
Microsoft Azure Developer Advanced Solutions
Microsoft Azure Developer Advanced Solutions

Microsoft Azure Developer Advanced Solutions


Dette kursus er en samling af følgende tre Microsoft Azure kurser:

  • AZ-2011 - Develop for an Azure Cloud Model
  • AZ-2012 - Implement Azure Development Integration Solutions
  • AZ-2013 - Develop Azure Cognitive Services, Bot, and IoT Solutions Disse kurser er forberedende til testen, som skal til for at blive certificeret Azure Developer Associate. After completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Learn to develop for asynchronous processing and how to implement the appropriate asynchronous compute model.
  • Implement autoscaling in your solution and implement code that addresses transient state.
  • Discover how to implement large-scale, parallel and high-performance apps by using batches.
  • Learn to implement, and manage, distributed transactions.
  • Configure instrumentation in an app or service by using Application Insights and other tools.
  • Manage APIs by using API Management (APIM)
  • Create an APIM instance, configure authentication for APIs, create an API gateway, and define policies for APIs
  • ...%%%


  • Configure a message-based integration architecture by using the services included in Azure.
  • Configure an app or service to send email
  • Develop an application message model including message schema and message exchange.
  • Create an event model, topics, and subscriptions
  • Learn to develop solutions using Computer Vision.
  • Use speech services and natural language processing in your app.
  • Create and manage dictionaries for FAQ generation by using QnA maker.
  • Leverage Bing Search in your application.
  • Create and register simple bot using the Bot Framework, and manage a bot using the Azure Portal.
  • Configure Azure Time Series Insights for your IoT solution.
  • Configure the Stream Analytics Service for inputs and outputs for your IoT device.
  • Register your device with the IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service.


Module 1: Develop for asynchronous processing

  • Lessons
  • Implement parallelism multithreading and processing
  • Implement Azure Functions and Azure Logic Apps
  • Implement interfaces for storage or data access
  • Implement appropriate asynchronous computing models Module 2: Develop for autoscaling
  • Lessons
  • Implement autoscaling rules and patterns
  • Implement code that addresses singleton application instances
  • Implement code that addresses a transient state Module 3: Develop long-running tasks
  • Lessons
  • Implement large scale parallel and high-performance apps by using batches
  • Implement resilient apps by using queues
  • Implement code to address aplication events by using webhooks
  • Address continuous processing tasks by using Azure WebJobs Module 4: Implement distributed transactions
  • Lessons
  • Identify tools to implement distributed transactions
  • Manage the transaction scope
  • Manage transactions across multiple databases and servers Module 5: Enable the search of textual content
  • Lessons
  • Create an Azure Search index
  • Import searchable data
  • Query the Azure Search index by using code Module 6: Instrument an app or service and implement logging
  • Lessons
  • Configure instrumentation in an app or service
  • Configure the logging service Module 7: Manage APIs by using API Management
  • Lessons
  • Analyze recommendations in Security Center
  • Create an API Management instance
  • Configure authentication for APIs
  • Create an API gateway
  • Define policies for APIs Module 8: Configure a message-based integration architecture
  • Lessons
  • Configure an app or service to send emails
  • Configure an event publish and subscribe model
  • Configure the Azure Relay service
  • Create and configure a notification hub
  • Create and configure an evnt hub
  • Create and configure a service bus
  • Configure an app or service with Microsoft Graph Module 9: Develop an application message model
  • Lessons
  • Create an event model
  • Create topics and subscriptions Module 10: Develop Azure Cognitive Services solutions
  • Lessons
  • Cognitive Services overview
  • Develop solutions using Computer Vision
  • Develop solutins using Bing Web Search
  • Develop solutions using Custom Speech Service
  • Develop solutions using QnA Maker Module 11: Create and intergrate bots
  • Lessons
  • Azure Bot Service overview
  • Create a bot using the Bot Builder SDK for .NET
  • Using Language Understanding in your bot
  • Register a bot with Bot Service
  • Managing a bot using the Azure Portal Module 12: Create and implement IoT solutions
  • Lessons
  • Working with the Azure IoT Hub
  • Working with Azure Time Series Insights
  • Working with Azure Stream Analytics

Microsoft Azure Developer Advanced Solutions

18.800,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30