
Microsoft 365 Identity and Services
Microsoft 365 Identity and Services

Microsoft 365 Identity and Services


Dette kursus dækker tre centrale elementer i Microsoft 365:

  • Opsætning og valg af Microsoft 365 løsning
  • Office 365 management
  • Microsoft 365 identitetsstyring Kurset giver bl.a. en oversigt over Office 365-produktfunktionalitet, herunder Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Microsoft Teams, andre funktioner og Microsoft 365 enheds styring. Samtidig får du en forståelse af, hvordan man konfigurerer og vælger den Microsoft 365 løsning, der passer bedst til din organisation. Du lærer i den forbindelse at koble klienter på samt gennemgå de forskellige muligheder for at rulle Office 365 Proplus ud. På kurset er der derudover en dybere gennemgang af Azure Active Directory og hybride løsninger med Azure Ad Connect. Der lægges vægt på brugerstyring og sikkerhedsmæssige aspekter så som multifaktor login. Det gennemgås ligeledes, hvordan eksterne brugere kan få adgang dit dine systemer, og hvordan det styres. Til slut kigges der på muligheder for at tilføje ekstra apps og egne programmer til Microsoft 365. Kurset egner sig godt til dig, der ønsker at opnå en viden til at planlægge og designe en løsning baseret på Microsoft 365. Ligeså egner kurset sig til dig, som til daglige arbejder med og administrerer en Microsoft 365 løsning.
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Module 1: Designing Your Microsoft 365 Tenant

  • This module focuses on planning your Microsoft 365 experience. This includes planning for the proper Microsoft 365 subscription, planning for Microsoft 365 in your on-premises infrastructure, planning which identity and authentication solution best fits your organizational requirements, planning your service setup, planning for hybrid environments, and planning your migration to Microsoft 365.
  • Lessons
  • Planning your Microsoft 365 Experience
  • Planning Microsoft 365 in your On-premises Infrastructure
  • Planning Your Identity and Authentication Solution
  • Planning Your Service Setup
  • Planning Your Hybrid Environment
  • Planning Your Migration to Office 365
  • Lab : Transition to Microsoft 365
  • Transition to Microsoft 365 . Module 2: Configuring Your Microsoft 365 Tenant
  • While Module 1 focuses on planning your Microsoft 365 tenant, this modules transitions to configuring your tenant. This includes configuring your Microsoft 365 experience, including your organization profile, your tenant subscription, your services and add-ins, and your tenant configuration. You will then learn how to manage Microsoft 365 user accounts and licenses, security groups, and domain services. You will conclude by examining how to leverage FastTrack and partner services.
  • Lessons
  • Configuring Your Microsoft 365 Experience
  • Managing User Accounts and Licenses in Microsoft 365
  • Managing Security Groups in Microsoft 365
  • Implementing Your Domain Services
  • Leveraging FastTrack and Partner Services
  • Lab : Configure your Microsoft 365 Tenant
  • Initialize your Microsoft 365 Tenant
  • Manage Users and Groups
  • Add a Custom Domain . Module 3: Managing Your Microsoft 365 Tenant
  • In the prior modules, you learned how to plan for and configure your Microsoft 365 tenant. In this module, you will take the next step in the deployment process by learning how to manage your tenant once it has been implemented. This includes configuring your Microsoft 365 administrator roles, managing tenant health and services, and managing user-driven and centralized deployments of Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise (formerly Office 365 ProPlus).
  • Lessons
  • Configuring Microsoft 365 Admin Roles
  • Managing Tenant Health and Services
  • Managing User-Driven Client Installations
  • Managing Centralized Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise Deployments
  • Lab : Manage Your Microsoft 365 Tenant
  • Manage Administration Delegation
  • Monitor and Troubleshoot Microsoft 365
  • Install Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise . Module 4: Office 365 Overview
  • This module examines the primary features and functionality of the key Microsoft 365 services, including Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Teams, Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, and Power Virtual Agents. This module also introduces you additional Microsoft 365 resources and provides an introduction to device management using Microsoft Intune, security baselines, and conditional access.
  • Lessons
  • Exchange Online Overview
  • SharePoint Online Overview
  • Teams Overview
  • Power Platform Overview
  • Power Apps Overview
  • Power Automate Overview
  • Power BI Overview
  • Power Virtual Agents Overview
  • Additional Resources Overview
  • Device Management Overview
  • Lab : Reviewing Office 365 Functionality
  • Review Key Features of Exchange Online
  • Review Key Features of SharePoint Online
  • Create a Ticketing System in SharePoint
  • Review Key Features of Microsoft Teams
  • Explore the Power Platform Admin Center
  • Create a Power App from a SharePoint data source
  • Create a Power App from scratch
  • Create a flow using Power Automate
  • Create a DLP Policy using Power Automate
  • Build a Power BI report and dashboard . Module 5: Configuring Microsoft 365 Clients
  • This module introduces you to the Microsoft 365 clients, including mobile clients and clients working offline. This module also examines how to configure Office client connectivity to Microsoft 365, including automatic client configuration, DNS records required for automatic client configuration, configuring Outlook clients, configuring MFA, and troubleshooting client connectivity.
  • Lessons
  • Microsoft 365 Client Overview
  • Configuring Office Client Connectivity to Microsoft 365 . Module 6: Capturing User-Driven Data
  • This module examines how to capture user-driven data using Office Telemetry and Workplace Analytics.
  • Lessons
  • Configuring Office Telemetry
  • Configuring Workplace Analytics . Module 7: Planning and Implementing Identity Synchronization
  • This module provides an in-depth examination of Microsoft 365 Identity synchronization, with a focus on Azure Active Directory Connect. You will learn how to plan for and implement Azure AD Connect and, how to manage synchronized identities, and how to implement password management in Microsoft 365 using multi-factor authentication and self-service password management.
  • Lessons
  • Introduction to Identity Synchronization
  • Planning for Azure AD Connect
  • Implementing Azure AD Connect
  • Managing Synchronized Identities
  • Password Management in Microsoft 365
  • Lab : Manage Identities
  • Prepare for Identity Synchronization
  • Implement Identity Synchronization
  • Implement Password Management . Module 8: Implementing Application and External Access
  • This modules provides a comprehensive look at implementing application and external access. You will learn how to add and manage applications in Azure Active Directory, including how to configure multi-tenant applications. You will then examine how to configure Azure AD Application Proxy, including how to install and register a connector and how to publish an on-premises app for remote access. Finally, you will examine how to design and manage solutions for external access. This includes licensing guidance for Azure AD B2B collaboration, creating a collaborative user, and troubleshooting a B2B collaboration.
  • Lessons
  • Implementing Applications in Azure AD
  • Configuring Azure AD App Proxy
  • Solutions for External Access

Microsoft 365 Identity and Services

21.000,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30