Få den nødvendige viden og færdigheder til at kunne implementere og konfigurere Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) i et distribueret miljø på Windows Server 2016. Du lærer også, hvordan du implementerer Group Policy, udfører back-up og restore samt monitorering og fejlsøgning af problemer relateret til Active Directory. Derudover gennemgås emner som Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) og Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS).
Kurset er for IT Professionelle som har kendskab til AD DS, og som ønsker at viden om Identity og Access teknologierne i Windows Server 2016.
Kurset henvender sig også til dig som er System- og infrastrukturadministratorer, og som ønsker at videreudvikle din viden på Windows Server 2016.
Du forventes at have kendskab til konfigurering af Windows Server 2012 eller Windows Server 2016 samt en forståelse for AD DS, grundlæggende netværksteknologi svarende til kurset Networking with Windows Server 2016.
Module 1: Installing and configuring domain controllers
Overview of AD DS
Overview of AD DS domain controllers
Deploying domain controller
Module 2: Managing objects in AD DS
Managing user accounts
Managing groups in AD DS ...%%%
Managing computer objects in AD DS
Using Windows PowerShell for AD DS administration
Implementing and managing organizational units
Module 3: Advanced AD DS infrastructure management
Overview of advanced AD DS deployments
Deploying a distributed AD DS environment
Configuring AD DS trusts
Module 4: Implementing and administering AD DS sites and replication
Overview of AD DS replication
Configuring AD DS sites
Configuring and monitoring AD DS replication
Module 5: Implementing Group Policy
Introducing Group Policy
Implementing and administering GPOs
Group Policy scope and Group Policy processing
Troubleshooting the application of GPOs
Module 6: Managing user settings with GPOs
Implementing administrative templates
Configuring Folder Redirection and scripts
Configuring Group Policy preferences
Module 7: Securing AD DS
Securing domain controllers
Implementing account security
Implementing audit authentication
Configuring managed service accounts (MSAs)
Module 8: Deploying and managing AD CS
Deploying CAs
Administering CAs
Troubleshooting and maintaining CAs
Module 9: Deploying and managing certificates
Deploying and managing certificate templates
Managing certificate deployment, revocation, and recovery
Using certificates in a business environment
Implementing and managing smart cards
Module 10: Implementing and administering AD FS
Overview of AD FS
AD FS requirements and planning
Deploying and configuring AD FS
Web Application Proxy Overview
Module 11: Implementing and administering AD RMS
Overview of AD RMS
Deploying and managing an AD RMS infrastructure
Configuring AD RMS content protection
Module 12: Implementing AD DS synchronization with Azure AD
Planning and preparing for directory synchronization
Implementing directory synchronization by using Azure AD Connect
Managing identities with directory synchronization
Module 13: Monitoring, managing, and recovering AD DS
Monitoring AD DS
Managing Active Directory database
Active Directory backup and recovery options for AD DS and other identity and access solutions
Microsoft Software Assusance Vouchere Kurset kan betales med 5 stk. SA vouchere.
Underviser Undervisningen varetages af en erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere.
Deltagerprofil Kurset er for IT Professionelle som har kendskab til AD DS, og som ønsker at viden om Identity og Access teknologierne i Windows Server 2016.
Kurset henvender sig også til dig som er System- og infrastrukturadministratorer, og som ønsker at videreudvikle din viden på Windows Server 2016.
Du forventes at have kendskab til konfigurering af Windows Server 2012 eller Windows Server 2016 samt en forståelse for AD DS, grundlæggende netværksteknologi svarende til kurset Networking with Windows Server 2016.
Få den nødvendige viden og færdigheder til at kunne implementere og konfigurere Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) i et distribueret miljø på Windows Server 2016. Du lærer også, hvordan du implementerer Group Policy, udfører back-up og restore samt monitorering og fejlsøgning af problemer relateret til Active Directory. Derudover gennemgås emner som Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) og Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS).
Microsoft Software Assusance Vouchere Kurset kan betales med 5 stk. SA vouchere.
Indhold Module 1: Installing and configuring domain controllers
Overview of AD DS
Overview of AD DS domain controllers
Deploying domain controller
Module 2: Managing objects in AD DS
Managing user accounts
Managing groups in AD DS
Managing computer objects in AD DS
Using Windows PowerShell for AD DS administration
Implementing and managing organizational units
Module 3: Advanced AD DS infrastructure management
Overview of advanced AD DS deployments
Deploying a distributed AD DS environment
Configuring AD DS trusts
Module 4: Implementing and administering AD DS sites and replication
Overview of AD DS replication
Configuring AD DS sites
Configuring and monitoring AD DS replication
Module 5: Implementing Group Policy
Introducing Group Policy
Implementing and administering GPOs
Group Policy scope and Group Policy processing
Troubleshooting the application of GPOs
Module 6: Managing user settings with GPOs
Implementing administrative templates
Configuring Folder Redirection and scripts
Configuring Group Policy preferences
Module 7: Securing AD DS
Securing domain controllers
Implementing account security
Implementing audit authentication
Configuring managed service accounts (MSAs)
Module 8: Deploying and managing AD CS
Deploying CAs
Administering CAs
Troubleshooting and maintaining CAs
Module 9: Deploying and managing certificates
Deploying and managing certificate templates
Managing certificate deployment, revocation, and recovery
Using certificates in a business environment
Implementing and managing smart cards
Module 10: Implementing and administering AD FS
Overview of AD FS
AD FS requirements and planning
Deploying and configuring AD FS
Web Application Proxy Overview
Module 11: Implementing and administering AD RMS
Overview of AD RMS
Deploying and managing an AD RMS infrastructure
Configuring AD RMS content protection
Module 12: Implementing AD DS synchronization with Azure AD
Planning and preparing for directory synchronization
Implementing directory synchronization by using Azure AD Connect
Managing identities with directory synchronization
Module 13: Monitoring, managing, and recovering AD DS
Monitoring AD DS
Managing Active Directory database
Active Directory backup and recovery options for AD DS and other identity and access solutions