Vi har udviklet dette Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations kursus med fokus på hands-on, så du lærer systemet godt at kende. Samtidig hjælper dette kursus dig med at blive klar til certificering. Vores instruktører er erfarne konsulenter, der har mange års erfaring med Dynamics AX og de forstår at give deres 'real-life' erfaringer videre til dig. Hovedemner på kurset:
- Set up and configure the core financial modules.
- Manage daily procedures for the core financial modules.
- Set up, configure, and use the Budgeting module.
- Manage periodic and closing procedures for the financial modules.
81198AE: General Ledger in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition
- Module 01: General Ledger Workspace
- Module 02: Currency and Exchange Rate Setup
- Module 03: Fiscal Calendars
- Module 04: Test Your Knowledge, Modules 1 - 3
- Module 05: Financial Dimensions
- Module 06: Accounts Structures and Advanced Rules
- Module 07: Chart of Accounts 81199AE: Accounts Payable in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition
- Module 01: Vendor Setup
- Module 02: Vendor Invoicing
- Module 03: Vendor Invoice Journals
- Module 04: Vendor Payments
- Module 05: Prepayments
- Module 06: Managing Vendor 1099s
- Module 07: Commitment Accounting 81200AE: Accounts Receivable in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition
- Module 01: Customer Setup
- Module 02: Free Text Invoices and Sales Order Invoices
- Module 03: Customer Collections
- Module 04: Customer Payment Receipts 81201AE: Cash and Bank Management in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition
- Module 01: Cash and Bank Setup
- Module 02: Centralized Payments
- Module 03: Bills of Exchange
- Module 04: Cash and Bank Reconciliation 81202AE: Fixed Assets in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition
- Module 01: Fixed Assets Setup
- Module 02: Depreciation Setup
- Module 03: Management
- Module 04: Transactions 81203AE: Budgeting in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition
- Module 01: Budgeting
- Module 02: Budget Planning
- Module 03: Budget Control