Teknologisk Institut

Securing Windows Server 2016 [20744]
Securing Windows Server 2016 [20744]

Securing Windows Server 2016 [20744]


Lær, hvordan du øger sikkerheden på jeres IT-infrastruktur. Kurset tager udgangspunkt i, at der er allerede er sket et brud på netværket, og hvordan du forhindrer at det gentager sig. Du lærer også, hvordan du beskytter rettigheder og oplysninger bedst muligt og hvordan det er muligt at begrænse unødvendige handlinger samtidig med at driften opretholdes.

This course also details how you can mitigate malware threats, identify security issues by using auditing and the Advanced Threat Analysis feature in Windows Server 2016, secure your virtualization platform, and use new deployment options, such as Nano server and containers to enhance security. The course also explains how you can help protect access to files by using encryption and dynamic access control, and how you can enhance your network’s security.

Students should have at least two years of experience in the IT field and should have:

Completed courses 20740, 20741, and 20742, or the equivalent.
A solid, practical understanding of networking fundamentals, including TCP/IP, User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and Domain Name System (DNS).
A solid, practical understanding of Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) principles.
A solid, practical understanding of Microsoft ...


... Hyper-V virtualization fundamentals.
An understanding of Windows Server security principles.

This course is for IT professionals who need to administer Windows Server 2016 networks securely. These professionals typically work with networks that are configured as Windows Server domain-based environments, with managed access to the Internet and cloud services.


Module 1: Breach detection and using the Sysinternals tools

Overview of breach detection
Using the Sysinternals tools to detect breaches

Module 2: Protecting credentials and privileged access

Understanding user rights
Computer and service accounts
Protecting credentials
Understanding privileged-access workstations and jump servers
Deploying a local administrator-password solution

Module 3: Limiting administrator rights with Just Enough Administration

Understanding JEA
Configuring and deploying JEA

Module 4: Privileged Access Management and administrative forests

Understanding ESAE forests
Overview of MIM
Implementing JIT and Privileged Access Management by using MIM

Module 5: Mitigating malware and threats

Configuring and managing Windows Defender
Using software restricting policies (SRPs) and AppLocker
Configuring and using Device Guard
Using and deploying the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit

Module 6: Analysing activity by using advanced auditing and log analytics

Overview of auditing
Understanding advanced auditing
Configuring Windows PowerShell auditing and logging

Module 7: Analysing activity with Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics feature and Operations Management Suite

Overview of Advanced Threat Analytics
Understanding OMS

Module 8: Securing your virtualization an infrastructure

Overview of Guarded Fabric VMs
Understanding shielded and encryption-supported VMs

Module 9: Securing application development and server-workload infrastructure

Using Security Compliance Manager
Introduction to Nano Server
Understanding containers

Module 10: Protecting data with encryption

Planning and implementing encryption
Planning and implementing BitLocker

Module 11: Limiting access to file and folders

Introduction to FSRM
Implementing classification management and file-management tasks
Understanding Dynamic Access Control (DAC)

Module 12: Using firewalls to control network traffic flow

Understanding Windows Firewall
Software-defined distributed firewalls

Module 13: Securing network traffic

Network-related security threats and connection-security rules
Configuring advanced DNS settings
Examining network traffic with Microsoft Message Analyzer
Securing SMB traffic, and analysing SMB traffic

Module 14: Updating Windows Server

Overview of WSUS
Deploying updates by using WSUS

Microsoft Software Assurance Vouchere
Kurset kan betales med 5 SA vouchere.

Undervisningen varetages af en erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere.

Securing Windows Server 2016 [20744]

19.499,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30
