Få den nødvendige viden til at implementere og administrere sikkerheden i og omkring Microsoft 365. På kurset gennemgår vi, hvordan du opretter rettigheder og adgange, minimerer sikkerhedbrud ved hjælp af Threat Protection, Information Protection samt hvordan du administrerer governance og compliance i jeres Microsoft 365 miljø.
Microsoft 365 Security Administrator
Microsoft har lanceret en række kurser, som er målrettet rollen som Security Administrator på Microsoft 365. En Security administrator er ansvarlig for Microsoft 365 workloads og har nødvendige viden og erfaring med identity protection, information protection, threat protection, security management og data governance såvel on-premise som i skyen.
Kurserne udbydes som et samlet 4-dages modulopdelt kursusforløb, hvor du kommer igennem følgende områder:
Lær hvordan du opretter og styrer rettigheder, planlægger og implementerer ved hjælp af synkronisering med Azure AD Connect samt håndterer rettigheder for eksternes adgang til jeres M365.
Få overblik over, hvordan du minimerer sikkerhedsbrud i jeres M365 miljø og styrer sikkerheden ved hjælp af Secure Storage, Exchange Online protection, Azure advanced Threat protection, Windows defender Advanced Threat protection og Mobile Device Management i Intune.
Få styr på datasikkerheden i jeres M365 miljø. På kurset gennemgår vi, ...
... hvordan du kan beskytte jeres data ved hjælp af Information Protection og Data Loss Pervention, og hvordan du får overblik over hvem der tilgår hvad, hvordan og hvorfra i Cloud App Security.
Lær hvordan du sikre at sikkerhedsstandarder og interne sikkerhedspolitikker overholdes. Det er i dag vigtigere end nogen sinde at have styr på, hvordan I gemmer data og at internationale standarder (GDPR) overholdes. Vi gennemgår hvordan du opsætter Rentention policies, Audit Logs og eDiscovery.
Du forventes at have
Grundlæggende forståelse for Microsoft Azure
Erfaring med Windows 10 devices
Erfaring med Office 365
Grundlæggende forståelse for authorization og authentication
Grundlæggende forståelse for netværk
Praktisk erfaring med administration af mobile devices
Kurset er for dig som skal konfigurere og administere sikkerheden i jeres Microsoft 365 miljø.
Managing Microsoft 365 Identity and Access
User and Group Security
- User Accounts in Microsoft 365
- Administrator Roles and Security Groups in Microsoft 365
- Password Management in Microsoft 365
- Azure AD Identity Protection
Identity Synchronization
- Introduction to Identity Synchronization
- Planning for Azure AD Connect
- Implementing Azure AD Connect
- Managing Synchronized Identities
Federated Identities
- Introduction to Federated Identities
- Planning an AD FS Deployment
- Implementing AD FS
Access Management
- Conditional Access
- Managing Device Access
- Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
- Solutions for External Access
Implementing Microsoft 365 Threat Protection
Security in Microsoft 365
- Threat Vectors and Data Breaches
- Security Solutions for Microsoft 365
- Microsoft Secure Score
Advanced Threat Protection
- Exchange Online Protection
- Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection
- Managing Safe Attachments
- Managing Safe Links
- Azure Advanced Threat Protection
- Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection
Threat Intelligence
- Microsoft 365 Threat Intelligence
- Using the Security Dashboard
- Configuring Advanced Threat Analytics
- Plan for Mobile Application Management
- Plan for Mobile Device Management
- Deploy Mobile Device Management
- Enroll Devices to Mobile Device Management
Implementing Microsoft 365 Information Protection
Information Protection
- Information Rights Management
- Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
- Office 365 Message Encryption
- Azure Information Protection
- Advanced Information Protection
- Windows Information Protection
Data Loss Prevention
- Data Loss Prevention Explained
- Data Loss Prevention Policies
- Custom DLP Policies
- Creating a DLP Policy to Protect Documents
- Policy Tips
Cloud Application Security
- Cloud Application Security Explained
- Using Cloud Application Security Information
- Office 365 Cloud App Security
Administering Microsoft 365 Built-in Compliance
Archiving and Retention
- Archiving in Microsoft 365
- Retention in Microsoft 365
- Retention Policies in the Security and Compliance Center
- Archiving and Retention in Exchange
- In-place Records Management in SharePoint
Data Governance in Microsoft 365
- Planning Security and Compliance Needs
- Building Ethical Walls in Exchange Online
- Manage Retention in Email
- Troubleshooting Data Governance
- Analytics and Telemetry
Managing Search and Investigations
- Searching for Content in the Security and Compliance Center
- Audit Log Investigations
- Advanced eDiscovery
Certificering Dette kursus leder hen mod eksamen MS-500 Microsoft 365 Security Administration. Ved beståelse opnår du certificeringen
Microsoft 365 Certified Security Administrator Associate som er en af de eksamener som er forudsættende for at blive Microsoft 365 Certified Enterprise Administrator. Eksamen bestilles og betales særskilt.
Microsoft skriver følgende om denne eksamen:
Candidates for this exam implement, manage, and monitor security and compliance solutions for Microsoft 365 and hybrid environments. The Microsoft 365 Security Administrator proactively secures M365 enterprise environments, responds to threats, performs investigations, and enforces data governance. The Microsoft 365 Security Administrator collaborates with the Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator, business stakeholders, and other workload administrators to plan and implement security strategies and ensures that the solutions comply with the policies and regulations of the organization.
Candidates for this exam are familiar with M365 workloads and have strong skills and experience with identity protection, information protection, threat protection, security management, and data governance. This role focuses on the M365 environment and includes hybrid environments.
Læs mere om IT-certificering.
Software Assurance Voucher Kurset kan betales med 4 SA Vouchers.
Underviser Undervisningen varetages af en erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere.