Teknologisk Institut

Installing and Configuring Windows 10 [20698]
Installing and Configuring Windows 10 [20698]

Installing and Configuring Windows 10 [20698]


Få viden og færdigheder, til at installere, konfigurere, administrere og vedligeholde Windows i et Windows Server AD DS domain environment. Du lærer bl.a om Windows 10, applikationer, lokal og fjern-netværksforbindelse, samt konfiguration af lokal og online-lagring. Derudover lærer du også, hvordan du konfigurerer sikkerhed, opdatere og gendanne Windows 10.

Experience deploying and configuring Windows 8, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10.
Experience deploying and configuring Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2016 Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS).
Experience deploying and configuring network services, including DNS, in Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2016.
Windows Client essentials, such as a working knowledge of Windows 8.1, Windows 8, or Windows 7.

This course is intended for IT professionals who administer and support Windows 10 desktops and devices in small to medium-sized networks. The networks with which these professionals typically work are configured as AD DS domain-based environments with managed access to the Internet and cloud services.

Students who seek certification in exam 70-698: Installing and Configuring Windows 10 also will benefit from this course. In addition, this course is intended to provide skills ...


... for Enterprise Desktop/Device Support Technicians (EDSTs) who work in small to medium-sized organizations, and who provide Tier 1 or Tier 2 support to users running Windows 10 desktops and devices within a Windows domain environment.


Module 1: Installing Windows 10

Overview of Windows 10
Planning your Windows 10 deployment
Installing and deploying Windows 10
Upgrading to Windows 10
Windows 10 installation maintenance
Managing volume activation

Module 2: Performing post-installation configuration

Overview of management tools
Customizing the user interface
Managing devices, device drivers, and services
Configuring features, mobility, and power options
Overview of Client Hyper-V

Module 3: Implementing networking

Homegroups, workgroups, and domains
Configuring IPv4 network connectivity
Configuring IPv6 network connectivity
Implementing name resolution
Troubleshooting network connectivity
Implementing wireless network connectivity

Module 4: Implementing network security

Implementing Windows Firewall
Connection security rules
Implementing Windows Defender

Module 5: Managing Windows 10 with Group Policy

Overview of Group Policy
Configuring Windows 10 devices with GPOs

Module 6: Implementing remote management

Using Remote Desktop
Using Remote Assistance
Remoting with Windows PowerShell

Module 7: Managing storage

Overview of storage options
Managing disks, partitions, and volumes
Maintaining disks and volumes
Implementing Storage Spaces
Implementing and managing OneDrive
Working with virtual hard disks

Module 8: Managing files and resources

Overview of file systems
Configuring and managing file access
Managing shared folders
Implementing Work Folders
Managing printers

Module 9: Deploying and managing apps

Overview of apps in Windows 10
The Windows Store and Windows Store for Business
Automating app deployment
Configure web browsers

Module 10: Securing Windows 10

Managing user accounts
Configuring UAC
Implementing and Managing BitLocker

Module 11: Implementing remote connectivity

Overview of remote connectivity options
Implementing VPNs
Implementing DirectAccess

Module 12: Maintaining Windows 10

Updating Windows 10
Monitoring Windows 10

Module 13: Recovering Windows 10

Recovering files
Performing system recovery

Kurset leder hen mod eksamen 70-698 Installing and Configuring Windows 10. Eksamen bestilles og betales særskilt. Eksamen 70-698 er en del af certificeringen MCSA Windows 10 .

Læs mere om IT-certificering her.

Microsoft Software Assurance Voucher
Kurset kan betales med 5 SA vouchere.

Undervisningen varetages af en erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere.

Installing and Configuring Windows 10 [20698]

19.499,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30
