Teknologisk Institut

Agil projektledelse
Agil projektledelse

Agil projektledelse


The course Agile Project Management provides you with an introduction to the basic elements of agile ways of working. You will gain a solid foundation of how to use agile methods and tools and you will have the opportunity to actually practice agile techniques. The course is specifically designed for those who work in projects and who wish to achieve better results through the use of agile approaches.

>> Available in Danish <<

Adapt to the changed requirements and expectations with agile product development
Agile product development and agile project management have become increasingly popular over the last couple of decades, and for good reason. Organizations face constant changes to their products and services resulting in needs to adapt to new customer demands and regulatory requirements. Agile product development in projects is a good way to adapt to these rapidly changing requirements and expectations. This to ensure that you are delivering the right product to your customers (both internal and external) and that you are delivering it the right way (at the right quality).

Participant profile
This course is designed for those who are interested ...


... in getting access to agile tools, knowledge about agile concepts, agile frameworks and agile techniques – and who would like to be able to use all this in a practical project context immediately after the course.

Please note that you can apply for funding through the Finance Competence Fund (Finanskompetencepuljen) for this course if you are employed in a company covered by the agreement between FA and Finansforbundet.

You do not need any special prerequisites to participate in the course, but it will be an advantage if you have a basic understanding of projects as a working method.

Course benefits
Understand how agile product development differs from plan-driven development methods
Learn about the gains and pitfalls of both approaches
Understand the most common agile frameworks (e.g., Scrum, Kanban, Lean startup) and how they can be applied in a project context
Understand roles and responsibilities in Scrum and in the Spotify model
Learn basic agile techniques and methods, such as value proposition canvas, product vision, product and sprint goals, user stories, release planning, product backlog refinement, user stories, and planning poker
Learn to take an adaptive approach to project management to ensure that the right user product is developed

Definition of agile and how it differs from a plan-driven approach to projects
The Manifesto for Agile Product Development
Benefits and pitfalls of using agile approaches
Introduction to basic agile approaches (e.g. Scrum, Kanban, Lean Startup)
Timeboxing and how it affects your ability to remain in control
Agile tools and techniques for planning and management
Value proposition canvas
Product vision statement
Product goals and Sprint goals
Product backlog creation, management, and refinement
User stories and acceptance criteria
Release planning
Estimation techniques such as planning poker
Burn charts to measure progress
MoSCoW prioritization as a technique that helps you safeguard the quality of the products
Visualization through boards and information radiators
Roles in agile product development and how we can apply these along with the traditional project management roles
Product Owner
Scrum Master
Development Team
Roles in the Spotify model
Agile leadership – behaviour and servant leadership

Practice makes perfect! This is a practice-oriented course that translates theory into practice, so you learn the techniques through exercises. Therefore, you will practice what you have learned immediately, as close to reality as possible.

Course taught in English. Course material in English.


Flemming has been responsible for the planning, execution, and implementation of numerous projects in both the private and the public sector. In addition to his extensive practical experience, Flemming excels in project management methodologies, encompassing both agile and traditional approaches. As an adept instructor, Flemming emphasizes active student engagement and participation. Flemming holds certifications in SAFe, Scrum, AgilePM®, PRINCE2®, PRINCE2 Agile®, MSP®, and ITIL.

Tilpas jer de ændrede krav og forventninger med agil produktudvikling
Agil produktudvikling og ledelse af agile projekter anvendes mere og mere i disse dage, og med god grund. På tværs af utallige sektorer står organisationer over for konstante ændringer i deres produkter og services for at tilpasse sig skiftende kundekrav og behov. Agil produktudvikling i projekter er en god måde at tilpasse sig disse hurtigt ændrede krav og forventninger. Får vi leveret det rigtige produkt til vores brugere, og får vi det leveret rigtigt?

Dette kursus er for dig, der har en interesse i at få værktøjer, viden om koncepter, frameworks og teknikker i agil projektledelse, og som ønsker agile arbejdsredskaber.

Du kan søge om støtte gennem Finanskompetencepuljen til dette kursus, hvis du er ansat i en virksomhed, der er omfattet af overenskomsten mellem FA og Finansforbundet.

Du behøver ingen særlige forudsætninger for at deltage i kurset, men det vil være en fordel, hvis du har en basal forståelse af projektet som arbejdsform.

Kurset Agil Projektledelse giver dig en introduktion til de basale elementer i at arbejde agilt. Du får et godt kendskab til, hvordan du kan bruge agile metoder og værktøjer i en projektsammenhæng, og så får du mulighed for at træne teknikkerne i praksis. Kurset er designet til dig, der arbejder i projekter, og som ønsker at opnå bedre resultater ved brug af agile tilgange.

Forstå, hvordan agil produktudvikling adskiller sig fra plandrevne udviklingsmetoder
Lær, hvilke gevinster og faldgruber, der er ved begge tilgange
Forstå de mest almindelige agile frameworks (f.eks. Scrum, Kanban, Lean startup) og hvordan de kan anvendes i en projektkontekst
Få grundlæggende agile teknikker og metoder samt reflektere over, hvordan de kan anvendes i et projekt
Lær at tage en adaptiv tilgang til projektledelse for at sikre, at det rigtige brugerprodukt bliver udviklet

Øvelse gør mester! Dette er et praksisnært kursus, der omsætter teori til praksis, så du lærer teknikkerne gennem øvelser. Derfor vil du træne det lærte med det samme, så virkelighedsnært som muligt.

Læs mere om agile projekter her.

Definition af agil og hvordan det adskiller sig fra en plandreven tilgang til projekter
Manifestet for agil produktudvikling
Udbytte og faldgruber ved at anvende agile tilgange
Introduktion til grundlæggende agile tilgange (f.eks. Scrum og Kanban)
Timeboxing og hvordan det har indflydelse på din evne til at forblive i kontrol
Agile værktøjer og teknikker til planlægning og styring
- Kravspecifikation via user stories
- Estimeringsteknikker såsom planning poker
- Burn-charts til at måle fremdrift
- MoSCow prioritering som en teknik der hjælper dig med at beskytte kvaliteten af produkterne
- Visualisering via boards og information radiators
Roller i den agile produktudvikling og hvordan vi kan anvende disse sammen med de traditionelle projektledelsesroller
- Product Owner
- Scrum Master
- Development team
Lederskab i agile – adfærd og servant lederskab

Agil projektledelse

14.499,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30
