Teknologisk Institut

Advanced Technologies of SharePoint 2016 [20339-2]
Advanced Technologies of SharePoint 2016 [20339-2]

Advanced Technologies of SharePoint 2016 [20339-2]


Lær, hvordan du planlægger, konfigurere og administrere de avancerede funktionaliteter i SharePoint 2016. Kurset fokuserer på implementering af high availability, disaster recovery, service application architecture og Microsoft Business Connectivity Services. Du lærer også om Business Intelligence solutions, Enterprise Content Management, Web Content management infrastructure, solutions og apps.

Kurset er for dig som skal installere, konfigurere, implementere og administrere en SharePoint 2016 installation, enten i et datacenter eller i en cloudløsning.

Du forventes at have deltaget på kurset Planning and Administering SharePoint 2016 [20339-1] eller have tilsvarende viden, herunder praktisk erfaring med administration af SharePoint samt erfaring med andre teknologier som SharePoint afhænger af fx Windows Server 2012 R2 eller 2016, Internet Information Services (IIS), Microsoft SQL Server 2014 eller 2016, Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) og networking infrastructure services.


Module 1: Introduction to SharePoint 2016

Core components of the SharePoint 2016 architecture
New, deprecated, and removed features in SharePoint 2016
SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint Online editions

Module 2: Introduction to hybrid scenarios for SharePoint 2016

Exploring the hybrid features in SharePoint 2016
Preparing for a hybrid SharePoint 2016 deployment ...%%%


Module 3: Designing business continuity management strategies

Designing database topologies for high availability and disaster recovery
Designing a SharePoint infrastructure for high availability
Planning for disaster recovery

Module 4: Planning and implementing Business Connectivity Services and Secure Store Service

Planning and configuring BCS
Configuring the Secure Store Service
Managing BCS models

Module 5: Configuring productivity services for a SharePoint 2016 deployment

Understanding the SharePoint Add-in architecture
Provisioning and managing apps and App Catalogs
Provisioning productivity services

Module 6: Managing solutions in Microsoft SharePoint 2016

Understanding the SharePoint 2016 solution architecture
Managing sandboxed solutions

Module 7: Connecting people

Managing user profiles
Enabling social interaction
Building communities

Module 8: Planning and configuring web content management

Planning and implementing a web content management infrastructure
Configuring managed navigation and catalog sites
Supporting multiple languages and locales
Enabling design and customization
Supporting mobile users

Module 9: Planning and configuring Enterprise Content Management

Planning Enterprise Content Management
Planning and configuring eDiscovery
Planning records management

Module 10: Planning and configuring business intelligence solutions

Planning BI architecture
Planning, deploying, and managing BI services
Planning and configuring advanced analysis tools

Module 11: Planning and configuring productivity and collaboration

Planning and configuring collaboration features
Planning and configuring composites

Module 12: Upgrading and migrating to SharePoint 2016

Preparing for an upgrade or migration
Upgrade to SharePoint 2016
Planning and managing a site-collection upgrade

Microsoft Software Assurance Vouchere
Kurset kan betales med 5 SA vouchere.

Undervisningen varetages af en erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere.

Advanced Technologies of SharePoint 2016 [20339-2]

19.499,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30
