Lær at administrere Azure, herunder Subscription og monitoring, Alerts og Log Analytics. Kurset gennemgår en bred vifte af de muligheder du typisk som Azure administrator skal implementere og vedligeholde, herunder Ressource Groups, Virtuel Networks, DNS, Storage, VMs, Backup og Restore. Du lærer at administrere ressourcerne dels i Azure Portalen, samt med ARM Templates, Azure Powershell og Azure CLI.
Azure Administrator
Microsoft har lanceret en hel ny række kurser, som er målrettet rollen som Azure Administrator. Kurserne udbydes både som 1-dags kurser eller som her, hvor vi har samlet dem til et 5-dages kursusforløb.
Dette forløb består at følgende fem kurser i Azure:
Manage Subscriptions and Resources [AZ100T01]
Implementing and Managing Storage [AZ100T02]
Deploying and Managing Virtual Machines [AZ100T03]
Configuring and Managing Virtual Networks [AZ100T04]
Manage Identities [AZ100T05]
Du forventes at have en grundlæggende viden om Azure svarende til kurset Introduction to Microsoft Azure for IT Professionals [10979] samt kendskab til operativsystemer, virtualisering og netværk. Derudover er det en fordel at have kendskab til PowerShell.
Kurset er for dig, der skal i gang med, eller allerede administrerer og vedligeholder resourcer og ...
... services i Azure, herunder Storage, virtuelle maskiner, netværk, Identities, Web Apps, Bakup og Recovery etc...
Manage Subscriptions and Resources:
Managing Azure Subscriptions
Access Management for Cloud Resources
Monitoring and Diagnostics
Log Analytics
Azure Resource Manager
Azure Tips, Tricks, and Tools
Implementing and Managing Storage:
Overview of Azure Storage
Storage Services
Securing and Managing Storage
Storing and Accessing Data
Monitoring Storage
Deploying and Managing Virtual Machines:
Overview of Azure Machines
Creating Virtual Machines
Deploying Virtual Machine Images
Configuring Virtual Machines
Configuring Availability and Extensibility
Managing and Monitoring Virtual Machines
Configuring and Managing Virtual Networks:
Azure Virtual Networks
Azure DNS
Securing Virtual Network Resources
Connecting Virtual Networks
Manage Identities:
Managing Azure Active Directory
Managing Azure Active Directory Objects
Implementing and Managing Hybrid Identities
Certificering Dette kursus er rettet mod eksamen AZ-100 Azure Infrastructur and Deployment, som sammen med eksamen AZ-101 Azure Integration and Security leder hen mod certificeringen
Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator Associate . Eksamen bestilles og betales særskilt.
Candidates for this exam are Azure Administrators who manage cloud services that span storage, security, networking, and compute cloud capabilities. Candidates have a deep understanding of each service across the full IT lifecycle, and take requests for infrastructure services, applications, and environments. They make recommendations on services to use for optimal performance and scale, as well as provision, size, monitor, and adjust resources as appropriate.
Candidates for this exam should have proficiency in using PowerShell, the Command Line Interface, Azure Portal, ARM templates, operating systems, virtualization, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, and networking.
Læs mere om IT-certificering.
Microsoft Software Assurance Voucher Kurset kan betales med 5 SA Vouchers.
Underviser Undervisningen varetages primært af Nis Gabriel eller en anden erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere.