Kurset henvender sig til IT-professionelle og -administratorer, som har ansvaret for design, implementering og administration af virtualiserings-infrastrukturen i et software-defineret datacenter vha. System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager. Kurset er også beregnet til IT-beslutningstagere, der ønsker at finde ud af, hvilket virtualiserings-produkt de skal implementere i deres software-definerede datacentre, og som ønsker at lære, hvordan man bruger System Center 2016-løsningen til håndtering af virtualiserings-infrastrukturen. På kurset lærer du at implementere og administrere virtualiserings-infrastrukturen i et software-defineret datacenter ved brug af System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager. Du lærer også at overvåge infrastrukturen vha. System Center Operations Manager og at beskytte den vha. Data Protection Manager. Kursets hovedfokus ligger på håndtering af Hyper-V virtualiserings-infrastrukturen i Windows Server 2016, selvom kurset også dækker andre virtualiserings-platforme, der kan håndteres vha. Virtual Machine Manager 2016.
Module 1: Introduction to server virtualization
- This module explains the different virtualization solutions. It also describes the concepts of software-defined datacenter and Microsoft Azure.
- Lessons
- Overview of Microsoft Virtualization
- Introduction to the Software-Defined Datacenter
- Extending virtualization to the cloud
- Lab : Evaluating the virtualization options
- Selecting the appropriate virtualization method
- Activating Azure subscription and managing Azure . Module 2: Overview of Hyper-V virtualization
- This module explains how to install and manage Hyper-V in Windows Server 2016.
- Lessons
- Installing and configuring the Hyper-V role
- Creating and managing virtual hard disks and virtual machines
- Creating and using Hyper-V virtual switches
- Implementing failover clustering with Hyper-V
- Lab : Installing Hyper-V and working with Hyper-V virtualization
- Installing and configuring the Hyper-V server role
- Creating a Nano Server virtual machine
- Configuring virtual machines and virtual hard disks
- Lab : Implementing failover clustering with Hyper-V
- Creating a Hyper-V failover cluster
- Managing a Hyper-V failover cluster . Module 3: Installing and configuring System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager
- This module explains how to install and configure System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager for managing a virtualization environment.
- Lessons
- Overview of System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager
- Installing System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager
- Adding hosts and managing host groups
- Lab : Installing and configuring System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager
- Installing and configuring System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager
- Managing hosts and host groups
- Managing Azure subscription by using Virtual Machine Manager . Module 4: Managing storage fabric and fabric updates
- This module explains how to manage storage fabric and fabric updates in Virtual Machine Manager.
- Lessons
- Overview of server virtualization storage technologies
- Managing storage fabric
- Managing fabric updates
- Lab : Managing storage fabric and fabric updates
- Implementing a storage infrastructure
- Create a File Server cluster and a storage QoS policy
- Managing fabric updates . Module 5: Configuring and managing Virtual Machine Manager library and library objects
- This module describes how to configure and manage Virtual Machine Manager library and library objects. It also describes the differences between profiles and templates and how they are used.
- Lessons
- Overview of the Virtual Machine Manager library
- Preparing Windows for deployment in Virtual Machine Manager
- Working with profiles
- Working with VM templates
- Lab : Configuring and managing Virtual Machine Manager library and library objects
- Configuring and managing the Virtual Machine Manager library
- Creating Windows image for the Virtual Machine Manager library
- Creating and managing profiles and templates . Module 6: Managing the networking fabric
- This module explains how to manage networking fabric in Virtual Machine Manager.
- Lessons
- Networking concepts in Virtual Machine Manager
- Managing software-defined networking
- Configuring network virtualization
- Lab : Managing the networking fabric
- Configuring networking fabric
- Implementing and testing network virtualization
- Deploying network controller . Module 7: Creating and managing virtual machines by using Virtual Machine Manager
- This module explains how to create and manage virtual machines by using Virtual Machine Manager.
- Lessons
- Virtual machine management tasks
- Creating, cloning, and converting virtual machines
- Lab : Creating and managing virtual machines by using System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager
- Creating a virtual machine and modifying its properties
- Creating and managing checkpoints
- Cloning and migrating a virtual machine . Module 8: Managing clouds in Virtual Machine Manager
- This module explains how to create and manage clouds by using Virtual Machine Manager.
- Lessons
- Introduction to clouds
- Creating and managing a cloud
- Creating user roles in Virtual Machine Manager
- Lab : Managing clouds in Virtual Machine Manager
- Creating a cloud
- Creating user roles . Module 9: Managing services in Virtual Machine Manager
- This module explains how to create and manage services in Virtual Machine Manager.
- Lessons
- Overview of services in Virtual Machine Manager
- Creating and managing services in Virtual Machine Manager
- Lab : Managing services in Virtual Machine Manager
- Creating a service template
- Deploying a service and updating service template
- Scaling out service and updating the service . Module 10: Monitoring virtualization infrastructure by using System Center Operations Manager
- This module explains how to use Operations Manager for monitoring virtualization infrastructure.
- Lessons
- Operations Manager architecture and security
- Using Operations Manager for monitoring and reporting
- Integrating Operations Manager with Virtual Machine Manager and Data Protection Manager
- Lab : Monitoring virtualization infrastructure by using Operations Manager
- Implementing the System Center 2016 Operations Manager agent
- Configuring the Operations Manager monitoring components
- Configuring the integration of Operations Manager integration with Virtual Machine Manager . Module 11: Implementing and managing Hyper-V Replica and Azure Site Recovery
- This module explains how to implement and manage Hyper-V Replica and Azure Site Recovery
- Lessons
- Implementing and managing Hyper-V Replica
- Implementing and managing Azure Site Recovery
- Lab : Implementing and managing Hyper-V Replica and Azure Site Recovery
- Configuring and Managing Hyper-V Replica
- Configuring and Managing Azure Site Recovery . Module 12: Protecting virtualization infrastructure by using Data Protection Manager
- This module explains how to use Data Protection Manager for protecting virtualization infrastructure.
- Lessons
- Overview of backup and restore options for virtual machines
- Configuring and managing Data Protection Manager for virtualization infrastructure protection
- Lab : Protecting virtualization infrastructure by using Data Protection Manager
- Deploying DPM protection agents
- Creating and configuring protection groups
- Backing up and restoring virtual machines
- Integrating DPM with Microsoft Azure