## Beskrivelse
I relation til Microsoft SQL Server anvender vi oftest Microsofts kursusmaterialer, men inden for SQL vil vi godt fremhæve vores egne kurser, og det gør vi på basis af mange hundrede kursisters begejstrede evalueringer. Vi har erfaring for, at forståelsen af standarden bag SQL er vigtigst at få på plads først. Først derefter anbefaler vi at udbygge med specifik viden og funktionalitet i Transact-SQL. Derfor vil vi anbefale, at du i stedet for indeværende kursus (MS-761) vælger nedenstående 2 kortere kurser (a 3 dage):
- SU-240 SQL Programmering Grundkursus
- Det er vores oftest afholdte, mest populære og mest roste kursus. Her lærer du at skrive god SQL til forespørgsler, opdatering og vedligeholdelse af SQL-databaser.
- SU-242 MS Transact SQL (T-SQL) Programmering
* Dette kursus gennemgår de dele af Transact-SQL-syntaksen, som ligger uden for SQL-standarden, og som er nødvendige for at kunne varetage den daglige drift af Microsoft SQL Serverne.
På dette 5 dages kursus opnås en god forståelse af sproget Transact-SQL (T-SQL), som bruges i alle SQL ...%%%
... Server-relaterede discipliner, såsom: databaseadministration, databaseudvikling og Business Intelligence. Kurset giver både den teoretiske viden omkring SQL forespørgsler i SQL Server 2016, men også erfaring med at skrive forespørgsler gennem øvelser. På kurset arbejdes der med:
- Beskrive den basale arkitektur og koncepterne bag Microsoft SQL Server 2016
- Give forståelse for ligheder og forskelle mellem Transact-SQL og andre programmeringssprog
- Skrive SELECT forespørgsler (queries)
- Arbejde med forespørgsler der kombinere flere forskellige tabeller
- Sortere og filtrerer data
- Beskrive brugen af datatyper i SQL server
- Ændre data ved brug af Transact-SQL
- Bruge indbyggede funktioner
- Gruppere og aggregere data
- Sub-queries
- Table expressions
- Brug af sæt-operationer
- Brug af window ranking, offset og aggregatfunktioner
- Implementere pivotering og gruppering af sæt
- Udføre stored procedures
- Programmere med T-SQL
- Implementere fejlhåndtering
- Implementere transaktioner
Module 1: Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server 2016
- This module introduces SQL Server, the versions of SQL Server, including cloud versions, and how to connect to SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio.
- Lessons
- The Basic Architecture of SQL Server
- SQL Server Editions and Versions
- Getting Started with SQL Server Management Studio
- Lab : Working with SQL Server 2016 Tools Module 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying
- This module introduces the elements of T-SQL and their role in writing queries, describes the use of sets in SQL Server, describes the use of predicate logic in SQL Server, and describes the logical order of operations in SELECT statements.
- Lessons
- Introducing T-SQL
- Understanding Sets
- Understanding Predicate Logic
- Understanding the Logical Order of Operations in SELECT statements
- Lab : Introduction to Transact-SQL Querying Module 3: Writing SELECT Queries
- This module introduces the fundamentals of the SELECT statement, focusing on queries against a single table.
- Lessons
- Writing Simple SELECT Statements
- Eliminating Duplicates with DISTINCT
- Using Column and Table Aliases
- Writing Simple CASE Expressions
- Lab : Writing Basic SELECT Statements Module 4: Querying Multiple Tables
- This module explains how to write queries which combine data from multiple sources in SQL Server. The module introduces the use of JOINs in T-SQL queries as a mechanism for retrieving data from multiple tables.
- Lessons
- Understanding Joins
- Querying with Inner Joins
- Querying with Outer Joins
- Querying with Cross Joins and Self Joins
- Lab : Querying Multiple Tables Module 5: Sorting and Filtering Data
- This module explains how to enhance queries to limit the rows they return, and to control the order in which the rows are displayed. The module also discusses how to resolve missing and unknown results.
- Lessons
- Sorting Data
- Filtering Data with Predicates
- Filtering with the TOP and OFFSET-FETCH Options
- Working with Unknown Values
- Lab : Sorting and Filtering Data Module 6: Working with SQL Server 2016 Data Types
- This module explains the data types SQL Server uses to store data. It introduces the many types of numeric and special-use data types. It also explains conversions between data types, and the importance of type precedence.
- Lessons
- Introducing SQL Server 2016 Data Types
- Working with Character Data
- Working with Date and Time Data
- Lab : Working with SQL Server 2016 Data Types Module 7: Using DML to Modify Data
- This module describes the use of Transact-SQL Data Manipulation Language to perform inserts, updates, and deletes to your data.
- Lessons
- Inserting Data
- Modifying and Deleting Data
- Lab : Using DML to Modify Data Module 8: Using Built-In Functions
- This module introduces the use of functions that are built in to SQL Server Denali, and will discuss some common usages including data type conversion, testing for logical results and nullability.
- Lessons
- Writing Queries with Built-In Functions
- Using Conversion Functions
- Using Logical Functions
- Using Functions to Work with NULL
- Lab : Using Built-In Functions Module 9: Grouping and Aggregating Data
- This module introduces methods for grouping data within a query, aggregating the grouped data and filtering groups with HAVING. The module is designed to help the student grasp why a SELECT clause has restrictions placed upon column naming in the GROUP BY clause as well as which columns may be listed in the SELECT clause.
- Lessons
- Using Aggregate Functions
- Using the GROUP BY Clause
- Filtering Groups with HAVING
- Lab : Grouping and Aggregating Data Module 10: Using Subqueries
- This module will introduce the use of subqueries in various parts of a SELECT statement. It will include the use of scalar and multi-result subqueries, and the use of the IN and EXISTS operators.
- Lessons
- Writing Self-Contained Subqueries
- Writing Correlated Subqueries
- Using the EXISTS Predicate with Subqueries
- Lab : Using Subqueries Module 11: Using Set Operators
- This module introduces the set operators UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT to compare rows between two input sets.
- Lessons
- Writing Queries with the UNION Operator
- Using APPLY
- Lab : Using SET Operators