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Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions

21.000,00 kr

## Beskrivelse

OBS! Microsoft har valgt at lade dette kursus inkl. tilhørende test udgå til fordel for nye Azure-kurser, som er mere målrettet til hhv. administration, udvikling og arkitektur. Kurset og tilhørende test udgår helt fra Microsofts sortiment 31. december 2018. Derfor afholder SuperUsers fra 1. december 2018 fremover de nye Azure-kurser. Dette kursus bliver afløst af følgende to Azure administrationskurser: AZ-100 - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure and Deployment AZ-101 - Microsoft Azure Integration and Security

Kurserne forbereder dig yderligere til de nye tests, som giver certificeringen Azure Administrator Associate.

Kurset omhandler bl.a. følgende centrale områder:

  • Azure arkitektur-komponenter -- fx infrastruktur, værktøjer og portaler
  • Implementering og drift af virtuel networking inden for Azure inklusive forbindelse til lokale miljøer
  • Planlægning og oprettelse af Azure virtuelle maskiner
  • Konfiguration, drift og overvÃ¥gning af Azure virtuelle maskiner mhp. optimerering af tilgængelighed og driftsikkerhed
  • Implementering, drift, backup og overvÃ¥gning af storage-løsninger
  • Planlægning og implementering af data services baseret pÃ¥ SQL Database til support af applikationer
  • Implementering og konfiguration af websites
  • Implementering, konfiguration, overvÃ¥gning og diagnosticering af cloud services
  • Publicering af indhold via CDNs og publicering af videoer med Media Services
  • Oprettelse og drift af Azure AD directories samt konfiguration af applikations-integration med Azure AD
  • Integration af lokal Windows AD med Azure AD
  • Automatisering af handlinger i Azure-drift ved anvendelse af PowerShell runbooks Kurset henvender sig til erfarne IT-fagfolk, der:
  • administrerer deres lokale infrastruktur
  • har en vis viden om cloud-teknologi
  • der skal implementere, konfigurere og administrere services og virtuelle maskiner i Microsoft Azure
  • der har brugt Microsoft System Center til drift og orkestrering af en Microsoft server-infrastruktur
  • der overvejer at migrere lokale Active Directory-roller og services til skyen
  • der vil bruge Windows Azure til at hoste websites og mobile app back-end services
  • der er erfarne inden for andre ikke-Microsoft cloud-teknologier
  • der ønsker at bestÃ¥ Microsoft exam 70-533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions
  • der har brugt DevOps-tilgange til at optimere livscyklussen og hÃ¥ndteringen af softwaren i deres virksomhed



