Lær at implementere en virtualiseret infrastruktur ved hjælp af System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM). Du lærer også at monitorere med System Center Operation Manager (SCOM) og beskytte din infrastruktur med System Center Data Protection Manager (SCDPM). Fokus vil dog være på håndtering af en Hyper-V virtualiseret infrastruktur i Windows Server 2016, herunder også andre virtualiseringsplatforme som kan styres gennem Virtual Machine Manager 2016.
In addition to their professional experience, students who attend this training should already have the following technical knowledge:
An understanding of TCP/IP and networking concepts
An understanding of different storage technologies and concepts
Familiarity with different types of virtualizations
Familiarity with Windows Server and Windows Server administration
An understanding of Windows PowerShell
Students should have the ability to work in a team/virtual team and possess good documentation and communication skills.
Students who attend this training can meet the prerequisites by attending the following courses, or obtaining equivalent knowledge and skills:
Storage & Compute with Windows Server 2016 [20740]
Networking with Windows Server 2016 [20741]
This course is intended for IT professionals and ...
... administrators who are responsible for designing, implementing, and managing virtualization infrastructure in a software-defined datacenter by using System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager.
This course is also intended for IT decision makers who want to determine which virtualization product to implement in their software-defined datacenters and who want to become familiar with the System Center 2016 solution for managing virtualization infrastructure.
Module 1: Introduction to server virtualization
Overview of Microsoft Virtualization
Introduction to the Software-Defined Datacenter
Extending virtualization to the cloud
Module 2: Overview of Hyper-V virtualization
Installing and configuring the Hyper-V role
Creating and managing virtual hard disks and virtual machines
Creating and using Hyper-V virtual switches
Implementing failover clustering with Hyper-V
Module 3: Installing and configuring System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager
Overview of System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager
Installing System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager
Adding hosts and managing host groups
Module 4: Managing storage fabric and fabric updates
Overview of server virtualization storage technologies
Managing storage fabric
Managing fabric updates
Module 5: Configuring and managing Virtual Machine Manager library and library objects
Overview of the Virtual Machine Manager library
Preparing Windows for deployment in Virtual Machine Manager
Working with profiles
Working with VM templates
Module 6: Managing the networking fabric
Networking concepts in Virtual Machine Manager
Managing software-defined networking
Configuring network virtualization
Module 7: Creating and managing virtual machines by using Virtual Machine Manager
Virtual machine management tasks
Creating, cloning, and converting virtual machines
Module 8: Managing clouds in Virtual Machine Manager
Introduction to clouds
Creating and managing a cloud
Creating user roles in Virtual Machine Manager
Module 9: Managing services in Virtual Machine Manager
Overview of services in Virtual Machine Manager
Creating and managing services in Virtual Machine Manager
Module 10: Monitoring virtualization infrastructure by using System Center Operations Manager
Operations Manager architecture and security
Using Operations Manager for monitoring and reporting
Integrating Operations Manager with Virtual Machine Manager and Data Protection Manager
Module 11: Implementing and managing Hyper-V Replica and Azure Site Recovery
Implementing and managing Hyper-V Replica
Implementing and managing Azure Site Recovery
Module 12: Protecting virtualization infrastructure by using Data Protection Manager
Overview of backup and restore options for virtual machines
Configuring and managing Data Protection Manager for virtualization infrastructure protection
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