Teknologisk Institut

Virtual classroom: Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE)
Virtual classroom: Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE)

Virtual classroom: Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE)


Få redskaberne og den nødvendige viden til at kunne inkorporere advanceret router koncepter.

Virtuelt kursus
Dette virtuelle kursus foregår på din egen computer live via GoToMeeting med en engelsktalende underviser. Under kurset har du mulighed for at stille spørgsmål, deltage i diskussioner, se whiteboard på din skærm og lave lab øvelser.

Acquire the skills to incorporate advanced routing concepts
This 5 day course is designed to provide professionals working with medium to large networks with the skills and knowledge required to incorporate advanced routing concepts when implementing scalability for Cisco routers that are connected to LANs and WANs.

Delegates will be able to dramatically increase the number of routers and sites using these techniques instead of redesigning the network when additional sites or wiring configurations are added. Labs are an important feature of this course with 2 different types of labs being used to aid learning, discovery labs are instructor guided labs through which delegates explore new topics in an interactive way, the challenge Labs are designed to test delegates understanding of the topics being taught and to provide vital hands-on practice.



Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE) v2.0 is a five-day course designed to help delegates prepare for Cisco CCNP certification. The ROUTE course is a component of the CCNP curriculum.

We recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisites:

Knowledge and skill level equal to Cisco CCNA certification
Knowledge and experience of the implementation and verification of enterprise routing and switching technologies as offered by the Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices Part 1 Version 2.0 (ICND1) and Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices Part 2 Version 2.0 (ICND2) courses or equivalent skills and knowledge

Please Note: In addition to knowledge and skill level equal to Cisco CCNA certification, it is recommended that the learner has
practical experience in installing, operating and maintaining Cisco routers and switches in an enterprise environment.

Target Audience
The primary audience for this course is:

Network professionals who want to correctly implement routing based solutions given a network design using Cisco IOS services and features, where implementation of routing includes planning, configuring and verification
The typical job roles for this type of professional are network engineers, network operations center (NOC)
technical support personnel, or help desk technicians

The secondary audience for this course is:

Any individual involved in implementation and verification of routing protocols in the enterprise networks

At the end of this course you will be able to:

Describe routing protocols, different remote connectivity options, and their impact on routing and implement RIPng
Configure EIGRP in IPv4 and IPv6 environment
Configure OSPF in IPv4 and IPv6 environment
Implement route redistribution using filtering mechanisms
Implement path control using policy based routing and IP SLA
Implement enterprise Internet connectivity
Secure Cisco routers according to best practices and configure authentication for routing protocols

Couse overview:

Basic Network and Routing Concepts

Differentiating Routing Protocols
Understanding Network Technologies
Connecting Remote Locations with the Headquarters
Implementing RIPng

EIGRP Implementation

Establishing EIGRP Neighbor Relationships
Building the EIGRP Topology Table
Optimizing EIGRP Behavior
Configuring EIGRP for IPv6
Discovering Named EIGRP Configuration

OSPF Implementation

Establishing OSPF Neighbor Relationship
Building the Link State Database
Optimizing OSPF Behavior
Configuring OSPFv3

Configuration of Redistribution

Implementing Basic Routing Protocol Redistribution
Manipulating Redistribution Using Route Filtering

Path Control Implementation

Using Cisco Express Forwarding Switching
Implementing Path Control

Enterprise Internet Connectivity

Planning Enterprise Internet Connectivity
Establishing Single-Homed IPv4 Internet Connectivity
Establishing Single-Homed IPv6 Internet Connectivity
Improving Resilience of Internet Connectivity
Considering Advantages of Using BGP
Implementing Basic BGP Operations
Using BGP Attributes and Path Selection Process
Controlling BGP Routing Updates
Implementing BGP for IPv6 Internet Connectivity

Routers and Routing Protocol Hardening

Securing Cisco Routers
Describing Routing Protocol Authentication Options
Configuring EIGRP Authentication
Configuring OSPF Authentication
Configuring BGP Authentication

Challenge Labs

Lab 1: Configure RIPng
Lab 2: Configure EIGRP
Lab 3: Configure and Optimize EIGRP for IPv6
Lab 4: Implement EIGRP for IPv4 and IPv6 Through
Named Configuration
Lab 5: Configure OSPF
Lab 6: Optimize OSPF
Lab 7: Configure OSPFv3
Lab 8: Implement Redistribution Using Route Filtering
Lab 9: Implement Path Control
Lab 10: Configuring BGP
Lab 11: Configure Authentication for EIGRP Routes
Lab 12: Configure BGP Authentication
Lab 6-1: Configure BGP Operations
Lab 6-2: Manipulate EBGP Path selections

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Virtual classroom: Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE)

22.499,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30
