På dette kursus lærer du, at implementere it process automation med Opalis Integration Server, OIS.
Der forudsættes erfaring med administration af Windows Server 2008, herunder grundlæggende forståelse for Active Directory. Desuden forventes kendskab til Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2, Operations Manager 2007 R2, Service Manager 2010, Hyper-V og Windows Server 2008 R2 samt automatisk udrulning af server teknologier.
Du er Enterprise System Engineer, administrator eller system integrator, som skal til at implementere et dynamisk datacenter med Opalis Integration Server.
OIS Architecture, Components and Terminology
Introduction to OIS
How are Customers Using OIS
OIS and System Center Integration
OIS Architecture and Terminology
Component Connectivity and Security
System Requirements
Overview of OIS Interfaces and Workflow Settings
Creating Policies
Working with the Designer Console
Policy Testing Console
Operator Console
Integration Packs
Global Settings & Configuration
OIS Databus
Pipeline Mode vs. Legacy Mode
Data Passing Between Policies
Securing Policies
Discussion of basic concepts related to workflow design and creation
Constructing Workflows
Workflow Guidelines
Policy Execution
Action Server
Policy Engine Rules
Policy ...
... Audit Trail
Discussion of basic concepts related to workflow design and creation
Constructing Workflows
Workflow Guidelines
Policy Execution
Action Server
Policy Engine Rules
Policy Audit Trail
Foundation objects utilized when creating complex workflows
Query WMI Object
Invoke Web Services Object
Query XML Object
Query Database Object
Run Program Object (CLI Execution)
Run .NET Scripting Object
Error Handling, External Internal and Lifecycle Management
Adding Error Handling to Policies
Lifecycle Management
Policy Install, Upgrade and Promotion
Interacting with OIS through External Interfaces
Web Services
Command Line
Working with System Center Integration Packs
Integration Packs
Process Catalogs
OIS 6.3 Target Scenarios
System Center Integration Packs
Other Integration Packs
Policy Throttling
Audit Trail
Product Footprint
OIS Folder Structure
OIS Registry Keys
Basic Troubleshooting
Quick Integration Kit
Microsoft Software Assurance Vouchere
Kurset kan betales med Software Assurance Vouchere.
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