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Understanding Danish Culture

0,00 kr

What's the fuss about meatballs? And why does nobody call their coworkers or superiors by their titles? Join our intensive course in Danish culture and mentality, do's and don'ts, and professional pitfalls and find out! 


You get everything you need to succeed:

  • the master key to Danish culture and mindset
  • dos and don'ts in Denmark - don't try and talk about the weather with strangers
  • a guide to the workplace - unwritten rules, working culture and coffee machine etiquette
  • knowledge about Danish history (why size matters)
  • hard facts about Denmark and the soft aspects of the culture
  • all you need to know to achieve a successful social life outside the office - for your family too. 

Why are Danes so tricky to figure out?

If you are currently expatriated in Denmark, chances are that you already know that Danes and Danish customs can be quite difficult to get the hang of. If ...%%%

... you have not yet arrived, then let us give you this quick heads up – it can be difficult to work and live in Denmark as a foreigner. It’s not that Danes are unwelcoming or unfriendly – we just have a rather special way of getting along with each other.

Find the secret recipe for the Danish way of life

Luckily, you don’t have to stand alone with your questions anymore. Our course is carefully designed to give you a deep insight into the Danish dos and don’ts at the office or at the store, unwritten rules, and special customs. Did you for instance know that an employee can excuse almost anything if she or he has to pick up their children? Or that we have a very relaxed attitude towards hierarchies and titles?
  We designed this course to answer all your questions and prepare you for successful careers as expats living in Denmark – with a flourishing social life as well!

Become expert expats in the Danish mindset – and bring your spouses!

Our course is usually a full day of intense and active learning and a vital boost for your integration in Denmark. Not only do we teach you all there is to know about workplace customs and how to act smoothly in corporate Denmark – you also learn how to socialize with your colleagues and your neighbors! You can even bring your spouses to the course with a special 15 % discount. That way it will be easier to make your stay in Denmark an amazing experience for life – for the entire family!
 %%%Det meningsfulde arbejdsliv
Aros handler om dig og det meningsfulde arbejdsliv. Vi gør op med samlebåndsuddannelser og tager
udgangspunkt i dine behov, forudsætninger og forventninger. Vores håndplukkede undervisere
har alle bevist deres værd – som fagpersoner og formidlere. Med fokus på praksis er de garantien
for håndgribelig viden, der virker ude i virkeligheden.

97,9 procent af kursisterne oplever, at undervisningen bliver målrettet netop deres behov. Derfor
er vi ret sikre på din tilfredshed og værdien på dit CV. Det er værktøjer til hverdagen og vitaminer
til dit arbejdsliv. Til alt det, du vil – fra nu af.

Læring i optimale omgivelser
Rammerne betyder nu engang noget for læringen, og vi gør os umage for at sikre optimale omgivelser.
I Aarhus afholder vi åbne kurser og uddannelsesforløb på det femstjernede Radisson Blu
Scandinavia Hotel – og i København i vores egne undervisningslokaler nær Amalienborg samt på det femstjernede hotel Marriott på Kalvebod Brygge.

Er I flere medarbejdere fra samme virksomhed, der trænger til ny inspiration og et kompetenceløft,
flytter vi gerne undervisningen ud til jer. Kontakt os på tlf. 70 278 279 for yderligere information
eller et konkret tilbud.