Få den nødvendige viden om administration, konfigurering og drift af Office 365 services i et hybridt miljø, hvor dele af infrastrukturen er hostet on-premise. Du lærer også om administration af identities, authentication og support.
Du skal have erfaring med administration af Windows Server, herunder AD DS, DNS og PKI.
Herudover skal du også have erfaring med PowerShell, Exchange Server, SharePoint Server, Skype for Business, Office 365 så som Exchange Online, Skype for Business og SharePoint Online, og endeligt er det en fordel at have en god forståelse for Microsoft Cloud Platform og Office 365 platform.
Dette kursus er for IT-Proer og systemadministratorer, som vil lære om implementering og administration af hybride løsninger på Office 365, hvor infrastrukturen er både on-premise og integreret med Office 365 services.
Kurset fokuserer på, at du får den nødvendige viden til at administrerer og fejlsøge Office 365 løsninger herunder Exchange Online, SharePoint Online og Skype for Business samt Azure Multi Factor Authentication (MFA), Azure Active Directory Identity Protection og Azure Active Directory Privileged Identity Management.
Describe Office 365 administration and licensing
Deploy and configure directory synchronization ...
Plan an Exchange Server hybrid deployment
Perform an Exchange Server hybrid deployment
Deploy Skype for Business in a hybrid deployment
Deploy SharePoint and OneDrive for Business in a hybrid environment
Deploy additional Office 365 services in a hybrid deployment
Deploy various authentication methods in a hybrid Office 365 deployment
Module 1: Introduction to Office 365 administration and licensing
Overview of Office 365
Office 365 administration and role delegation
Office 365 tenant configuration
Hybrid deployment general overview
Module 2: Deploying and configuring directory synchronization
Directory synchronization and authentication overview
Azure AD Connect deployment and configuration
Managing user and group objects in an Office 365 hybrid environment
Module 3: Exchange Server hybrid deployment planning
Exchange Online overview
Exchange Server hybrid configuration options and deployment features
Exchange Server services in the hybrid deployment
Module 4: Exchange Server hybrid deployment
Using the Hybrid Configuration Wizard
Managing and configuring the Exchange hybrid deployment
Implementing advanced functionality for hybrid deployments
Configuring message compliance and hygiene in hybrid environment
Module 5: Skype for Business hybrid deployment
Overview of Skype for Business Online and Microsoft Teams
Preparing for the hybrid Skype for Business deployment
Configuring the Skype for Business hybrid environment
Using the Skype for Business hybrid configuration with Phone System
Module 6: SharePoint and OneDrive for Business hybrid deployment
Overview of SharePoint Online
Planning for a SharePoint hybrid deployment
Deploying the SharePoint hybrid configuration
Configuring SharePoint services in a hybrid configuration
Module 7: Deploying additional Office 365 services in a hybrid deployment
Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication in a hybrid scenario
Implementing Azure Information Protection
Implementing Identity Protection and Azure AD
Privileged Identity Management
Module 8: Authentication options in hybrid deployments
Planning authentication options in Office 365
Deploying AD FS for SSO
Deploying pass-through authentication for SSO
Microsoft Software Assurance Voucher Dette kursus kan betales med SA Voucher.
Underviser Undervisningen varetages af en anden erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere.
Se vores øvrige kurser indenfor Office 365
Deltagerprofil Dette kursus er for IT-Proer og systemadministratorer, som vil lære om implementering og administration af hybride løsninger på Office 365, hvor infrastrukturen er både on-premise og integreret med Office 365 services.
Forudsætninger Du skal have erfaring med administration af Windows Server, herunder AD DS, DNS og PKI.
Herudover skal du også have erfaring med PowerShell, Exchange Server, SharePoint Server, Skype for Business, Office 365 så som Exchange Online, Skype for Business og SharePoint Online, og endeligt er det en fordel at have en god forståelse for Microsoft Cloud Platform og Office 365 platform.
Få den nødvendige viden om administration, konfigurering og drift af Office 365 services i et hybridt miljø, hvor dele af infrastrukturen er hostet on-premise. Du lærer også om administration af identities, authentication og support.
Describe Office 365 administration and licensing
Deploy and configure directory synchronization
Plan an Exchange Server hybrid deployment
Perform an Exchange Server hybrid deployment
Deploy Skype for Business in a hybrid deployment
Deploy SharePoint and OneDrive for Business in a hybrid environment
Deploy additional Office 365 services in a hybrid deployment
Deploy various authentication methods in a hybrid Office 365 deployment
Microsoft Software Assurance Voucher Dette kursus kan betales med SA Voucher.
Søgte du andre kurser? Se vores øvrige kurser indenfor Office 365
Indhold Kurset fokuserer på, at du får den nødvendige viden til at administrerer og fejlsøge Office 365 løsninger herunder Exchange Online, SharePoint Online og Skype for Business samt Azure Multi Factor Authentication (MFA), Azure Active Directory Identity Protection og Azure Active Directory Privileged Identity Management.
Module 1: Introduction to Office 365 administration and licensing
Overview of Office 365
Office 365 administration and role delegation
Office 365 tenant configuration
Hybrid deployment general overview
Module 2: Deploying and configuring directory synchronization
Directory synchronization and authentication overview
Azure AD Connect deployment and configuration
Managing user and group objects in an Office 365 hybrid environment
Module 3: Exchange Server hybrid deployment planning
Exchange Online overview
Exchange Server hybrid configuration options and deployment features
Exchange Server services in the hybrid deployment
Module 4: Exchange Server hybrid deployment
Using the Hybrid Configuration Wizard
Managing and configuring the Exchange hybrid deployment
Implementing advanced functionality for hybrid deployments
Configuring message compliance and hygiene in hybrid environment
Module 5: Skype for Business hybrid deployment
Overview of Skype for Business Online and Microsoft Teams
Preparing for the hybrid Skype for Business deployment
Configuring the Skype for Business hybrid environment
Using the Skype for Business hybrid configuration with Phone System
Module 6: SharePoint and OneDrive for Business hybrid deployment
Overview of SharePoint Online
Planning for a SharePoint hybrid deployment
Deploying the SharePoint hybrid configuration
Configuring SharePoint services in a hybrid configuration
Module 7: Deploying additional Office 365 services in a hybrid deployment
Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication in a hybrid scenario
Implementing Azure Information Protection
Implementing Identity Protection and Azure AD
Privileged Identity Management
Module 8: Authentication options in hybrid deployments
Planning authentication options in Office 365
Deploying AD FS for SSO
Deploying pass-through authentication for SSO