
Introduction to Microsoft Azure for IT Professionals
Introduction to Microsoft Azure for IT Professionals

Introduction to Microsoft Azure for IT Professionals

## Beskrivelse

OBS: Dette kursus bliver erstattet med AZ-900 - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals fra 31. januar 2020.

AZ-900 vil blive afholdt på samme dage som MS-979 er planlagt. Begge kurser er 2 dages kurser med samme fokus og indhold.

Du lærer om Microsofts cloud system og får indblik og praktisk erfaring med de mange elementer, Azure indbefatter. Eksempelvis økonomisystemer, databaser, infrastruktur, routere, switches, storage systemer… Kort sagt, har Azure kapacitet til at udgøre hele jeres nuværende IT-system; blot rykket til Microsofts hardware i ’skyen’. På kurset får du først og fremmest en forståelse for de cloud models, Azure tilbyder. Her opdeles de i:

  • Infrastructure as a service (Microsoft stiller hardware til rådighed)
  • Platform as a service (Microsoft stiller hardware, operativsystem, middleware til rådighed)
  • Software as a service (Microsoft stiller hardware, operativsystem, middleware, applikationer til rådighed) Du lærer også at håndtere et Azure-abonnement/account samt vurdere, hvilke services, der er relevant for dine ønskede Azure-løsninger. Derudover er kurset praktisk orienteret. Du får lejlighed til implementere Azure og få hands-on erfaringer med infrastructure as a service. Endelig kommer du til at arbejde med virtuelle servers samt virtuelle netværk. Ydermere bliver du sporet ind på, hvordan man fordeler de ’roller’, som er nødvendige for i sidste ende at kunne migrere fra on-premise til Azure. Samtidig får du et indtryk af de overvejelser, man skal gøre sig ved brug af Azure Services, bl.a. med hensyn til økonomiske omkostninger samt opgave- og ansvarsfordeling. Uanset om du er administrator, udvikler, database-administrator eller arkitekt udgør kurset et solidt fundament for den IT professionelle, der skal videre med Azure. Der er en test knyttet til kurset, og kursets indhold er det fundament, som de videregående kurser viderebygger på (se Videre Forløb herunder).



Module 1: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure

  • This module describes the features of Microsoft Azure and the services it provides. The module also explains how to manage Microsoft Azure by using the Azure portal, Visual Studio, and SQL Server Management Studio. In addition, the module describes how to manage subscriptions and billing.
  • Lessons
  • What Is Microsoft Azure?
  • Microsoft Azure Services
  • Managing Azure
  • Subscription Management and Billing
  • Lab : Using the Azure Portal Module 2: Websites and Cloud Services
  • This module explains the procedures for creating and configuring websites and cloud services. The module also describes how to deploy and monitor websites.
  • Lessons
  • Create and Configure Websites
  • Deploying and Monitor Websites
  • Create and Deploying Cloud Services
  • Lab : Websites and Cloud Services Module 3: Virtual Machines
  • This module describes how to create and configure virtual machines and disks.
  • Lessons
  • Create and Configure Virtual Machines
  • Configure Disks
  • Lab : Create a Virtual Machine Module 4: Virtual Networks
  • This module provides an overview of virtual networks and also describes the procedure to create one. The module then describes a point-to-site VPN and explains how to set up one.
  • Lessons
  • Getting Started with Virtual Networks
  • Creating a Virtual Network
  • Implementing Point to Site
  • Lab : Create a Virtual Network Module 5: Cloud Storage
  • This module describes cloud storage features such as azure storage accounts, BLOBs, tables, and queues. The module also describes how to create and manage storage.
  • Lessons
  • Understand Storage
  • Create and Manage Storage
  • Lab : Configure Azure Storage Module 6: Microsoft Azure Databases
  • This module provides an overview of the relational database deployment options. The module also describes how to create and connect SQL databases.
  • Lessons
  • Understand Relational Database Deployment Options
  • Create and Connect to SQL Databases
  • Lab : Create an SQL Database Module 7: Azure Active Directory
  • This module describes how to manage Active Directory objects and how they can be used for identity and access management. The module also describes how to configure authentication by using multi-factor authentication and single sign-on.
  • Lessons
  • Manage Active Directory Objects
  • Manage Authentication
  • Lab : Create Users in Azure Active Directory Module 8: Microsoft Azure Management Tools
  • This module provides an overview of the tools that you can use to manage Microsoft Azure such as Azure PowerShell, Visual Studio, and Xplat CLI.
  • Lessons
  • Azure PowerShell
  • Visual Studio 2013 and Xplat CLI
  • Lab : Azure PowerShell

Introduction to Microsoft Azure for IT Professionals

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