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PowerShell Videregående

8.800,00 kr


Dette kursus, SU-531, er en naturlig fortsættelse til SU-530 Powershell Grundkursus. Deltagelse på SU-531 forudsætter, at du allerede har viden inden for PowerShell pipeline og PowerShell hjælpesystemet. Alle Microsoft platforme kan i korte træk styres og administreres i Windows PowerShell. Derfor er scriptsproget bredt anvendt både inden for Azure og on-premise. På kurset arbejder vi fx med PSProviders og PSDrives samt formatering af output. Derudover lærer du, hvordan man kan forespørge på systeminformation med WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) og CIM (Common Information Model), således at PowerShell kan bruge disse data. Yderligere gennemgår vi administration af remote computere, og ser hvordan man håndterer baggrundsjob og kalender-skedulerede jobs. Generelt er kurset præget af meget hands-on, hvor du anvender den forståelse og viden om PowerShell, du allerede har erhvervet dig. Især den sidste dag vil du blive sat til at bruge PowerShell i praksis på en virkelighedsnær måde. Her vil du få erfaring med at bygge PowerShell scripts og PowerShell moduler. Derigennem har du mulighed for at bruge din viden om bl.a. PowerShell pipeline og hjælpesystemet i en relevant praktisk sammenhæng.


Module A: Using PSProviders and PSDrives This module introduces ...%%%

... the PSProviders and PSDrives adapters. A PSProvider is basically a Windows PowerShell adapter that makes some form of storage resemble a disk drive. A PSDrive is an actual connection to a form of storage. You can use these two adapters to work with various forms of storage by using the same commands and techniques that you use to manage the file system.

  • Lessons
  • Using PSProviders
  • Using PSDrives
  • Lab : Using PSProviders and PSDrives
  • Creating files and folders on a remote computer
  • Creating a registry key for your future scripts
  • Create a new Active Directory group Module B: Advanced scripting This module introduces you to more advanced techniques that you can use in scripts. These techniques includes gathering user input, reading input from files, documenting scripts with help information and error handling.
  • Lessons
  • Accepting user input
  • Overview of script documentation
  • Troubleshooting and error handling
  • Functions and modules
  • Lab : Accepting data from users
  • Querying disk information from remote computers
  • Updating the script to use alternate credentials
  • Documenting a script
  • Lab : Implementing functions and modules
  • Creating a logging function
  • Adding error handling to a script
  • Converting a function to a module Module C: Administering Remote Computers This module introduces you to the Windows PowerShell remoting technology that enables you to connect to one or more remote computers and instruct them to run commands on your behalf.
  • Lessons
  • Using basic Windows PowerShell remoting
  • Using advanced Windows PowerShell remoting techniques
  • Using PSSessions
  • Lab : Using basic remoting
  • Enabling remoting on the local computer
  • Performing one-to-one remoting
  • Performing one-to-many remoting
  • Lab : Using PSSessions
  • Using implicit remoting
  • Managing multiple computers Module D: Using background jobs and scheduled jobs This module provides information about the job features of Windows PowerShell. Jobs are an extension point in Windows PowerShell, and there are many different kinds of jobs. Each kind of job can work slightly differently, and has different capabilities.
  • Lessons
  • Using background jobs
  • Using scheduled jobs
  • Lab : Using background jobs and scheduled jobs
  • Starting and managing jobs
  • Creating a scheduled job Module E: Using advanced Windows PowerShell techniques This module covers several advanced Windows PowerShell techniques and features. Many of these techniques and features extend functionality that you have learned about in previous modules. Some of these techniques are new and provide additional capabilities.
  • Lessons
  • Creating profile scripts
  • Using advanced techniques
  • Lab : Practicing advanced techniques
  • Creating a profile script
  • Verifying the validity of an IP address
  • Reporting disk information
  • Configuring NTFS permissions
  • Creating user accounts with passwords from a CSV file