Kom vidt omkring inden for sammenkoblinger, netværk og forbindelser i et Cisco netværk, med dette kursus som er del 1 ud af 2. Kurset beskæftiger sig med en lang række punkter som identifikation af trusler, troubleshooting, firewalls, accespoints og implementering af VLANs, samt en masse andet tilknyttet Cisco netværk.
Virtuelt kursus
Dette virtuelle kursus foregår på din egen computer live via GoToMeeting med en engelsktalende underviser. Under kurset har du mulighed for at stille spørgsmål, deltage i diskussioner, se whiteboard på din skærm og lave lab øvelser.
Interconnection with Cisco part 1
The Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, Part 1 (ICND1) v3.0 course provides you with the knowledge and skills that are needed to know to install, operate, configure, and verify a basic IPv4 and IPv6 network, including configuring a LAN switch, configuring an IP router, managing network devices, and identifying basic security threats. The course focuses on the functions of networking, knowledge of Cisco routers and switches, establishing internet connectivity, managing ACLs, configuring device security, implementing VLANs and trunks, configuring static routing and RIPv2, and becoming familiar with IPv6. You will also learn how to perform ...
... basic troubleshooting steps in enterprise branch office networks, preparing learners for Cisco CCNA certification.
The course also focuses on understanding the interactions and network functions of firewalls, wireless controllers and access points, along with additional focus on IPv6 and basic network security.
All configuration commands are introduced through examples and supported with lab exercises. A full suite of labs have been developed using the virtual IOS environment with flexible topologies that reinforce concepts with hands-on, guided discovery and challenge labs that align to each lesson module.
We recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisites:
Basic computer literacy
Basic PC operating system navigation skills
Basic Internet usage skills
Basic IP address knowledge.
Target Audience
This course is intended for:
Individuals seeking the Cisco CCENT certification, or Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching certification.
The course is also appropriate for support technicians involved in the basic installation, operation, and verification of LAN networks.
This course is part of the following Certifications:
Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT)
Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing and Switching (CCNA)
The course prepares you for the Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 certification. Further more it also prepares you for the following course: Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 2 (ICND2)
At the end of this course you will be able to:
Describe network fundamentals and build simple LANs
Establish Internet connectivity
Manage network device security
Expand small to medium sized networks with WAN connectivity
Describe IPv6 basics
Couse overview:
Module 1: Building a Simple Network
Lesson 1: Exploring the Functions of Networking
Lesson 2: Understanding the Host-to-Host Communications Model
Lesson 3: Introducing LANs
Lesson 4: Operating Cisco IOS Software
Lesson 5: Starting a Switch
Lesson 6: Understanding Ethernet and Switch Operation
Lesson 7: Troubleshooting Common Switch Media Issues
Module 2: Establishing Internet Connectivity
Lesson 1: Understanding the TCP/IP Internet Layer
Lesson 2: Understanding IP Addressing and Subnets
Lesson 3: Understanding the TCP/IP Transport Layer
Lesson 4: Exploring the Functions of Routing
Lesson 5: Configuring a Cisco Router
Lesson 6: Exploring the Packet Delivery Process
Lesson 7: Enabling Static Routing
Lesson 8: Learning the Basics of ACL
Lesson 9: Enabling Internet Connectivity
Module 3: Summary Challenge
Establish Internet Connectivity
Troubleshoot Internet Connectivity
Module 4: Building a Medium-Sized Network
Lesson 1: Implementing VLANs and Trunks
Lesson 2: Routing Between VLANs
Lesson 3: Using a Cisco IOS Network Device as a DHCP Server
Lesson 4: Implementing RIPv2
Module 5: Network Device Management and Security
Lesson 1: Securing Administrative Access
Lesson 2: Implementing Device Hardening
Lesson 3: Configuring System Message Logging
Lesson 4: Managing Cisco Devices
Lesson 5: Licensing
Module 6: Summary Challenge
Lesson 1: Implementing a Medium-Sized Network
Lesson 2: Troubleshooting a Medium-Sized Network
Module 7: Introducing IPv6
Lesson 1: Introducing Basic IPv6
Lesson 2: Understanding IPv6 Operation
Lesson 3: Configuring IPv6 Static Routing
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