LPI (Linux Professional Institute, har defineret et certificeringsforløb bestÃ¥ende af to niveauer (hver med to tests): LPIC-1 og LPIC-2. Ãnsker du den fulde certificering, skal du bestÃ¥ begge tests pÃ¥ hvert niveau. Dette kursus gennemgÃ¥r de emner, der indgÃ¥r i anden test pÃ¥ niveauet LPIC-1. Ring til SuperUsers, hvis du ønsker at gÃ¥ op til test -- det er helt frivilligt. Kurset er et koncentreret forløb, som gennemgÃ¥r installation og konfiguration af en Linux-netværksklient samt simple netværksservices (pÃ¥ Linux netværks-server), med bÃ¥de teori og øvelser.
Shells, Scripting and Data Management
- Customize and use the shell environment
- Customize or write simple scripts
- SQL data management User Interfaces and Desktops
- Setup a display manager
- Accessibility Administrative Tasks
- Manage user and group accounts and related system files
- Automate system administration tasks by scheduling jobs
- Localisation and internationalisation Essential System Services
- Maintain system time
- System logging
- Mail Tranfer Agent (MTA) basics
- Manage printers and printing Networking Fundamentals
- Fundamentals of internet protocols
- Basic network configuration
- Basic network troubleshooting
- Configure client side DNS Security
- Perform security administration tasks
- Setup host security
- Securing data with encryption