with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales, or a developer looking to hone your consulting skills, this certification could help give your career a boost. This certification lets you market yourself more effectively for projects and shows your organization that you can use Dynamics 365 Sales to empower the sales force. As a candidate for this certification, you have experience configuring Microsoft Power Platform and you know Dynamics 365 modeldriven applications and data-modeling principles. You work with an organizations stakeholders to gather requirements and implement Dynamics 365 Sales solutions. You manage leads, opportunities, quotes, and orders, and you configure product catalogs and price lists. Additionally, you configure Dynamics 365 Sales to match your organizations unique business process, and you model Dynamics 365 Sales data. You even extend Dynamics 365 solutions using Power Platform components, such as Power Automate and Power Apps.
Læs mere om IT-certificering her.
Module 1: Work with Dynamics 365 Sales
Generate leads, create opportunities, and utilize embedded intelligence with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales. This learning path covers the key elements of the Sales app.
Set up and configure Dynamics 365 Sales
Manage leads with Dynamics 365 Sales
Manage opportunities with Dynamics 365 Sales
Manage and organize your product catalog with Dynamics 365 Sales
Process sales orders with Dynamics 365 Sales
Manage relationships selling in Dynamics 365 Sales
Analyze Dynamics 365 Sales data
Module 2: Implement goal management in Dynamics 365 Sales and Customer service
Apply goal management to track your individual, parent, and child goals. Analyze the results of your goal management to make better business decisions.
Define and track individual goals in Dynamics 365 Sales and Customer service
Use goal metrics in Dynamics 365 Sales and Customer service
Module 3: Enhance Dynamics 365 Sales with tools and apps
Tools like Microsoft 365 apps and the Dynamics 365 Sales mobile app empower your salespeople to use Dynamics 365 Sales to its fullest potential. This learning path covers the additional tools and applications that allow your sales team to create cohesive customer experiences, even on the go.
Use Microsoft 365 services with model-driven apps in Dynamics 365 customer engagement apps
Get started with the Dynamics 365 Sales mobile app
Bemærk: Indhold for dette kursus tilpasses løbende af Microsoft for at følge med den løbende teknologiske udvikling, der kan derfor ske ændringer af kursusindhold uden varsel.