Få en generel forståelse for Cloud Computing og Microsoft 365 øko-system, samt hvilke muligheder det kan give jeres organisation. På kurset kommer vi ind på nogle af kernefunktionerne i Microsoft 365 Services, Security, Compliance, Privacy og Trust og hvordan du sætter jeres account op.
Du bør have en generel forståelse for IT.
Kurset er for IT-profesionelle som skal udrulle og administrere Cloud services i en organisation eller som gerne vil have en grundlæggende forståelse for Cloud koncepter, og hvilke muligheder dette kan give herunder Software-as-a-Service [SaaS) med fokus på Microsoft 365 services.
Skelne mellem de forskellige cloudkoncepter
Forstå forskellene mellem Microsoft 365 og Office 365
Plan for migrering til Microsoft 365 services
Forstå forskellene mellem Microsoft on-premises services vs. Microsoft 365 cloud services
Forstå Enterprise Mobility i Microsoft 365
Forstå mulighederne i Microsoft 365 services
Forstå Identities inkl. cloud, on-premises og hybrid identity
Forstå Cloud Device Management og Protection samt brugen af Intune
Forstå Data Protection samt brugen af Azure Information Protection
Beskrive Compliance generelt set og mulighederne i Microsoft 365
Beskrive Microsoft 365 subscriptions, licenser, fakturering og support ...
Module 1: Understanding Cloud Fundamentals
Cloud Computing Overview
Microsoft Cloud Services
Migration to cloud services
Module 2: Microsoft 365 Fundamentals
Microsoft 365 core services
Microsoft on-premise services vs. Microsoft 365 cloud services
Enterprise Mobility in Microsoft 365
Collaboration in Microsoft 365
Module 3: Security, Compliance, Privacy and Trust in Microsoft 365
Organization security overview
Identity basics
Devices and data protection
Compliance in Microsoft 365
Module 4: Subscriptions and support in Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 Subscriptions, licenses, and billing
Support in Microsoft 365
Certificering Dette kursus leder hen mod eksamen MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals. Eksamen bestilles og betales særskilt.
Microsoft skriver følgende om denne eksamen:
This exam is designed for candidates looking to demonstrate foundational knowledge on the considerations and benefits of adopting cloud services in general and the Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud model. This exam will also cover knowledge of available options and benefits gained by implementing Microsoft 365 cloud service offerings.
This exam can be taken as a precursor to cloud computing and technologies exams such as Office 365, Microsoft Intune, Azure Information Protection (AIP), and Windows 10.
Læs mere om IT-certificering.
Microsoft Software Assurance Voucher Kurset kan betales med 1 SA voucher
Underviser Undervisningen varetages af en erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere.
Deltagerprofil Kurset er for dig, som gerne vil have en grundlæggende forståelse for cloud koncepter og de services der findes i Microsoft 365.
Du bør have en generel forståelse for IT.
Få en grundlæggende viden om Cloud Computing og fordelene ved Microsoft 365 cloudtjenester, samt hvilke muligheder Software as a service (SaaS) kan give jeres organisation. Du lærer om Microsoft 365 Services, Security, Compliance, Privacy og Trust. Der vil ikke være praktiske øvelser på dette kursus.
Forståelse for Microsoft 365 applikationer og cloud-services
Forståelse for hvordan Microsoft 365 services supporterer teamwork
Forståelse for funktioner og identiteter i Microsoft Entra ID
Forståelse for sikkerhed med Microsoft 365 Defender
Forståelse for compliance management, trust og privacy
Forståelse for subscriptions, licenser, fakturering og support i Microsoft 365
Certificering Dette kursus leder hen mod eksamen MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals. Eksamen bestilles og betales særskilt.
Microsoft skriver følgende om denne eksamen:
This exam is designed for you, if youre looking to demonstrate foundational-level knowledge of cloud-based solutions to facilitate productivity and collaboration on-site, at home, or a combination of both. As a candidate, you may have knowledge of cloud-based solutions and be new to Microsoft 365.
As a candidate, you should be able to recommend Microsoft 365 solutions that address common organizational IT challenges. You should understand Microsoft 365 solutions: Improve productivity, Facilitate collaboration, Optimize communications, Help secure data, Identity and facilitate compliance.
You should be familiar with Microsoft 365 licensing, deployment and migration assistance, and support options for organizations looking to maximize their investment in the cloud.
Læs mere om IT-certificering.
Videre forløb Ønsker du at komme mere i dybden med Microsoft 365, kan du finde inspiration i nogle at disse kurser
Microsoft 365 Administrator Essentials [MS-102T00]Microsoft 365 Endpoint Administrator [MD-102T00]Managing Microsoft Teams [MS-700T00]
Indhold Module 1: Describe Microsoft 365 apps and services
What is Microsoft 365?
Describe collaboration solutions of Microsoft 365
Describe endpoint modernization, management concepts, and deployment options in Microsoft 365
Describe analytics capabilities of Microsoft 365
Module 2: Describe Microsoft 365 security and compliance capabilities
Describe the function and identity types of Microsoft Entra ID
Describe access management capabilities of Entra ID
Describe threat protection with Microsoft 365 Defender
Describe capabilities of Microsoft Sentinel
Describe the compliance management capabilities in Microsoft Purview
Describe Microsofts Service Trust Portal and privacy capabilities
Module 3: Describe Microsoft 365 pricing, licensing, and support
Describe Microsoft 365 pricing, licensing, and billing options
Describe support offerings for Microsoft 365 services