Teknologisk Institut

Implementing a SQL Data Warehouse [20767]
Implementing a SQL Data Warehouse [20767]

Implementing a SQL Data Warehouse [20767]


Lær, hvordan du kan anvende, designe og implementere et data warehouse med Microsoft SQL Server og Azure SQL Data Warehouse samt udvikling af ETL-løsninger med SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS). På kurset lærer du også om opbygning af et data warehouse samt udvikle en ETL-løsning, der håndterer overførsel og rensning af data med bla. SQL Server Data Quality Services og SQL Server Master Data Services.

Kurset er for dig, der til daglig arbejder med Business Intelligence. Du forventes at have et godt praktisk kendskab til relationelle databaser, Transact-SQL og grundlæggende viden om Data Warehouses, da kurset er på et højt teknisk niveau. Har du grundlæggende kendskab til programmering, vil det være en fordel.


Module 1: Introduction to Data Warehousing

Overview of Data Warehousing

Considerations for a Data Warehouse Solution

Module 2: Planning Data Warehouse Infrastructure

Considerations for Building a Data Warehouse

Data Warehouse Reference Architectures and Appliances

Module 3: Designing and Implementing a Data Warehouse

Logical Design for a Data Warehouse



Physical Design for a Data Warehouse

Module 4: Columnstore Indexes

Introduction to Columnstore Indexes

Creating Columnstore Indexes

Working with Columnstore Indexes

Module 5: Implementing an Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Advantages of Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Implementing an Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Developing an Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Migrating to an Azure SQ Data Warehouse

Module 6: Creating an ETL Solution

Introduction to ETL with SSIS

Exploring Source Data

Implementing Data Flow

Module 7: Implementing Control Flow in an SSIS Package

Introduction to Control Flow

Creating Dynamic Packages

Using Containers

Module 8: Debugging and Troubleshooting SSIS Packages

Debugging an SSIS Package

Logging SSIS Package Events

Handling Errors in an SSIS Package

Module 9: Implementing an Incremental ETL Process

Introduction to Incremental ETL

Extracting Modified Data

Temporal Tables

Module 10: Enforcing Data Quality

Introduction to Data Quality

Using Data Quality Services to Cleanse Data

Using Data Quality Services to Match Data

Module 11: Using Master Data Services

Master Data Services Concepts

Implementing a Master Data Services Model

Managing Master Data

Creating a Master Data Hub

Module 12: Extending SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)

Using Custom Components in SSIS

Using Scripting in SSIS

Module 13: Deploying and Configuring SSIS Packages

Overview of SSIS Deployment

Deploying SSIS Projects

Planning SSIS Package Execution

Module 14: Consuming Data in a Data Warehouse

Introduction to Business Intelligence

Introduction to Reporting

An Introduction to Data Analysis

Analyzing Data with Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Microsoft Software Assurance Vouchere
Du kan betale kurset med 5 SA vouchere.

Undervisningen varetages af en erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere.

Kurset er for dig, der til daglig arbejder med Business Intelligence. Du forventes at have et godt praktisk kendskab til relationelle databaser, Transact-SQL og grundlæggende viden om Data Warehouses, da kurset er på et højt teknisk niveau. Har du grundlæggende kendskab til programmering, vil det være en fordel.

Lær, hvordan du kan anvende, designe og implementere et data warehouse med Microsoft SQL Server og Azure SQL Data Warehouse samt udvikling af ETL-løsninger med SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS). På kurset lærer du også om opbygning af et data warehouse samt udvikle en ETL-løsning, der håndterer overførsel og rensning af data med bla. SQL Server Data Quality Services og SQL Server Master Data Services.

Microsoft Software Assurance Vouchere
Du kan betale kurset med 5 SA vouchere.

Module 1: Introduction to Data Warehousing

Overview of Data Warehousing

Considerations for a Data Warehouse Solution

Module 2: Planning Data Warehouse Infrastructure

Considerations for Building a Data Warehouse

Data Warehouse Reference Architectures and Appliances

Module 3: Designing and Implementing a Data Warehouse

Logical Design for a Data Warehouse

Physical Design for a Data Warehouse

Module 4: Columnstore Indexes

Introduction to Columnstore Indexes

Creating Columnstore Indexes

Working with Columnstore Indexes

Module 5: Implementing an Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Advantages of Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Implementing an Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Developing an Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Migrating to an Azure SQ Data Warehouse

Module 6: Creating an ETL Solution

Introduction to ETL with SSIS

Exploring Source Data

Implementing Data Flow

Module 7: Implementing Control Flow in an SSIS Package

Introduction to Control Flow

Creating Dynamic Packages

Using Containers

Module 8: Debugging and Troubleshooting SSIS Packages

Debugging an SSIS Package

Logging SSIS Package Events

Handling Errors in an SSIS Package

Module 9: Implementing an Incremental ETL Process

Introduction to Incremental ETL

Extracting Modified Data

Temporal Tables

Module 10: Enforcing Data Quality

Introduction to Data Quality

Using Data Quality Services to Cleanse Data

Using Data Quality Services to Match Data

Module 11: Using Master Data Services

Master Data Services Concepts

Implementing a Master Data Services Model

Managing Master Data

Creating a Master Data Hub

Module 12: Extending SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)

Using Custom Components in SSIS

Using Scripting in SSIS

Module 13: Deploying and Configuring SSIS Packages

Overview of SSIS Deployment

Deploying SSIS Projects

Planning SSIS Package Execution

Module 14: Consuming Data in a Data Warehouse

Introduction to Business Intelligence

Introduction to Reporting

An Introduction to Data Analysis

Analyzing Data with Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Implementing a SQL Data Warehouse [20767]

19.499,00 kr

+45 23 33 30 30