Module 1: Introduction to Azure

  • This module introduces cloud solutions in general and then focuses on the services that Azure offers. The module goes on to describe the portals that you can use to manage Azure subscriptions and services before introducing Windows PowerShell as a scripting solution for managing Azure. Finally, the module provides explanations and guidance for the use of Azure Resource Manager and Azure management services.
  • Lessons
  • Cloud technology overview
  • Overview of Azure
  • Managing Azure with the Azure portal
  • Managing Azure with Windows PowerShell
  • Overview of Azure Resource Manager
  • Azure management services
  • Lab : Managing Microsoft Azure
  • Use the Azure portals.
  • Use Azure Resource Manager features via the Azure portal.
  • Use Azure PowerShell. Module 2: Implementing and managing Azure networking
  • This module explains how virtual networking provides the glue that brings together VMs, web apps, and storage to enable you to publish a service onto the Internet.
  • Lessons
  • Overview of Azure networking
  • Implementing and managing Azure virtual networks
  • Configuring Azure virtual networks
  • Configuring Azure virtual network connectivity
  • Overview of Azure networking in an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) version 1 (v1)
  • Lab : Using a deployment template to implement Azure virtual networks
  • Creating an Azure virtual network by using a deployment template
  • Creating a virtual network by using PowerShell
  • Configure virtual networks
  • Lab : Configuring connectivity between the IaaS v1 and IaaS version 2 (v2)
  • Using a PowerShell script to Connect IaaS v1 VNet and IaaS v2 VNet
  • Configuring a point-to-site VPN
  • Using a PowerShell script to connect IaaS v1 VNet and IaaS v2 VNet Module 3: Implementing virtual machines
  • This module explains how to implement virtual machines.
  • Lessons
  • Overview of IaaS v2 virtual machines
  • Planning for Azure virtual machines
  • Deploying Azure IaaS v2 virtual machines
  • Authoring Azure Resource Manager templates
  • Overview of IaaS v1 virtual machines
  • Lab : Creating IaaS v2 virtual machines in Azure
  • Creating virtual machines by using the Azure portal and Azure PowerShell
  • Validating virtual machine creation
  • Lab : Deploying IaaS v2 virtual machines by using Azure Resource Manager templates
  • Using Visual Studio and an Azure Resource Manager template to deploy IaaS v2 virtual machines
  • Using Azure PowerShell and an Azure Resource Manager template to deploy virtual machines Module 4: Managing virtual machines
  • This module explains how to manage virtual machines.
  • Lessons
  • Configuring virtual machines
  • Configuring virtual machine disks
  • Managing and monitoring Azure virtual machines
  • Managing IaaS v1 virtual machines
  • Lab : Managing Azure virtual machines
  • Configuring availability
  • Implementing desired state configuration (DSC)
  • Implementing storage space-based volumes Module 5: Implementing Azure App services
  • This module explains how to implement Azure Web App services.
  • Lessons
  • Introduction to App Service
  • Planning app deployment in App Service
  • Implementing and maintaining web apps
  • Configuring web apps
  • Monitoring web apps and WebJobs
  • Implementing mobile apps
  • Traffic Manager
  • Lab : Implementing websites
  • Creating web apps
  • Deploying a web app
  • Managing web apps
  • Implementing Traffic Manager Module 6: Planning and implementing storage, backup, and recovery services
  • This module explains how to plan and implement storage, backup, and recovery services.
  • Lessons
  • Planning storage
  • Implementing and managing storage
  • Implementing Azure Content Delivery Networks
  • Implementing Azure Backup
  • Planning for and implementing Azure Site Recovery
  • Lab : Planning and implementing storage
  • Creating and configuring storage
  • Using Azure file storage
  • Protecting data with Microsoft Azure Backup Module 7: Planning and implementing Azure SQL Database
  • This module explains how to plan and implement Azure SQL Database.
  • Lessons
  • Planning and deploying Azure SQL Database
  • Implementing and managing Azure SQL Database
  • Managing Azure SQL Database security
  • Monitoring Azure SQL Database
  • Managing Azure SQL Database business continuity
  • Lab : Planning and implementing Azure SQL Database
  • Creating, securing, and monitoring an Azure SQL Database
  • Migrating a Microsoft SQL Server database to Azure SQL Database
  • Restoring a database Module 8: Implementing PaaS cloud services
  • This module explains how to implement platform as a service (PaaS) cloud services.
  • Lessons
  • Planning and deploying PaaS cloud services
  • Managing and maintaining cloud services
  • Lab : Implementing PaaS cloud services
  • Deploying a PaaS cloud services
  • Configuring deployment slots and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
  • Monitoring cloud services Module 9: Implementing Azure Active Directory
  • This module explains how to implement Azure AD.
  • Lessons
  • Creating and managing Azure AD tenants
  • Configuring application and resource access with Azure AD
  • Overview of Azure AD Premium
  • Lab : Implementing Azure AD
  • Administering Active AD
  • Configuring SSO
  • Configuring Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Configuring SSO from a Windows 10-based computer that is joined to Azure AD Module 10: Managing Active Directory in a hybrid environment
  • This module explains how to manage Active Directory in a hybrid environment.
  • Lessons
  • Extending on-premises Active Directory domain to Azure
  • Implementing directory synchronization by using Azure AD Connect
  • Implementing federation
  • Lab : Implementing and managing Azure AD synchronization
  • Configuring directory synchronization
  • Synchronizing directories Module 11: Implementing Azure-based management and automation
  • This module explains how to implement Azure-based management and automation.
  • Lessons
  • Implementing Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS)
  • Implementing Azure Automation
  • Implementing Automation runbooks
  • Managing Azure Automation
  • Lab : Implementing Automation
  • Configuring Automation accounts
  • Creating runbooks