
Designing and Implementing Cloud Data Platform Solutions
Designing and Implementing Cloud Data Platform Solutions

Designing and Implementing Cloud Data Platform Solutions


Dette kursus, fokuserer med udgangspunkt i Microsoft SQL Server on-premise, hybrid og Azure data platform på design og implementering af cloud data platform løsninger. Det leder dig igennem design, implementering og optimering af workloads i hybrid løsninger, såvel som on-premise og Azure cloud baserede samme, samt opsætning af high availability og disaster recovery løsninger. Efter endt kursus vil du have følgende kompetencer:

  • Create SQL Server and Microsoft Azure data solutions
  • Create Security solutions for on-premises and cloud databases
  • Configure High-Availability, Disaster Recovery and Scalability options for databases
  • Monitor, Manage and Automate database solutions


Module 1: Designing and Implementing Database Solutions for SQL Server and Microsoft Azure

  • This module explains how to design a database solution for SQL Server and Microsoft Azure databases.
  • Lessons
  • Design and Implement Hybrid SQL Server solutions
  • Design and Implement Azure SQL Database solutions
  • Design and Implement MySQL and PostgreSQL database solutions in Azure
  • Review
  • Lab : Designing and Implementing Database Solutions for SQL Server and Microsoft Azure
  • Implement a Hybrid SQL Server solution
  • Implement an Azure SQL Database solution
  • Implement a MySQL database solution
  • Implement a PostgreSQL database solution Module 2: Manage, Design and Implement Database Security
  • This module explains how to setup security for an on-premises or Azure database.
  • Lessons
  • Design and Implement SQL Server database security
  • Design and Implement Azure SQL Database security
  • Review
  • Lab : Manage, Design and Implement Database Security
  • Implement SQL Server database security
  • Implement Azure SQL Database security Module 3: Design for High-Availability, Disaster Recovery and Scalability
  • This module explains how to configure database solutions for High-Availability, Disaster Recovery and Scalability.
  • Lessons
  • Design and Implement High-Availability Solutions
  • Design and Implement Disaster Recovery Solutions
  • Design and Implement Scalability Solutions
  • Review
  • Lab : Create Microsoft Azure Data Objects using Python
  • Implement a High-Availability Solution
  • Implement a Disaster Recovery Solution
  • Implement a Scalability Solution Module 4: Monitor and Troubleshoot Database Implementations in Azure
  • This module explains how to monitor and troubleshoot database implementations.
  • Lessons
  • Monitor and Troubleshoot SQL Server VMs on Azure
  • Monitor and Troubleshoot Azure SQL Databases
  • Review
  • Lab : Create Microsoft Azure Data Processes using Python
  • Monitor and Troubleshoot SQL Server
  • Monitor and Troubleshoot Azure SQL Databases

Designing and Implementing Cloud Data Platform Solutions

14.100,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30