Teknologisk Institut

Advanced Automated Administration with Windows PowerShell [10962]
Advanced Automated Administration with Windows PowerShell [10962]

Advanced Automated Administration with Windows PowerShell [10962]


Lær at automatisere administrative opgaver og funktioner ved hjælp af PowerShell 5.1. Vi kigger på arbejdet med scripts herunder core scripting, writing controller scripts og håndtering af fejl i scripts. Desuden lærer du at arbejde med Windows PowerShell Workflow, REST API og XML og JSON formaterede datafiler, nye administrationsværktøjer som Desired State Configuration (DSC) og Just Enough Administration (JEA) til konfigurering og sikring af servere. Kurset er bygget på Windows Server 2016 og Windows 10. Forudsætninger Before attending this course, students must have:

    Experience with using Windows PowerShell to run commands and to create basic non-modularized scripts or knowledge equivalent to the content covered in course Automating Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell [10961]
    Experience with Windows networking technilogies and implementation, experience with Windows Server and Windows Client administration

    This course is intended for IT Professionals who are experienced in general Windows Server and Windows Client administration.

    Module 1: Creating advanced functions

    Converting a command into an advanced function
    Creating a script module
    Defining parameter attributes and input validation
    Writing functions that accept pipeline input
    Producing complex pipeline output
    Documenting functions by using comment-based help ...%%%

    Supporting –WhatIf and -Confirm

    Module 2: Using Microsoft .NET Framework and REST API in Windows PowerShell

    Using Microsoft .NET Framework in Windows PowerShell
    Using REST API in Windows PowerShell

    Module 3: Writing controller scripts

    Introducing controller scripts
    Writing controller scripts that display a user interface
    Writing controller scripts that produce reports

    Module 4: Handling script errors

    Understanding error handling
    Handling errors and timeouts in a script

    Module 5: Using XML, JSON, and custom-formatted data

    Reading, manipulating, and writing XML-formatted data
    Reading, manipulating, and writing JSON-formatted data
    Reading and manipulating custom-formatted data

    Module 6: Enhancing server management with Desired State Configuration and Just Enough Administration

    Understanding Desired State Configuration
    Creating and deploying a DSC configuration
    Implementing Just Enough Administration

    Module 7: Analyzing and debugging scripts

    Debugging in Windows PowerShell
    Analyzing and debugging an existing script

    Module 8: Understanding Windows PowerShell Workflow

    Understanding Windows PowerShell Workflow

    Microsoft Software Assurance Vouchere
    Kurset kan betales med Software Assurance Vouchere.

    Undervisningen varetages af en erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere.

    Aktuelt online kursus
    Online kurset MOC On-Demand Advanced Automated Administration with Windows PowerShell [10962] kunne også være interessant for dig.

Advanced Automated Administration with Windows PowerShell [10962]

11.999,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30
