Dette kursus giver en basis forståelse af Chefs centrale komponenter, grundlæggende arkitektur, almindeligt anvendte værktøjer og grundlæggende metoder.
Virtuelt kursus
Dette virtuelle kursus foregår på din egen computer live via GoToMeeting med en engelsktalende underviser. Under kurset har du mulighed for at stille spørgsmål, deltage i diskussioner, se whiteboard på din skærm og lave lab øvelser.
Learn the basics of Chef by taking Chef Essentials The Chef Essentials course provides a basic understanding of Chefs core components, basic architecture, commonly used tools, and basic troubleshooting methods.Each of the core units includes hands-on exercises that will give you confidence in your new skills. At the end of the course, youll come away with a repo and the skills to start automating your own infrastructure. Forudsætninger We recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisites:
Writing code (of just about any flavour) in a text editor
Working on the command line
Performing basic system administration - installing packages, configuring those packages, starting services
At this course you will learn how to:
Learn what it ...
... means to turn infrastructure into code so that you can automate the configuration, deployment and management of your servers.
Youll also learn about Chef architecture and the set of tools included in the Chef Development Kit (ChefDK). Finally, well show you how to test your infrastructure code so that you can deploy with confidence
You will learn about:
Læs mere om vores virtuelle kurser og se svar på dine spørgsmål (FAQ).
Chef Resources
Testing Cookbooks
Ohai and the Node Object
Data Abstraction
Workstation Installation
The Chef Server
Community Cookbooks
Managing Multiple Nodes
Further resources
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