
Windows 10 Systemadministration Grundkursus
Windows 10 Systemadministration Grundkursus

Windows 10 Systemadministration Grundkursus


Kom godt i gang med Windows 10! Kurset giver en grundlæggende forståelse af administration af Windows 10. Vi arbejder med installation af nye Windows 10-systemer samt opgradering og migration fra tidligere Windows-versioner. Derudover håndtering af diske og filsystemer samt grundlæggende netværkshåndtering i Windows 10. Kurset er en kombination af teori og hands-on.


  • Overview of Windows 10 This module introduces the Windows 10 operating system. It describes the new features in Windows 10, and the important changes since Windows 8.1. It describes the use, navigation, and customization of the new, enhanced user interface. This module also mentions the features of Windows 10 that make it beneficial for organizations of different sizes. Lessons Introducing Windows 10 Navigating the User Interface Lab : Navigating and Customizing the User Interface Navigating Windows 10 Configuring the Start Menu Configuring the Desktop After completing this module, students will be able to: Describe the important new features of Windows 10. Navigate and customize the Windows 10 interface.
  • Installing Windows 10 This module introduces the different editions of Windows 10, and the differences between them. It describes the requirements and available options for installing Windows 10 on a device. It also provides instructions on installing Windows 10 and upgrading to it. This module discusses points to consider when deciding between an upgrade or migration to Windows 10, and the supported upgrade paths from older versions of the Windows operating system. Lessons Preparing to Install Windows 10 Upgrading to Windows 10 Lab : Installing Windows 10 Upgrading Windows 7 to Windows 10 Migrating User Settings After completing this module, students will be able to: Describe the different editions of Windows 10 and the features of each. Install and upgrade to Windows 10.
  • Configuring Your Device This module explains how to configure Windows 10 by using tools such as the Settings app, Control Panel, Windows PowerShell, Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) and Group Policy Objects (GPOs). It describes the different types of user accounts, and the benefits of using a Microsoft account. This module also describes Microsoft OneDrive, and how it integrates with Windows 10. Lessons Overview of Tools Used to Configure Windows 10 Common Configuration Options Managing User Accounts Using OneDrive Lab : Configuring Windows 10 Using Settings Using Control Panel Using Windows PowerShell Using GPOs Lab : Synchronizing Settings with OneDrive Connecting a Microsoft Account Synchronizing Settings between Devices After completing this module, students will be able to: Describe the use of various tools to configure Windows 10. Explain common configuration options. Manage user accounts. Use OneDrive with Windows 10.
  • Configuring Network Connectivity This module explains the use of tools such as the Settings app, Network and Sharing Center, and Windows PowerShell to configure network settings. It describes the differences between IPv4 and IPv6 settings, and the benefits of IPv6. It also describes name resolution and provides an overview of the Domain Name System (DNS) service. This module describes the configuration of wireless connectivity in Windows 10, and explains remote access methods available in Windows 10, such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), DirectAccess, and Remote Desktop. Lessons Configuring IP Network Connectivity Implementing Name Resolution Implementing Wireless Network Connectivity Overview of Remote Access Lab : Configuring Network Connectivity Configuring IP Settings Manually Configuring Automatic IP Settings Configuring DNS Settings Testing Name Resolution After completing this module, students will be able to: Describe how to configure IP network connectivity. Implement name resolution. Implement wireless network connectivity. Describe options for remote access in Windows 10.
  • Managing Apps in Windows 10 This module describes how to install and configure both desktop apps and Windows Store apps in Windows 10. It explains how to install apps manually and automatically, and how to use Microsoft Systems Center Configuration Manager and Microsoft Intune to deploy apps. It describes the Windows Store, and how to manage access to it. This module also describes the Internet Explorer 11 and Edge browsers, and explains how to configure and manage both. Lessons Overview of Methods Used to Provide Apps to Users The Windows Store Web Browsers Lab : Installing and Updating Apps from the Windows Store Installing Apps from the Windows Store Updating Windows Store Apps Controlling Access to the Windows Store Sideloading an App Lab : Configuring Windows 10 Web Browsers Configuring Web Browsers After completing this module, students will be able to: Describe app deployment options in Windows 10. Install and manage Windows Store apps. Configure Windows 10 web browsers.

Windows 10 Systemadministration Grundkursus

8.800,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30