Teknologisk Institut

Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security [MS-101]
Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security [MS-101]

Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security [MS-101]


Lær at implementere Modern Device Services, herunder MDM med Intune, Conditional Access, Microsoft Store for Business samt Windows 10 deployment. Kurset gennemgår også implementering af Microsoft 365 Security og Threat Management, herunder Cloud App Security (CAS), Advanced Threat Management Protection (ATP) samt Security reports og alarmer. Endelig lærer du om Microsoft 365 Governance og Compliance, herunder Data Loss Prevention (DLP), Azure Information Protection (AIP), Information Retention, Microsoft 365 Backup og Retention Policies samt Auditing og eDiscovery.

Enterprise Administrator
Microsoft har lanceret en hel ny række kurser, som er målrettet rollen som Enterprise Administrator. Kurserne udbydes som et samlet 4-dages modulopdelt kursusforløb, hvor du kommer igennem områder:

Lær Security Management i Microsoft 365, herunder administration af Security Metrics, Azure AD Identity Protection. Derudover gennemgår kurset Exchange Online Protection, Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) samt Threat Intelligence og Threat Analytics.
Lær om Microsoft 365 Compliance Management, herunder Data Retention og Data Loss Prevention (DLP) samt Archiving.
Kurset introducerer dig til Microsoft 365 Device Management med udgangspunkt i konfiguration af Azure AD for Intune, Intune Policies, Udruldning af Windows 10 Devices, Windows Analytics og Device Compliance.

Forudsætninger ...


Du forventes at have et kendskab Microsoft Windows Server og Client administration samt et grundlæggende kendskab til Microsoft 365 og Microsoft Azure. Derudover vil det være godt med kendskab til Powershell.

Kurset henvender sig til IT-professionelle, der enten er begyndt at migrere services til Microsoft 365 og Microsoft Azure, eller er i planlægning og test fasen.


Microsoft 365 Security Management

Designing your Microsoft 365 Tenant
- Planning a Microsoft 365 On-premises infrastructure
- Planning Your Identity and Authentication Solution
Configuring your Microsoft 365 Tenant
- Planning your Microsoft 365 Experience
- Configuring your Microsoft 365 Experience
- Leveraging FastTrack and Partner Services
- Implementing Your Domain Services
Managing your Microsoft 365 Tenant
- Configuring Tenant Roles
- Managing Tenant Health and Services
Hands-On Lab

Microsoft 365 Compliance Management

Introduction to Data Governance in Microsoft 365
- Introduction to Archiving in Microsoft 365
- Introduction to Retention in Microsoft 365
- Introduction to Information Rights Management
- Introduction to Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
- Introduction to Office 365 Message Encryption
- Introduction to Data Loss Prevention
Archiving and Retention in Microsoft 365
- In-Place Records Management in SharePoint
- Archiving and Retention in Exchange
- Retention Policies in the SCC
- Implementing Your Domain Services
Implementing Data Governance in Microsoft 365 Intelligence
- Planning Your Security and Compliance Needs
- Building Ethical Walls in Exchange Online
- Creating a Simple DLP Policy from a Built-in Template
- Creating a Custom DLP Policy
- Creating a DLP Policy to Protect Documents
- Working with Policy Tips
Managing Data Governance in Microsoft 365
- Managing Retention in Email
- Troubleshooting Data Governance
- Implementing Information Protection
- Implementing Advanced Information Protection
- Introduction to Windows Information Protection
Managing Search and Investigations
- Searching for Content in the Security and Compliance Center
- Auditing Log Investigations
- Managing Advanced eDiscovery

Hands-On Lab

Microsoft 365 Device Management

Planning for Device Management
- Introduction to Co-management
- Preparing Your Windows 10 Devices for Co-management
- Transitioning from Configuration Manager to Intune
- Introduction Microsoft Store for Business
- Planning for Mobile Application Management
Planning Your Windows 10 Deployment Strategy
- Windows 10 Deployment Scenarios
- Planning Your Windows 10 Subscription Activation Strategy
- Resolving Windows 10 Upgrade Errors
- Introduction to Windows Analytics
Implementing Mobile Device Management
- Planning Mobile Device Management
- Deploying Mobile Device Management
- Enrolling Devices to MDM
- Managing Device Compliance
Hands-On Lab

Dette kursus rettet mod eksamen MS-101 Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security, som sammen med eksamen MS-100 Microsoft 365 Identity and Services leder hen mod certificeringen Microsoft Certified Enterprise Administrator Expert . Eksamen bestilles og betales særskilt.

Candidates for this exam are Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrators who take part in evaluating, planning, migrating, deploying, and managing Microsoft 365 services. They perform Microsoft 365 tenant management tasks for an enterprise, including its identities, security, compliance, and supporting technologies.
Candidates have a working knowledge of Microsoft 365 workloads and should have been an administrator for at least one Microsoft 365 workload (Exchange, SharePoint, Skype for Business, Windows as a Service). Candidates also have a working knowledge of networking, server administration, and IT fundamentals such as DNS, Active Directory, and PowerShell.

Læs mere om IT-certificering.

Microsoft Software Assurance Voucher
Kurset kan betales med 4 SA Vouchers.

Undervisningen vareteages af en erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere.

Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security [MS-101]

16.999,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30
