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Manage Subscriptions and Resources

6.800,00 kr


På dette kursus lærer du at styre Azure-abonnementer, herunder adgang, politikker, samt hvordan man sporer og estimerer serviceforbrug og relaterede omkostninger. Derudover ser vi på hvordan cloudressourcer styres i Azure gennem bruger- og gruppekonti. Du lærer at give passende rettigheder i Azure AD-brugere, grupper og tjenester via Role-based access control (RBAC). På kurset gennemgår vi også de centrale overvågningsværktøjer og -funktioner, som Azure tilbyder, herunder Azure Alerts og Activity Log. Du introduceres derefter til Log Analytics, og bruger denne tjeneste til søge i og analysere operationelle data. Derefter undervises i Azure Resource Manager, og hvordan man arbejder med ressourcer, ressourcegrupper og ARM-skabeloner. Dette kursus er det første kursus i serien til Azure Administrator certificeringen. Derfor er der en betydelig mængde stof, der forbereder til de resterende kurser i certificeringen. Det dækker bl.a. tips og tricks til at arbejde på Azure-portalen, samt en introduktion til værktøjer, der anvendes i Azure-miljøet, såsom Cloud Shell og Resource Explorer. Der lægges vægt på PowerShell og kommandolinjegrænsefladen (CLI). After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Manage Azure subscriptions and billing, and implement Azure policies.
  • Implement access management with Azure users, groups, and role-based access control.
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  • Use Azure Monitor to configure Azure alerts and review the Azure Activity Log.
  • Query and analyze Log Analytics data.
  • Deploy resources with ARM templates and organize Azure resources.
  • Optimize your use of Azure tools like the Azure portal, Azure PowerShell, Cloud Shell and the Azure CLI. Dette kursus er en del af det samlede 5-dags kurset AZ-100: Microsoft Azure Infrastructure and Deployment, som forbereder dig til test og certificeringen ”Azure Administrator Associate”. Hvis du vælger kun at deltage pÃ¥ denne del af det samlede kursus, skal du være ekstra opmærksom pÃ¥ forudsætningerne.


Module 1: Managing Azure Subscriptions

  • In this module, you’ll learn about the components that make up an Azure subscription and how management groups are used to organize subscriptions into containers to allow you to control organizational governance and policy management across subscriptions. As well as learning about the different available types of subscription, you’ll see how to apply tags to your Azure resources to logically organize them by categories.
  • Lessons
  • Overview of Azure Subscriptions
  • Billing
  • Azure Policy Module 2: Access Management for Cloud Resources
  • In this module you will learn the basics of role-based access control as it applies to users and groups. Focus on the administrator role and how it used in Azure.
  • Lessons
  • Azure Users and Groups
  • Role-based Access Control Module 3: Monitoring and Diagnostics
  • In this module, you learn about the Azure Monitor and the many capabilities to ensure your Azure architecture is working correctly. Monitoring skills are explained in this first course and then demonstrated in the following courses. The two main elements explained in this module are Azure Alerts and Azure Activity Log.
  • Lessons
  • Exploring Monitoring Capabilities in Azure
  • Azure Alerts
  • Azure Activity Log Module 4: Log Analytics
  • In this module, you will focus on Log Analytics. Log Analytics provides a way for you to collect, analyze, and query all types of connected data. It is a very powerful tool.
  • Lessons
  • Introduction to Log Analytics
  • Querying and Analyzing Log Analytics Data Module 5: Azure Resource Manager
  • In this module, you will learn about how resources are organized into resource groups and how ARM templates are used to deploy those resources. This module introduces the concepts and then they are applied in the other courses.
  • Lessons
  • ARM templates
  • Resource Groups Module 6: Azure Tips, Tricks, and Tools
  • This last module is provided to help you get the most from your administrative tools. This include the Azure Portal, Cloud Shell, Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, and Resource Explorer.
  • Lessons
  • Azure Portal
  • Azure Tools and Environment