Til start bliver de essentielle hovedpunkter inden for programmering i C# opridset, så man er sikret et godt udgangspunkt for videre læring på kurset. Efterfølgende arbejdes videre med relevante C# begreber såsom multithreading, program flow, events/callbacks og exception handling. Desuden får du en forståelse for kryptering og dekryptering af data, og hvordan det effektivt kan håndteres ved hjælp af .NET funktionaliteter. Derudover arbejdes med håndtering af klasser og objekter samt fejlfinding og validering af input-data. Yderligere vil du blive præsenteret for teknikker indenfor datahåndtering inklusive anvendelse af LINQ-teknologien. LINQ er en .NET Framework-komponent som giver query-funktionalitet med SQL-lignende syntaks i .NET-sprog. På kurset vil du samtidig få en bred indføring i asynkron programmering; her med fokus på bl.a. brugergrænseflade og web-servers. Yderligere introduceres du til Collections, der erstatter det traditionelle Array i programmering. Kort sagt gør kurset dig i stand til langt mere effektivt at bruge relevante .NET funktionaliteter i dit udviklingsarbejde fx i Visual Studio.
Module 1: Review of C# Syntax
- This module reviews the core syntax and features of the C# programming language. It also provides an introduction to the Visual Studio 2012 debugger.
- Overview of Writing Applications using C#
- Datatypes, Operators, and Expressions
- C# Programming Language Constructs Module 2: Creating Methods, Handling Exceptions, and Monitoring Applications
- This module explains how to create and call methods, catch and handle exceptions. This module also describes the monitoring requirements of large-scale applications.
- Creating and Invoking Methods
- Creating Overloaded Methods and Using Optional and Output Parameters
- Handling Exceptions
- Monitoring Applications Module 3: Developing the Code for a Graphical Application
- This module describes how to implement the basic structure and essential elements of a typical desktop application, including using structures and enumerations, collections, and events.
- Implementing Structs and Enums
- Organizing Data into Collections
- Handling Events Module 4: Creating Classes and Implementing Type-safe Collections
- This module explains how to create classes, define and implement interfaces, and create and use generic collections. This module also describes the differences between value types and reference types in C#.
- Creating Classes
- Defining and Implementing Interfaces
- Implementing Type-safe Collections Module 5: Creating a Class Hierarchy by Using Inheritance
- This module explains how to use inheritance to create a class hierarchy and extend a .NET Framework class. This module also describes how to create generic classes and define extension methods.
- Creating Class Hierarchies
- Extending .NET Framework Classes
- Creating Generic Types Module 6: Reading and Writing Local Data
- This module explains how to read and write data by using file input/output (I/O) and streams, and how to serialize and deserialize data in different formats.
- Reading and Writing Files
- Serializing and Deserializing Data
- Performing I/O Using Streams Module 7: Accessing a Database
- This module explains how to create and use an entity data model for accessing a database, and how to use LINQ to query and update data.
- Creating and Using Entity Data Models
- Querying Data by Using LINQ
- Updating Data by Using LINQ Module 8: Accessing Remote Data
- This module explains how to use the types in the System.Net namespace, and WCF Data Services, to query and modify remote data.
- Accessing Data Across the Web
- Accessing Data in the Cloud Module 9: Designing the User Interface for a Graphical Application
- This module explains how to build and style a graphical user interface by using XAML. This module also describes how to display data in a user interface by using data binding.
- Using XAML to Design a User Interface
- Binding Controls to Data
- Styling a User Interface Module 10: Improving Application Performance and Responsiveness
- This module explains how to improve the throughput and response time of applications by using tasks and asynchronous operations.
- Implementing Multitasking by using Tasks and Lambda Expressions
- Performing Operations Asynchronously
- Synchronizing Concurrent Access to Data Module 11: Integrating with Unmanaged Code
- This module explains how to integrate unmanaged libraries and dynamic components into a C# application. This module also describes how to control the lifetime of unmanaged resources.
- Creating and Using Dynamic Objects
- Managing the Lifetime of Objects and Controlling Unmanaged Resources Module 12: Creating Reusable Types and Assemblies
- This module explains how to examine the metadata of types by using reflection, create and use custom attributes, generate managed code at runtime, and manage different versions of assemblies.
- Examining Object Metadata
- Creating and Using Custom Attributes
- Generating Managed Code
- Versioning, Signing and Deploying Assemblies Module 13: Encrypting and Decrypting Data
- This module explains how to encrypt and decrypt data by using symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
- Implementing Symmetric Encryption
- Implementing Asymmetric Encryption