
Security Hackathon: Fundamentals in Penetration Testing
Security Hackathon: Fundamentals in Penetration Testing

Security Hackathon: Fundamentals in Penetration Testing


På dette kursus vil deltagerne tilegne sig viden ved at simulere et hackerangreb og evaluere sikkerheden for systemerne og netværksinfrastrukturen set fra et internt trusselsperspektiv. Kurset vil være baseret på praktiske testcases, da et interessant labmiljø af sårbare virtuelle maskiner, værktøjer og teknikker vil blive sat til rådighed for deltagerne for på den måde at få en fuld hands-on oplevelse. Dette sikrer en grundig forståelse af de teoretiske begreber og giver samtidig deltageren hands-on erfaring.


  • Learn how to attack a corporate infrastructure.
  • Understand and try some of the best attacks of last year, pass-the-hash and cypto vulnerabilities and rediscover how efficient old but good attacks like MitM and spoofing attacks work.
  • Understand why your first idea of protection does work and see the benefit of defence in depth.
  • Apply the methodology and techniques used by hackers to evaluate the security posture of the systems and exploit the weakest links.
  • Understand the different methods that intruders use to gain unauthorized access to systems and learn how to prevent them. The course will cover all the phases of a typical penetration test, following the methodology of:
  • Reconnaissance and information gathering
  • Footprinting and scanning
  • Vulnerability assessment
  • Exploitation
  • Post-exploitation Capture the flag (CTF)
    This session represents the culmination of the training course, where the students will apply the skills mastered in the course in a full-day, hands-on workshop. The students will conduct an actual penetration test of a sample target environment. FortConsult will provide the scope and rules of engagement, and the students will work in teams to achieve the goal of finding out whether the target organization/application is at risk. The course will focus on attacking a Windows environment from the inside. Also we will shortly cover network devices and Linux.

Security Hackathon: Fundamentals in Penetration Testing

16.000,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30