Vi anbefaler, at man i stedet for dette kursus overvejer disse to kurser:
- SU-560 Windows Server 2019 - Drift og Support
- SU-565 Windows Server 2019 - Upgrade & New Features På dette kursus behandles bl.a. nedenstående vigtige og centrale emner inden for Windows Server 2016: Du lærer at installere og konfigurere Hyper-V og Hyper-V-containere. Du får indsigt i høj tilgængelighed (oppetid) og teknologier til disaster recovery. Du lærer at planlægge, etablere og håndtere et failover cluster -- fx for Hyper-V virtuelle maskiner. Du bliver i stand til at implementere og konfigurere et network load balancing (NBL) cluster. Du bliver i stand til at lave og håndtere udrulnings-images. Du lærer at håndtere, overvåge og vedligeholde installationer med virtuelle maskiner.
Installing and configuring Hyper-V and virtual machines
- This module provides an overview of Hyper-V. This module also explains how to configure, manage, and install Hyper-V.
- Lessons
- Overview of Hyper-V
- Installing Hyper-V
- Configuring storage on Hyper-V host servers
- Configuring networking on Hyper-V host servers
- Configuring Hyper-V virtual machines
- Managing Hyper-V virtual machines
- Lab : Installing and configuring Hyper-V
- Installing the Hyper-V server role
- Configuring Hyper-V settings
- Creating and configuring a virtual machine
- Managing a virtual machine by using PowerShell Direct Deploying and managing Windows Server and Hyper-V containers
- This module provides and overview of containers in Windows Server 2016. It also explains how to deploy, install, configure, and manage containers in Windows Server 2016.
- Lessons
- Overview of containers in Windows Server 2016
- Deploying Windows Server and Hyper-V containers
- Installing, configuring, and managing containers
- Lab : Installing and configuring containers
- Installing and configuring Windows Server containers by using Windows PowerShell
- Installing and configuring Windows Server containers by using Docker Overview of high availability and disaster recovery
- This module provides an overview of high availability, business continuity, and disaster recovery. It further explains how to plan high availability and disaster recovery solutions. Additionally, in this module you will know how to back up and restore the Windows Server 2016 operating system and data by using Windows Server Backup. Finally, you will learn about Windows Server 2016 high availability with failover clustering.
- Lessons
- Defining levels of availability
- Planning high availability and disaster recovery solutions with Hyper-V virtual machines
- Backing up and restoring the Windows Server 2016 operating system and data by using Windows Server B
- High availability with failover clustering in Windows Server 2016
- Lab : Planning and implementing a high availability and disaster recovery solution
- Determining the appropriate high availability and disaster recovery solution
- Implementing storage migration
- Implementing Hyper-V Replica Implementing and managing failover clustering
- This module explains how to plan, create, configure, maintain, and troubleshoot a failover cluster. This module also explains how to implement site high availability with stretch clustering.
- Lessons
- Planning a failover cluster
- Creating and configuring a new failover cluster
- Maintaining a failover cluster
- Troubleshooting a failover cluster
- Implementing site high availability with stretch clustering
- Lab : Implementing a failover cluster
- Creating a failover cluster
- Verifying quorum settings and adding a node
- Lab : Managing a failover cluster
- Evicting a node and verifying quorum settings
- Changing the quorum from Disk Witness to File Share Witness, and defining node voting
- Adding and removing disks from the cluster Implementing failover clustering for Hyper-V virtual machines
- This module describes integrating Hyper-V virtual machines in a clustered environment. It also explains how to implement and maintain Hyper-V virtual machines on failover clusters. Additionally, this module also explains how to configure network health protection.
- Lessons
- Overview of integrating Hyper-V in Windows Server 2016 with failover clustering
- Implementing and maintaining Hyper-V virtual machines on failover clusters
- Key features for virtual machines in a clustered environment
- Lab : Implementing failover clustering with Hyper-V
- Configuring a failover cluster for Hyper-V
- Configuring a highly available virtual machine Implementing Network Load Balancing
- This module provides an overview of NLB clusters. It also explains how to plan and configure an NLB cluster implementation.
- Lessons
- Overview of NLB clusters
- Configuring an NLB cluster
- Planning an NLB implementation
- Lab : Implementing an NLB cluster
- Implementing an NLB cluster
- Configuring and managing the NLB cluster
- Validating high availability for the NLB cluster Managing, monitoring, and maintaining virtual machine installations
- This module provides an overview on WSUS and explains the deployment options. It explains how to update management process with WSUS and also how to use Performance Monitor. Additionally, this module also provides an overview of PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) and Windows Server 2016 monitoring tools. Finally, this module describes how to use Performance Monitor and monitor Event Logs.
- Lessons
- WSUS overview and deployment options
- Update management process with WSUS
- Overview of PowerShell DSC
- Overview of Windows Server 2016 monitoring tools
- Using Performance Monitor
- Monitoring Event Logs
- Lab : Implementing WSUS and deploying updates
- Implementing WSUS
- Configuring update settings
- Approving and deploying an update by using WSUS
- Lab : Monitoring and troubleshooting Windows Server 2016
- Establishing a performance baseline
- Identifying the source of a performance problem
- Viewing and configuring centralized event logs