Development, Extensions and Deployment for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
Development, Extensions and Deployment for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

Development, Extensions and Deployment for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

18.800,00 kr


Vi har udviklet dette Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations kursus med fokus på hands-on, så du lærer systemet godt at kende. Samtidig hjælper dette kursus dig med at blive klar til certificering og indeholder SkillsHouse certificeringsgaranti, hvor der ikke er yderligere omkostninger for dig i forbindelse med eksamen. Vores instruktører er erfarne konsulenter/udviklere, der har mange års erfaring med Dynamics AX og de forstår at give deres 'real-life' erfaringer videre til dig. Hovedemner på kurset:

  • Understand the architecture and development environment
  • Develop new elements by using Application Explorer
  • Read and Write Basic X++
  • Manage the User Interface and Security for Developers
  • Develop and extend retail components


81213AE: Modeling Your Data With Visual Studio in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition

  • Module 01: Visual Studio and Visual Studio Team Services
  • Module 02: System Architecture
  • Module 03: Labels and Resource Development
  • Module 04: Base Enumeration and Extended Data Type Development
  • Module 05: Developing Tables
  • Module 06: Advanced Table Configuration
  • Module 07: Best Practices for Tables
  • Module 08: Test Your Knowledge
  • Module 09: Developing Table Indexes
  • Module 10: Developing Table Relations
  • Module 11: Developing Table Extensions 81214AE: User Interface Development in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition
  • Module 01: Form Patterns
  • Module 02: Developing Forms
  • Module 03: Developing Menus
  • Module 04: Test Your Knowledge 81215AE: X++ Programming and Advanced Topics in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition
  • Module 01: Introduction to X++
  • Module 02: Runnable Classes
  • Module 03: Getting Started with X++
  • Module 04: Visual Studio Tools for X++
  • Module 05: Best Practices for X++
  • Module 06: Test Your Knowledge, Modules 1 - 5
  • Module 07: Developing Classes
  • Module 08: Using X++ for Database Manipulation
  • Module 09: Using X++ for Exception Handling