
Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions
Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions

Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions

## Beskrivelse

Microsoft har valgt at lade dette kursus inkl. tilhørende test udgå til fordel for nye Azure-kurser, som er mere målrettet til hhv. administration, udvikling og arkitektur. Kurset og tilhørende test udgår helt fra Microsofts sortiment 31. december 2018. Derfor afholder SuperUsers fra 1. december 2018 fremover de nye Azure-kurser. Dette kursus bliver afløst af følgende to Azure programmeringskurser: AZ-200 - Microsoft Azure Developer Core Solutions AZ-201 - Microsoft Azure Developer Advanced Solutions

Kurserne forbereder dig yderligere til de nye tests, som giver certificeringen Azure Developer Associate.

Kurset giver viden og færdigheder til at kunne udvikle eller flytte en applikation til Windows Azure-platformen. Kurset giver også overblik og forståelse af diverse infrastrukturelementer mhp. at kunne bygge velovervejede, holdbare og fremtidssikrede løsninger, der er tilgængelige i skyen. Kurset henvender sig til IT-fagfolk, der både har noget erfaring med selve Azure-platformen og udvikling af services.


Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft Azure Platform

  • Microsoft Azure provides a collection of services that you can use as building blocks for your cloud applications.
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  • Lessons
  • Azure Services
  • Azure Portals
  • Lab : Exploring the Azure Portal Module 2: Building Application Infrastructure in Azure
  • Although many Microsoft Azure services use virtual machines, sometimes your application might have a unique need where it requires a virtual machine that is completely unmanaged. Azure provides networking, backup, and virtualization services as part of its Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offering.
  • Lessons
  • Constructing Azure Virtual Machines
  • Azure Virtual Machine Workloads
  • Migrating Azure Virtual Machine Instances
  • Highly Available Azure Virtual Machines
  • Virtual Machine Configuration Management
  • Customizing Azure Virtual Machine Networking
  • Lab : Creating an Azure Virtual Machine for Development and Testing Module 3: Hosting Web Applications on the Azure Platform
  • This module provides an overview of the Azure Web Apps service.
  • Lessons
  • Azure Web Apps
  • Hosting Web Applications in Azure
  • Configuring an Azure Web App
  • Publishing an Azure Web App
  • Lab : Creating an ASP.NET Web App by Using Azure Web Apps Module 4: Storing SQL Data in Azure
  • Dynamic web applications must store the data that is being managed and manipulated by end users. ASP.NET technologies such as ADO.NET and Entity Framework provide a way for accessing data in SQL Server. In the cloud, the Microsoft Azure platform provides a database as a service offering that allows developers to use SQL in the same way as they would in an on-premises location.
  • Lessons
  • Storing SQL Data in Azure
  • Managing SQL Databases in Azure
  • Azure SQL Database Tools
  • Securing and Recovering an Azure SQL Database Instance
  • Lab : Storing Event Data in Azure SQL Databases Module 5: Designing Cloud Applications for Resiliency
  • As a developer, you should keep in mind certain considerations while designing applications for the cloud. Although there are many platform improvements available in the ASP.NET ecosystem, you need to rethink the way you design your applications, and the patterns that are used, with respect to the scalability and reliability metrics present for the cloud applications.
  • Lessons
  • Application Design Practices for Highly Available Applications
  • Application Analytics
  • Building High Performance Applications by Using ASP.NET
  • Common Cloud Application Patterns
  • Caching Application Data Module 6: Storing Tabular Data in Azure
  • Dynamic web applications will invariably need to store the data that is being managed and manipulated by users. ASP.NET has always relied on technologies like ADO.NET and Entity Framework to access data from Microsoft SQL Server. For the cloud, the Microsoft Azure platform provides a SQL as a Service that allows developers to use SQL data and queries in the same manner as they would use in an on-premises implementation.
  • Lessons
  • Azure Storage Overview
  • Azure Storage Tables Overview
  • Table Entity Transactions
  • Lab : Storing Event Registration Data in Azure Storage Tables Module 7: Storing and Consuming Files from Azure Storage
  • When you want to scale to different cloud instances, storing files to a local disk becomes a difficult process to maintain and eventually an unreliable method of storage. Azure provides a Blob storage mechanism that not only offers high performance but also supports integration to Microsoft Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) for low latency downloads.
  • Lessons
  • Storage Blobs
  • Controlling Access to Storage Blobs and Containers
  • Configuring Azure Storage Accounts
  • Azure Files
  • Lab : Storing Generated Documents in Azure Storage Blobs Module 8: Designing a Communication Strategy by Using Queues and Service Bus
  • With web applications presenting content and worker roles processing the logic, there needs to be a mechanism that facilitates the communication between these different entities. Microsoft Azure provides two queuing mechanisms that you can use for this purpose.
  • Lessons
  • Azure Storage Queues
  • Azure Service Bus
  • Azure Service Bus Queues
  • Azure Service Bus Relay
  • Azure Service Bus Notification Hubs
  • Lab : Using Queues and Service Bus to Manage Communication Between Web Applications in Azure Module 9: Automating Integration with Azure Resources
  • Although you can manage most of the Azure services by using both of the Azure portals or Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, you can use scripting to completely automate the management of the same resources. This module will look at automating the lifecycle of the services by using client libraries, Windows PowerShell, REST, and the Resource Manager.
  • Lessons
  • Azure SDK Client Libraries
  • Scripting Azure Service Management by Using Windows PowerShell
  • Azure REST Interface
  • Azure Resource Manager
  • Lab : Automating the Creation of Azure Assets using PowerShell and xPlat CLI Module 10: Securing Azure Web Applications
  • Just like on-premises applications, applications in the cloud need streamlined security mechanisms that are flexible. Azure Active Directory is an identity provider that can provide identity and access functionality for your custom applications or SaaS applications.
  • Lessons
  • Azure Active Directory
  • Azure AD Directories
  • Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Lab : Integrating Azure Active Directory with the Events Administration Portal

Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions

21.000,00 kr

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