Vi anbefaler, at man i stedet for dette kursus overvejer disse to kurser:
- SU-560 Windows Server 2019 - Drift og Support
- SU-565 Windows Server 2019 - Upgrade & New Features På dette kursus behandles bl.a. nedenstående vigtige og centrale emner inden for Windows Server 2016: Du får en introduktion til Windows Server 2016, og du lærer at installere Nano Server og Server Core samt planlægge server-opgradering og migreringsstrategi. Du får overblik over de mange valgmuligheder vedr. storage samt håndtering af diske og volumes, og du bliver i stand til at træffe passende valg til en given situation. Du bliver i stand til at implementere og håndtere storage spaces og data deduplication (intelligent komprimering ved eliminering af redundante data).
Installing, upgrading, and migrating servers and workloads
- This module explains how to prepare and install Nano Server and Server Core. This module also explains how to upgrade and migrate server roles and workloads. Finally, this module explains how to choose an activation model based on your environment characteristics.
- Lessons
- Introducing Windows Server 2016
- Preparing and installing Nano Server and Server Core
- Preparing for upgrades and migrations
- Migrating server roles and workloads
- Windows Server activation models
- Lab : Installing and configuring Nano Server
- Implementing Nano Server
- Completing post-installation tasks on the Nano Server
- Performing remote management Configuring local storage
- This module explains how to manage disks and volumes in Windows Server 2016.
- Lessons
- Managing disks in Windows Server 2016
- Managing volumes in Windows Server 2016
- Lab : Managing disks and volumes in Windows Server 2016
- Creating and Managing virtual hard disks by using Windows PowerShell
- Converting virtual hard disks from .vhd to .vhdx
- Resizing a volume
- After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Manage disks in Windows Server 2016.
- Manage volumes in Windows Server 2016. Implementing enterprise storage solutions
- This module describes the direct-attached storage (DAS), network-attached storage (NAS), and storage area networks (SANs). It also helps you understand Microsoft Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) Server, data center bridging, and Multipath I/O (MPIO). Additionally, this module also compares Fibre Channel, Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI), and Fibre Channel Over Ethernet (FCoE), and describes how to configure sharing in Windows Server 2016.
- Lessons
- Overview of direct-attached storage, network-attached storage, and storage area networks
- Comparing Fibre Channel, iSCSI, and FCoE
- Understanding iSNS, data centre bridging, and MPIO
- Configuring sharing in Windows Server 2016
- Lab : Planning and configuring storage technologies and components
- Planning storage requirements
- Configuring iSCSI storage
- Configuring and managing the share infrastructure Implementing Storage Spaces and Data Deduplication
- This module explains how to implement and manage Storage Spaces. This module also explains how to implement Data Deduplication.
- Lessons
- Implementing Storage Spaces
- Managing Storage Spaces
- Implementing Data Deduplication
- Lab : Implementing Storage Spaces
- Creating a storage space
- Enabling and configuring storage tiering
- Lab : Implementing Data Deduplication
- Installing Data Deduplication
- Configuring Data Deduplication Creating and managing deployment images
- This module provides an introduction to deployment images. It also explains how to create and manage deployment images by using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT). Additionally, it explains how to evaluate an organization’s requirements for server virtualization.
- Lessons
- Introduction to deployment images
- Creating and managing deployment images by using MDT
- Virtual machine environments for different workloads
- Lab : Using MDT to deploy Windows Server 2016
- Installing and configuring MDT
- Creating and deploying an image