Advanced Automated Administration with Windows PowerShell
Advanced Automated Administration with Windows PowerShell

Advanced Automated Administration with Windows PowerShell

12.600,00 kr


Dette 3-dages kursus er en opfølgning på MS-961 Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell (10961). Kurset udbygger og tager udgangspunkt i den viden, du tilegnede dig via kurset MS-961, og det fokuserer på at skrive mere skalérbare og brugbare Windows PowerShell-scripts, som du kan bruge i din virksomhed. Du lærer om avancerede funktioner, script-moduler, avancerede parameter-attributter og controller scripts. Du lærer også at gøre dine scripts mere robuste gennem bedre håndtering af script-fejl og via analyse og debugning af Windows PowerShell-scripts. Kurset dækker også brugen af Windows PowerShell cmdlets med .NET Framework såvel som konfiguration af dine Windows Servers vha. Desired State Configuration. Du opnår derudover en god forståelse af Windows PowerShell workflow. De meget grundige øvelser og det dybdegående indhold vil hjælpe dig med at overflødiggøre manuelle opgaver, som du har været nødt til at udføre som administrator, og i stedet udvikle dine egne Windows PowerShell-værktøjer, så din Windows Server-infrastruktur kører automatiseret og fejlfrit. Hvad du lærer på dette kursus kan bruges i alle versioner af PowerShell fra version 3.x og fremefter.


Module 1: Creating advanced functions

  • This module explains how to parameterize a command into an advanced function. Lessons
  • Converting a command into an advanced function
  • Creating a script module
  • Defining parameter attributes and input validation
  • Writing functions that accept pipeline input
  • Producing complex pipeline output
  • Documenting functions by using comment-based help
  • Supporting -WhatIf and -Confirm Lab : Converting a command into an advanced function
  • Converting a command into an advanced function Lab : Creating a script module
  • Creating a script module Lab : Defining parameter attributes and input validation
  • Defining parameter attributes and input validation Lab : Writing functions that accept pipeline input
  • Writing functions that accept pipeline input Lab : Producing complex pipeline output
  • Producing complex pipeline output Lab : Documenting functions by using comment-based help
  • Documenting functions by using comment-based help Lab : Supporting -WhatIf and -Confirm
  • Supporting -WhatIf and -Confirm After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Convert a command into an advanced function.
  • Create a script module.
  • Define parameter attributes and input validation.
  • Write functions that accept pipeline input.
  • Produce complex pipeline output.
  • Document functions by using comment-based help.
  • Support -WhatIf and -Confirm. Module 2: Using Microsoft .NET Framework and REST API in Windows PowerShell
  • This module explains how to use Microsoft .NET Framework and REST API to supplement functionality that Windows PowerShell commands provide. Lessons
  • Using Microsoft .NET Framework in Windows PowerShell
  • Using REST API in Windows PowerShell Lab : Using Microsoft .NET Framework in Windows PowerShell
  • Using Microsoft .NET Framework in Windows PowerShell Lab : Using REST API in Windows PowerShell
  • Using REST API in Windows PowerShell After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Use Microsoft .NET Framework in Windows PowerShell.
  • Use REST API in Windows PowerShell. Module 3: Writing controller scripts
  • This module explains how to combine advanced functions that perform a specific task and a controller script that provides a user interface or automates a business process. Lessons
  • Introducing controller scripts
  • Writing controller scripts that display a user interface
  • Writing controller scripts that produce reports Lab : Writing controller scripts
  • Writing controller scripts that display a user interface
  • Writing controller scripts that implement a text-based menu Lab : Writing controller scripts that produce HTML reports
  • Writing functions to be used in the controller script
  • Writing a controller script that produces HTML reports After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe controller scripts.
  • Write controller scripts that display a user interface.
  • Write controller scripts that produce reports. Module 4: Handling script errors
  • This module explains how to perform basic error handling in scripts. Lessons
  • Understanding error handling
  • Handling errors and timeouts in a script Lab : Handling errors in a script
  • Handling errors in a script After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe error handling.
  • Handle errors and timeouts in a script. Module 5: Using XML, JSON, and custom-formatted data
  • This module explains how to read, manipulate, and write data in XML and JSON format. Lessons
  • Reading, manipulating, and writing XML-formatted data
  • Reading, manipulating, and writing JSON-formatted data
  • Reading and manipulating custom-formatted data Lab : Reading, manipulating, and writing XML-formatted data
  • Testing the provided tools
  • Updating an XML inventory document After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Read, manipulate, and write XML-formatted data.
  • Read, manipulate, and write JSON-formatted data.
  • Read and manipulate custom-formatted data. Module 6: Enhancing server management with Desired State Configuration and Just Enough Administration
  • This module explains how to write Desired State Configuration (DSC) configuration files, deploy those files to servers, and monitor servers’ configurations. This module also explains how to restrict administrative access with Just Enough Administration (JEA). Lessons
  • Understanding Desired State Configuration
  • Creating and deploying a DSC configuration
  • Implementing Just Enough Administration Lab : Creating and deploying a DSC configuration
  • Creating and deploying a DSC configuration Lab : Configuring and using JEA
  • Configuring and using JEA After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Understand DSC.
  • Create and deploy a DSC configuration.
  • Implement JEA. Module 7: Analyzing and debugging scripts
  • This module explains how to use native Windows PowerShell features to analyze and debug existing scripts. Lessons
  • Debugging in Windows PowerShell
  • Analyzing and debugging an existing script Lab : Analyzing and debugging an existing script
  • Analyzing and debugging an existing script After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Debug in Windows PowerShell.
  • Analyze and debug an existing script. Module 8: Understanding Windows PowerShell Workflow
  • This module explains the features of the Windows PowerShell Workflow technology. Lessons
  • Understanding Windows PowerShell Workflow Lab : Creating and running a Windows PowerShell Workflow
  • Creating and running a Windows PowerShell Workflow After completing this module, students will be able to describe and implement the Workflow feature of Windows PowerShell.